Eating everything in sight? @__@ Help choosing toys?

The other night, I took Toby to the dog park ... and I noticed that he had a little trouble pooping ( or mostly, he wouldn't stop ). When I picked it up ... something smelled weird. It didn't even smell like poop at all or even feel like it. So, I looked at it in the poopy bag, and lo and behold -- Toby pooped out the first layer of a tennis ball. The little green hairs were peeking out and ... yeah.

Is there any way to ... prevent him from getting his mouth on all this stuff?! I'm running out of toy options! The last toys I have that have withstanded the tests of chewing time so far has been the Busy Buddy and his large Kong. His stuffed animals are normally fine. But, I can't leave them in his crate with him ( while we're all at work ). I like to give him something to do. I put a Kong treat in his kong over the weekend -- and he ate in under 5 minutes. Hes obsessed with food, but it only keeps him busy for 5 minutes tops.

Last week he ate a chunk of his Nylabone and pooped that out, as well. I'm just THANKFUL that he pooped everything out, and that nothing got stuck in him. Otherwise i'd be more upset. He's showing no signs up feeling sick or anything at all. He's his normal, hyper puppy Shiba self.

I just feel bad, because he's been farting a lot this week. He has an upset tummy. HELL. I'd be farting if I ate a chunk of Nylabone and Tennis ball hairs, too.


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