Need Food Advice...



  • edited November -1

    Brandon, are you using store bought peanut butter. Or the one that you just have ground at the store? I am sure you probably use the latter but just confirming.

    I use like a teaspoon of peanut butter (the kind where the only ingredient is peanuts) inside an empty beef bone.

    They don't start empty. When I buy them they have a good deal of marrow in them and Moto can chew on that for days!

    It's disgusting though and I never cease to be amazed at how many cow parts are sitting in the middle of my living room. Me! of all people. 

  • edited September 2007

    OMG, thank you all so much, it's great to see everyone's responses =) I LOVE IT!!

    My 2 front runners are: THK Embark and Orijen Puppy right now... and I make my Pom's meals fresh twice daily (I have it down to a robotic routine) so hopefully Daisy's meals won't be much more work. The breeder is currently feeding her a brand called Eagle Pack but I'd rather switch her. Thx as well for the fish oil recommendation Brad! I know I'm just being a worrywart and hopefully she will tell me what she prefers once she gets here!

    I can't wait to get pictures up of them 2 together! Here's a pic of Daisy from the breeder.. I know, I know, not too creative on the name but she just looks like a Daisy!


  • edited September 2007

    And this is Nos...

     How do you do more than 1 picture at a time??

    NM, I figured it out I think!

  • edited November -1

    I use a natural peanut butter for Nemo.  I prefer Skippy myself.  I am guilty of using more than a teaspoon for Nemo, that's why I had to stop giving it to him everyday, he was getting chunky.  

    Nemo loves knuckle bones but also likes marrow bones too.  I like marrow bones also, roasted bone marrow on toast, now that is a treat. 

  • edited September 2007

    Do any of you give your dogs pigs ears? Just curious, I have herd that they are bad for their digestive system but my dogs love them even though they can get aggressive if one has one and the other doesnt.



  • edited November -1

    Pig ears set Nemo off.  When he has one he protects it with everything he's got, meaning he tries to kill the cats.  So no pig ears for Nemo.

  • edited November -1

    It's a complicated thing. Either people are 1) uneducated, or 2) see their pets as a product designed solely for their own enjoyment, ie, neither care about nor want the best for their dog.

    To be honest, I take a middle ground approach. I feed my dogs Orijen and give them the occassional raw chicken, pork, or beef. I love my pets, but I don't want them to bankrupt me.

    I mean, if you're dogs smell bad, have a lot of goop in their eyes, seem lethargic, have a dull coat, then you probably need to think about switching dog foods. I would say that's just common sense, but, like I said, a lot of people are uneducated on the matter and don't even make the connection.

  • edited October 2007

    Well I received the Origin puppy chow in the mail last week and my pups LOVE it! I am so happy!Sealed As soon as I put it in their bowls they practicly engulfed the whole thing. I was worried to spend $60 on dog food not knowing if they would be happy with it. I also only received it after 2 days which was fast for free shipping! So thanks to everyone who persuaded me to get that brand.Smile

  • edited November -1
    That is great that they like it!!! They will very likely need less of it then the old food too. Stay close to what they suggest for serving amounts. They may act like they're still hungry, they just really like their food.
  • edited October 2007

    My two eat Honest Kitchen Embark (it's fine for puppies) & Bravo for dinner, mostly.

    I keep Orijen or EVO RM on hand for morning when I'm in a rush - or I can add canned to it or add kibble to the HK. Pretty versatile.

    I can't stomach raw liver. No way. That's why I just feed them Bravo mixed with HK - I couldn't grind up raw organ meat weekly. It's easier to buy it ready made.

    So, yes, you can feed the new pup Orijen puppy, or Orijen puppy w/ Embark, or just the Embark, or Embark with ground beef or chicken or turkey. Your choice. Once little I'm-too-cute Daisy settles in, you can even switch back and forth between your choices a little.

    Congrats! She's too cute!

  • edited November -1

    A few weeks back I e-mailed my favorite pet supply store, asking why they weren't carrying Orijen yet.  The owner responded and told me that they were having a hard time getting it from his supplier.  Well I guess my e-mail was the prodding that he needed to get on his suppliers case about making trips to Madison.  This store has 3 locations now in Madison so he was able to put in a huge order.  The supplier liked the idea of a big order, so now we are getting Orijen.  I picked up a bag for my cats, but have not started feeding it to them yet.

    Before this all got worked out, I had promised my other favorite pet supply store that I'd order a bag of food through them (too many loyalties) so I stuck to my word.  After this bag of EVO Redmeat I'll be picking up a bag of the Orijen fish version for Nemo.  I really like the ideals of this company, from sourcing ingredients, to manufacturing, to packaging.  The owner of MadCats (whom I e-mailed with) said that he thinks they are the best at sourcing quality ingredients along with Timberwolf and Netura.  He also said that Timberwolf's prices will be going up a good amount, as ingredient prices have gone up, and their food was always unexplainably cheaper than the other premium foods.

  • edited November -1

    I just found a pet store here in Providence that special orders Orijen for me. I just email him by friday and he has it for me by Wednesday. He was surprised at how expensive it was, but he was so impressed by the quality of the ingredients. It improved all my pets coats almost instantly. It also helped improve the consistency of my new pups waste almost overnight.

     I love it.

  • edited November -1
    The orijen fish is fabulous.  The dogs really love it and it's wonderful for their coats.  I just wish they would make a cat version with fish because the cats are always pining for the dog food!
  • edited November -1
    Orijen has made such an amazing difference with our dogs!  I love it and swear by it now.
  • edited November -1
    We love it too, we now feed 4 different version - puppy, large breed puppy, regular and the fish one.... it's kinda crazy over here w/ the dog food! lol
  • edited November -1

    The Orijen catfood contains lake whitefish, salmon, salmon meal, salmon and anchovy oils, along with the chicken and turkey.

    I don't think I'll be able to see much difference in Nemo's coat.  With the fish oil I give him everyday it always looks great, he get's a lot of compliments.  He is quite the handsome, in shape dog if I do say so myself. 

  • edited November -1
    I bet the petfood store loves seeing your face!  (unless you order it online - in which case they don't see your face, obviously).
  • edited November -1

    No, I support locally owned pet supply stores.  I got a bag of cat food, a bag of dog food and 80lbs of cat litter, it was $90.  Just the week before I spent $25 on treats, it's always something.  I'm sure you all know the feeling.

    Luckily my wife's Aunt works for Standard Process, so I get supplements for the animals for free. 

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