Taking the plunge...

edited August 2008 in General
I'm going to adopt a male, baby, or young adult Shiba Inu. I think Myie would make a great sister to an adopted little boy. She absolutely LOVES all the other dogs around town, and when ever we pass a house where another dog lives, she has to wait and see if her buddies are going to come say hello today. She's grown particularly fond of our neighbor's Yellow Lab. I'd really like her to have some company during the day while I'm at work; and somebody to play with when spend the weekends outdoors. I have been considering this move for about a month now.
So I talked to my fiance tonight, and the only way I could get him to agree to this, was if we got one of the "cool looking Shiba's." LOL... Apparently we want a Sesame...
Anyway, all you wonderful people who work in shelters & aren't too terribly far from NY. PLEASE keep your eyes open for me. I'll be on a constant search myself, but any help would be awesome. :)


  • edited November -1
    Yaaay, Red Sesame. :) Hopefully you'll find what your looking for. Sesame seem to range in colour, and can ... end up being super unique. Toby certainly is! :D
  • edited November -1
    Are you only open to males? And what is your timeframe?
    I've been trying to figure out where to network her to for a while: http://www.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=11512503
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Don't mean to hijack (Great idea Melissa!! Rooting for ya!) but Jen, when we get to MO next month, keep us in mind for Shelly! :P
  • edited November -1
    Congrats Melissa! I think Mylie would love a little brother! Let us know how the search comes - I will keep my eyes and ears open and let you know if there is a little ball of fluff around your area. What is the age range you are looking for?
  • edited November -1
    Pam, send them an email! if they are willing, I will certainly help transport!
  • edited November -1
    Congrats! They're addictive aren't they? :-)
  • edited November -1
    For Miss Mylie, there is Rocky: http://www.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=10802713
    He is fostered by Kellie of Geigler's Precious Pups, I can give you her email, she's an awesome rescuer.
  • edited August 2008
    I'm looking, probably under the age of one, possibly two. I don't think I want too much of an age difference between Mylie her brother-to-be... & I definitely want to rescue. I want a male to avoid female tension, and my silly fiance... He picks on Mylie for being so small, so I suggested we get a male Shiba... That was part of our agreement :p But hey, if we fall in love with another female, and Mylie takes a liking to her, I can't say I wont take her home.
    No deadlines, no hurry, this is not something I am going to rush in to because I definitely want to make the right decision. I just discovered that I may be between jobs shorty which will change our option to move as planned, and if we stay, the result will be fencing in our gigantic back yard. We have an acre and a half, I can hear the dollar signs... I know most rescue place wont let you even adopt without a fenced in yard. So there are a few things we need to figure out in the next week or two.
  • edited November -1
    rocky is beautiful!!
  • edited November -1
    Oh, and Jen, Rocky looks like a SWEETHEART! I'm looking up how far away he is right now, and bookmarking his page to keep an eye on him...
  • edited November -1
    Congrats Melissa!

    Rocky is fluffy!

    Shelly is super pretty - her eyes are very pretty.

  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    That is great that you are getting a second dog.

    However the color of the Shiba should not be the deciding factor in who you decide to adopt, in fact that should be the least of your concerns. Let Mylie help pick her new brother.
  • edited November -1
    Brandon makes such a great point, while their color is attractive, it should be the last thing you think about. From trying to integrate a few fosters over the past couple years, I've come to a simple conclusion - either the pack works, or it doesn't. Although this may be more accurate with 3+, I think it still applies to 2. I think this is especially true with the shiba, who seems more sensitive to changes, in my experience anyway, because we've had two resident shibas and 3 fosters before Hachi. Only one of the three fosters (a male) would have worked out long term, and one of the fosters had to go within a week b/c of a major fight. We were a little hesitant to try it again but once they met Hachi, it seemed to work out instantly. Not that they played and loved one another right away, but there were no tensions or snarkies and it really worked out for us with integrating her, and thats why we decided to keep her as a long term resident for her rehab, or adopt her at some point.
    After a proper and effective introduction period, the dogs sort of sort it out themselves, I only try to intervene when I see tensions beginning to start.

