Thin, brittle, dull fur on legs?

Jeez, seems like there's a lot of fur issues lately. Well basically, I started noticing that Ninja's fur on his legs have been thinning out and have become brittle and dull. Front and Back Legs - worse on the back legs. Do you guys have any ideas on why this is happening or if it is a symptom of a health issue? The color looks more grayish red rather than a vibrant red that is on the rest of his body. Its kind of odd. I started noticing the brittle hair a couple weeks ago. Now it has really thinned out and is becoming a dull color. Is it possible that it might be from playing with Portia? She tends to go for his legs and nip at them...But really, nothing has changed in our im pretty clueless.


  • edited November -1
    Interesting, that sounds a lot like what is happening to Kuma. Although the vet isn't sure, her suspicion of a fungus is getting stronger.
    I've been giving him an antibiotic, and cleaning his legs with diluted Betadine (around 10 to 1) and aplying a skin repair lotion that is called Bepanthol around here. It's from Bayer, I don't if it sells there. Also applying a soothing/hair repair spray called Douxo.
    Check it with your vet. I thought it was just a behavioural thing, or over grooming, and I was in for a surprise when the vet started going "it might even be mange".
  • edited November -1
    Yes, I agree you should go to the vet.

    Do you see ninja biting at them?

    A simple test to see if hair-loss is caused by over-grooming or another problem is to run our hand against the grain of the hair where the furloss is, if it has rough ends compared to the other fur it is most likely over-grooming although that can be caused by irritation, it is not always behavioral. But with ringworm(fungus) or mange you do not feel the rough ends as the hair falls out as it is damaged by fungus and the mange digs holes into the skin destroying the roots. Wash your hands afterwards as ringworm is contagious to people and mange is no fun either.

    Leonberger: Did your vet do a skin scraping? It is a simple test that will tell if there are any mange organisms in a few minutes, they simply scape the skin with a razor and then look at the scraping under the microscope they should see the organism if it is there if not you are good.
    For fungus did they do a fungal culture? This would tell if it is ringworm or otherwise but it takes a while and sometimes inconclusive. try feeling the fur in the area where it is being lost as recommended above.

    Skin problems are like a hydra, a many headed beast, hard to pin down, possibly fungal,bacterial, parasitic, allergic or behavioral or even a expression of a deeper disease.

    typically food allergies present in the head and face, though and flea allergies present in the hind and scruff area, Have you treated for fleas and mites? monthly?

    try the rub test and take ninja to the vet is the best thing to do.

    Good luck! Skin problems are always tough!
  • edited November -1
    Yes, she did do the scraping. At the time we were thinking demodex, but luckily it wasn't. We have already eliminated a lot of things, so she is convinced it might be malacesia (sorry, don't exactly know how to write it in English, that's the way it's written in Portuguese). The malacesia protocol for the antibiotic he's taking is around 3 weeks, and he's almost finishing his 1st week. There are some improvements, so it seems it might be working.
  • edited November -1
    well this sounds alot like what's going on with roxy but the vet did a skin scrape and it came back negative. so we are trying to figure out what it is. we are leaning on food alergy but not sure
  • edited November -1
    Does anyone use fish oil in their daily feeding schedule? It has definitely made a difference in Tenji's coat and he dosn't scratch. Just a thought
  • edited August 2008
    we're trying to solve the issue of Tsuki's diminishing hairs & pinkish skin around her muzzle, but we have stopped giving omega 3 supplements (fish oils caps) since we are giving more whole fish, but I think we'll have to go back to the fish oil capsules, she is itching her muzzle, too.

    I also have a hunch that it might be weather related, as Tsuki just turned a year in June (and Ninja isn't a year yet, right?) so there might be weather/environmental changes that we haven't experienced with them yet.

    *EDA: Do you take him hiking or walking through tall grass?? We just had a puppy playdate with a shiba who had a grass allergy! Her leg hair would get thin and prickly if she'd spent too much time in high or fresh cut grass!
  • edited November -1
    Jen makes a good point about grass, also you live in a condo community right? It might be the lawn chemicals the grounds crew uses.
  • edited November -1
    Dorothy - I started using fish oil after this, only because i couldn't find it before in bottles. Now I found Seven Seas cod liver oil with fish oil mixed in. Kuma seems to like it and I think the scratching has gone down a bit, but we're attacking form so many sides it's hard to pinpoint what is actually working on what. I have no doubt that the fish oil helps though.
  • edited November -1
    Re Tsuki's diminishing hairs & pinkish skin around her muzzle. It might be a skin infection. Our Koshi had the problem and it appeared to be his infecting himself from his food bowl, it was plastic. He had to go on a very long course of antibiotics to clear it. After this happening two times and I know this is not environmentally friendly, we started feeding him out of dispo paper bowls that we recycle. There is also a zinc deficiency that can cause the hair loss as well as the autoimmune disease, discoid lupus.
  • edited August 2008
    Maui was losing hair on his legs - and in general all over. He showed no signs that there was an allergy. We had all the skin scraping and everything done.

