My new shiba pup Kenshin!

edited August 2008 in General
Hi everyone here are some pics of my new shiba pup "Kenshin" (kenshin has multiple meanings depending on the kanji used for it but it is a male name meaning Loyal, dutiful,humble, diligent and obedient, also heart of the sword. Probably jinxing my self with this. but I like it, It is also a reference to a anime called rourouni kenshin, were the most famous samurai assassin gave up killing adn becomes a wanderer and fights with a reverse blade sword and vowed never to kill again, and is very loyal and protective of his friends but goes into Hitoriki battosai mode (man slayer) when upset and cannot defend his friends). Thats what we say Kenshin is doing when he goes berserk with puppy power. he is a 8 week actually now 9 week old red sesame.

We picked him up on Sunday and in one day he learned his name and how to sit, very smart cookie!(when he feels like listening!) He is very well behaved and has taken to crate training in two days, the first night he howled for one minute every time I crated him, the next day once or twice and since he has not made a sound. He has pretty much housebroken despite a accident today, seemingly to spite me! I gave him a day before introducing him to my cats, they are really getting along well, in fact my cats are being to nice and not picking on him at all, I wish they would teach him some more lessons as he gets to rough at times (just playing just gets really excited) and one of my cats is blind although he is the alpha cat he is really gentle and is being way to nice to Kenshin letting him do whatever, so i am monitoring them. I just gave him his second vax yesterday so I am hoping to take him out in the wide world in a week, for the past week we have been hanging in our enclosed yard of my condo were no dogs really go. He enjoys being the center of attention at my building. He is fawned over by my resident manager of my condo and by my neighbors and he loves it! Check him out he is supercute!!!!!!!!


















sorry about all the pics, he is just so cute I cant resist sharing them!!!


  • edited November -1
    uhhmmmh you may want to try agian with the pics not working
  • edited August 2008
    your codes are a little off.

    I'll see what I can do to help...



    What a cutie!!

    Read this before you post the rest of them: Click Here
    try scrolling down and looking in the purple box where it says "this code" ...That's the code you'll want to use, yours are way too long and trying to include images & links, which is way more complicated than you need right now

  • edited November -1
    aww furry puppy
  • edited November -1
    Andrew: I fixed your post for you. Below the comment box there is an option to "Format comments as...." You need to make sure "Html" is the selected option next time.


    And, now the important stuff. He's frickin adorable!!!!!! He's quite a little stud muffin. I love how proud he is. He's very cute napping with his head on your arm too.

    Take tons of pics, they grow up so fast. *sigh*
  • edited November -1
    What a handsome boy! Congratulations! :D~
  • edited November -1
    I love all of your pictures....never too many.
    Kenshin is adorable. He reminds me a little of Romi's Ninja.
    You are going to have soooo much fun with this little guy.
  • edited November -1
    sorry i forgot to hit html, oops!
  • edited November -1
    WOW. What a gorgeous little guy you have! And we can never have too many pictures! Feel free to post more! I love the picture of him sleeping on his stuffed frog (at least I am assuming he is a stuffed frog.) Congrats on your little fur-face!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks everyone!!!!!!
  • edited November -1
    Aww, what a cutie! :D
  • edited November -1
    SO cute!!!!!! :oDD
  • edited November -1
    sunyata; yes it is a stuffed frog currently his favorite toy! he sleeps with it in his crate every day, it has a froggy sounding squeaker in it and he comes charging looking for it if you make squeeze it. Super cute, I pulled the stuffed frog out to fix the blanket in his crate and he passed right out on it!
  • edited November -1
    haha that's so adorable :D~
  • edited November -1
    what a stud muffin!!! many happy long years with him - which means more spam!!
  • edited November -1
    roxy was like that when she was a puppy *smaller puppy*
  • edited November -1
    He is adorable! Shiba pups are the cutest freaking things on earth! Congrats!!!

  • edited November -1
    *in love*
  • edited November -1
    I love his socks!! I cant believe that all our dogs were ever that small...
    *looking at my 17 lb shiba monster*
    He is so so cute! Brings back memories!
  • edited November -1
    ok is it me or do the seasme shibas look not as fluffy? cause thats how roxy looked as a pup and his tail doesn't look fluffy and roxy's tail has yet to be fluffy.
  • edited November -1
    It's you.
    You will see variances in coat density depending on breeding lines, geographic location, and just individuals.

    How old is she again?

    Their coats often don't fully fill out until about a year
  • edited August 2008
    she is 11mo. old today! so she still got a month til her b-day, her mom was pretty fluffy

    here are her mom and dad

    dad Tatsu


    mom yasha


    so mabe you guys can tell if she'll be fluffy or not.
  • edited November -1
    I wouldn't be too concerned. You are in the process of changing his diet, and he is quite young. If you aren't already supplementing his diet with fish oil, a lot of people here use a product called sea meal (I haven't but I think Brad and Jen (Tsukitsune) do) and their dogs coats are very healthy looking. Make sure you are adding probiotics and be patient. Coat changes take weeks even months to be noticeable.
  • edited November -1
    ok, uhh what are porbiotics? also I herd from a vet that you can use olive oil just the same as fish oil have done ethier been a little weary. also my grandmother used olive oil with her goldens and they had a great coat.
  • edited November -1
    There is no where near the same nutrition in olive oil as fish oil. They both are good fat. But fish oil has much more to offer.

    Seeing as poor Andrew's thread about HIS new puppy has been hijacked enough, I would encourage you to poke around the forums threads on nutrition and I think you will receive no shortage of great info on probiotics as well as tons of other excellent supplements.

    Sorry Andrew. And your puppy still is precious. Please continue to flood us with as many pictures as you can!
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Hey Andrew!!! Kenshin is ADORABLE!!! It was so nice to meet you and Carissa today - I'm so excited for you!!! I wish I were here to watch Kenshin grow up but like I said today at the meetup, I'll be a virtual member so I can see him change in the coming months. CONGRATS AGAIN!!
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    Thanks everyone!

    Thanks jessica! I already have more pictures I will post on when I have some time! Im such a proud pappa.

    Pam: THANKS!! It was great meeting you! It is a shame your moving I'm sure Kenshin would have loved to play with Ryu. I hope your move turns out alright, I would go for Alaska. Thanks! we are really excited as you can tell by how many pics I've taken. Ill definitely have a lot of spam so you can watch him grow!!!!
  • edited November -1
    He's very cute! Puppies are the best thing ever!
    What possessed you to name a Shiba as "humble"? Man, are you in for a surprise, hehehe ;-)
  • edited November -1
    Congrats Andrew! Kenshin is absolutely adorable. What a looker! My Koji has white socks on his front legs too. I love that feature on Shibas.
  • edited November -1
    Oh I want to snuggle him! I love the pics of him snoozing with the green toy! Adorable. You two will have so much fun!
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