    When you find a male that sounds like a good match for your lifestyle and situation, letting Mylie meet that dog will give you a very good perspective of their compatibility, and sometimes it works out fabulously, and sometimes it does not.

    I posted Rocky and Shelly b/c they meet the criteria of young shiba to keep up with Mylie's energy (and a shiba between 2-5 years old might actually be better to help even out Mylie's energy), they are compatible with other dogs, they are close enough to you in NY that transport wouldn't be an issue and they happen to be beautiful sesames! I can also help you integrate or work with any issues, like people phobias or what not that may come with adopting a shiba.

    If you are interested in Rocky, you can email Kellie at the email on Rocky's petfinder page, tell her Jennifer referred you. She has an adoption application, and you can tell her that I can do a home check if she needs it and vouch as a reference and help transport.
  • edited November -1
    I know how you feel. When we were looking to adopt a second dog, I had my heart set on a White Akita. Well, Mika hated that dog! But, I decided to meet some of the other dogs at the rescue. Long story short, Mika, Kurt and I fell in love with Keigo - a pinto. He's the best dog ever! Sweet, attentive and smart. I just love and adore him.
  • edited August 2008
    Oh don't get me wrong, the color is the least of my concerns... Just the convincing factor for my fiance in my plot to add another family member ;) Mylie certainly has a lot of "say" in this as well.

    Jen, I may be very interested in meeting Rocky, although I do have to figure out what we're doing as far as our home situation goes before we make any final decisions. I'm still working on getting this new job & if that works out, we will be installing a fence rather than moving. He is 6 hours from me, which isn't very far in the grand scheme of things.

    Thanks for all the help I will keep everyone posted, & please keep the suggestions coming! Sam is also a beautiful Shiba, but I am pretty far from Oklahoma...


    So this is the plan, updated from last night. If I get this job I am up for, we will not go through with plans to move. Instead, we're going to take our large plot of land & build a big garage attached to our house. The garage will have a nice heated room on the back designed specifically for our dogs to play in (I'm already searching the internet fun things to fill the room with, they're going to be so spoiled) while we're at work, where they will have a doggy door to an outdoor fenced in area to come and go as they please. That way we don't have to worry about rambunctious playtime destroying our house! I think this would be GREAT for them, that way we can keep an eye on the pups at all times when they're in the house.
    If my job falls through, we're moving and looking for a place closer to the city but still in the country where can can provide similar accommodations for the pups.
    I should know by Thursday about the job... I'm excited about looking for a second Shiba! & I think Mylie would LOVE her own room with a brother to keep her company!
  • edited November -1
    Well good luck with the job thing - we will have our paws and fingers crossed for you!!!

    If you get the job - can I move in and be one of your dogs? I promise to be good and not mess up my dog room to much. :o)

    > side note > The playroom sounds great, but don't be surprised if they sleep the whole time you are gone. I had a webcam to watch our shibas when we went to work and thought I would catch them being crazy - nope - they just sleep. lol.

  • edited August 2008
    The thought of giving Shibas free access to a yard all day (even fenced) makes me very nervous. A lot of Shibas like a challenge such as escaping a fenced yard. Jumping the fence, climbing the fence, digging a tunnel out underneath the fence are all ways that they might like to pass the time. An outside kennel run (with roof/fence across the top, inside a fenced yard seems smarter to me. Also you could lock the fence and the kennel making it double tough for anyone to steal your dogs.