    Are there any lesions, scabbing, etc.?

    If not, you should definitely have Ninja's thyroid tested. Thyroid disorders are common in Shibas the "thin, brittle hair" sounds like a definite symptom. We sent Maui's bloodwork to HEMOPET in CA. Dr. Dodds compares the results to the breed levels so it's a pretty accurate test. We got the full blood panel done. Here's a little more info on hypothyroidism too. Hope this helps!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks everyone for the tips. Well I have never seen Ninja ever srcatch or bite where the hair loss is. It just seems like its falling out or dying or something. He doesn't seem to be bothered by it when I touch the area. There is no scabbing or lesions and his skin does not look irritated.

    I just took some pics of what it looks like.

    Right Back Leg

    Right Front Leg

    Left Back Leg

    Left Front Leg

    Right Side Body Shot

    I emailed my vet and sent him these pics too - we will see what he says. I will prob. have the bloodwork done regardless. Thanks for those links Jen! And Glad you finally came on! We miss you!
  • edited August 2008
    Here are some pics from about 2 weeks ago. They aren't great pics of his legs, but you can see that the color was more even and the fur was more full. Just to compare the difference from then to now.


  • edited November -1
    so he doesn't look like a ninja what the reasoning behind the name. ( doesn't look I mean black and tan) I would hope it's cause. he acts like one
  • edited November -1
    I see the difference Romi. Its interesting that its toward the front of the legs and at about the same level on both side front and back. Is it possible that he's rubbing against something as he wanders around the house or outside? The pattern is just a bit strange.

    Get better Ninja!
  • edited November -1
    So does that mean all dogs with human names have to look like a human or act like them? lol.

    He is very quiet and fast. He sneaks up on us all the time. - that is why we named him Ninja.
  • edited August 2008
    Yeah - I noticed that too. The only thing he rubs on is the leather couch and sometimes he rolls on his back and moves around on the carpet making weird noises.

    Oh and to answer questions:

    Jen - no he doesn't walk through tall grass. We have grass in our front yard though - but its been there since he came to us. Ninja is turning 1 on the 13th.

    Jess - I do live in a townhome community. There is no grass though. Only palm tree's, bushes, and other kinds of small tree's. Whenever we're walking in my neighborhood its always on the sidewalk since there is nothing else for them to walk on. Although they do walk on grass outside of my neighborhood on public little grass patches between neighborhoods on the sidewalk.
  • edited August 2008
    I know this isn't the place to say it...but I really love that white patch on the back of his neck :O!

  • edited November -1
    Uh...I just thought of something...

    Has Ninja ever blown his coat? Those pics look kinda like Loa's coat when she's blowing her coat. But the dullness of the coat is still definitely worth checking into.
  • edited November -1
    Ninja never really full on blows his coat - he usually just sheds throughout the year. So I usually just furminate him once a month and the same amount of hair usually comes out. I actually just furminated him yesterday - thinking that he may be blowing his coat. But the same amount of hair as usual came out.
  • edited November -1
    Now with pictures, I have to say it doesn't look much like what Kuma has, which is mainly on the inner sides of his legs, and there's more skin showing.

    You should get that checked, just in case.
  • edited November -1
    Jen makes a good point!!! Kitsune's hair got... ratty?... right before he started to blow coat! Then it came in gloriously!
  • edited November -1
    I don't think it looks like much of a real problem. The hair still seems "full" in that area, just some rough hair coming out too. My guess is that after a big shed Ninja's coat will come back in just fine. A little fish oil might help out.
  • edited November -1
    I swear by fish oil
  • edited November -1
    It's made a huge difference on the fur on Jazz's front paws. When I first got her, there was very little fur. I've been adding fish oil for 7 months - it's almost all grown back. Of course, I think part of that is also due to the food change.
  • edited November -1
    I hate to bring this up because it was such a dark day, but perhaps he got into something when he was out for a 'solo romp around the neighborhood' and your just now seeing the effects. He could've gotten into anything and now it's catching up to him. It's been about 2 weeks, right?
  • edited November -1
    Learn lots about veterinary dermatology here:
    Go to the FAQs section for descriptions of various ailments.
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