    The playroom sounds like a cool idea though.
  • edited August 2008
    Very true Brandon, thank you! I think the escape tactics of a Shiba completely fell off my mind because Mylie has yet to try it. The few times she has accidentally been loose, she has been very good about it. We had her on a safety collar for a while and she easy broke free 3 times. The first time she had a blast running around the yard in circles while we frantically tried to get her back. The other two times she broke free, realized she was free & just sat there waiting pathetically for somebody to come get her. We've done away with the collar since, and have been hesitant about building a fence given what we know about Shiba's.
    An outdoor kennel may be a much better option.
  • edited November -1
    A fence is a great idea for when you are home with your dog, just not when you are gone (imo).
  • edited November -1
    I would be most concerned about theft. I cannot tell you how many dogs we get reported stolen right out of their yards. Unfortunately, people suck. The room sounds like a great idea though. And the cool thing is you have good things that happen whether you do or don't get the job. Good luck either way!!!
  • edited November -1
    People actually steal dogs regularly? That's so wrong, that's like kidnapping somebody's child!
    Well I guess I'm currently lucky to have a retired prison guard as a neighbor who keeps an almost too watchful of an eye on our property. I'm also lucky to live in Aurora, the village where everybody knows everybody else's business, which is slightly annoying, but in times of need you've got 300 people behind you. This is the type of town where, I leave my car unlocked most of the time, and if somebody were ever to try to steal something, all my rich, retired, crazy neighbors with nothing better to do, would hunt him down because chances are they're watching the neighborhood like hawks. It's a nice sense of security, but the thought of somebody trying to steal Mylie still makes me paranoid. Maybe I should get her micro chipped... Especially if we plan on moving from here.
  • edited November -1
    Either way, Micro chipping is highly recommended simply in case your Shiba escapes and doesn't return.
    There's always that one chance where she might slip out and you could lose her. D:
  • edited November -1
    I live in a rural area that was VERY rural 20 years and someone stole my Australian Shepherd right out of my yard.
  • edited November -1
    Yes people steal dogs that often. It is truly horrifying. In a lot of places (usually bigger cities) they sometimes get stolen to be used as bait dogs in fight training.

    And yes, go get a microchip!
  • edited November -1
    Not only that, there was an animal testing facility near Montrose, PA and they (people paid to give animals up for testing) were getting dogs and cats from surrounding areas, like Elmira and Ithaca and near where I grew up in PA. Most were obtained through "free to good home" ads, but there were a small percentage that were stolen from back yards, etc.

    I also believe in micro-chipping. The benefits of a door bolting, not coming when called breed of dog outweighs all other arguments about the chip for me!
  • edited November -1
    I completely forgot about stealing to sell. There is a great documentary put out by HBO called Dealing Dogs where a guy went undercover onto a Class B dealers "kennel" and worked for him. The guy would buy dogs at flea markets, humane societies/shelters, and get them anywhere he could. Then he would keep them in lousy conditions until he could sell them.
  • edited November -1
    Wow, my Mom live in Elmira & her dog pretty much roams free in their fenced yard, that's crazy. I am definitely reconsidering the outdoor area but plans for the playroom are still in effect :)
  • edited November -1
    Jen and I were walking with some friends in downtown ATL, by our friend's house, when some guy approached us in his car and opened the door. He started asking questions about Hilo [we had Hilo and Ahi with us]. He was saying that he had lost a dog that looked just like Hilo. He asked me where we got him and I told him we imported him and he was like - "Yea man, I imported mine too."... Then he was like, what kind of dog is he... I was like "An Akita *Inu*" and he was like "Yea, yea, he was an Akita EeeMu too man!" (lol) He then started approaching us in a weird kinda way like he was gonna grab Hilo's leash from Jen.

    Well like I said, we had Ahi with us... She FREAKED OUT at him (teeth showing, barking, lunging, even salivating a little - kinda scary), that set Hilo off too. The guy backed off and said "Yea man, its cool, I catch up with YOU later [looking at and point at Hilo]". Then he noticed my friend, Clay, was reading his license plate and got in his car and took off.

    It was hella creepy. I was not that worried since Clay is FREAKING HUGE and Ahi was wigging out, but it did kinda worry us - changed our thoughts on where and when to bring our dogs.

    When Ahi freaked out at him he turned white as a ghost... it was kinda cool, tho I would rather not experience that again. Ahi is amazing.

  • edited August 2008
    You're a lot nicer than me, I would an invited the creep to try and take my dog's lead. Dogs know when something is hinky,and I'd bet dollars to doughnuts Hilo would have come right up the leash and had himself a tearful reunion with his “rightful owner”. :0)

    Just so you know, the Humane Society is running a special on micro chips in August, paid five bucks for Koda’s last week. YMMV
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