Ishi Spam (new pics added 2008/08/18)



  • edited November -1
    my gosh is that dog stunning... i'm so happy its working out so far!!
  • edited November -1
    I'm glad everything went well with the surgery and that he's getting more comfortable.
  • edited November -1
    You've got yourself a beautiful boy. Heal well and fast, Ishi.
  • edited November -1
    Oh man that first picture is great! He's got the kind of face you just want to love on. I think you said it, he really does look like he's settling in!
  • edited November -1
    Perhaps it is the pain killers but he looks awfully relaxed for being in a new home...what a sweet smile on that boy.
  • edited November -1
    Wow - he is handsome! He looks absolutely stoked to be inside! I'm so happy you have given him such a great home. :o)

  • edited November -1
    He is so beautiful! Im so happy he has a forever home.
  • edited November -1
    Wow- Ishi is beautiful! I don't know his story or how you came to get him (obviously no longer to be bred, I guess), but I am glad for you and him. Looks like he will be very happy with you, and seems he is adjusting just fine to a whole new set of circumstances (new home, indoor life after living outdoors, neutering, etc.)...

    Keep the pics coming -- fun to see his adjustment!
  • edited November -1
    What a sweetie! Looks like he's settling in nicely!
  • edited November -1
    Cutest photos ever! Obviously he seems to like the house now!
  • edited November -1
    Ok. Now we know where all of Ishi's offspring get their amazing looks :D!!!~
  • edited November -1
    Aww, I knew he'd move up to the couch in no time.
  • edited November -1
    Speaking of looks, I sure see the resemblance between him and Rakka!
  • edited November -1
    Methinks Rakka looks a little more like Ishi then Ahi does. :) But I think that's more because Ahi is black sesame? D:~
  • edited November -1
    Absolutely adorable!! He almost looks like a squirrel in that last pic.
  • edited November -1
    Sangmort - I agree. Ahi looks more like her mother.
  • edited November -1
    I agree, Ahi has more of her mom's traits. That recent pic of Rakka you posted, Heidi, really shows her colors - she's beautiful!

  • edited November -1
    It's amazing how puppies can take after their parents just the way human babies do. It's really something. :)

    Though in the case of Shikoku puppies, you're always guaranteed a gorgeous dog :D~
  • edited November -1
    I let Ishi go to the neighbours (they also have a fenced yard) to play with their (female) dog today. He did really well, they were running around having a great time.... UNTIL, he noticed that they had a rabbit pen. He ran at that pen so fast, that I'm pretty sure that rabbit had a minor heart attack. He couldn't get in, but he kept running around it, and he wouldn't play with the other dog anymore. He does the same thing with cats, once he get focused on to food, he doesn't pay attention to anything except that. Other than that, Ishi is doing great. He's eating 2 -3 cups of Solid Gold every day. He listens well inside the house, loves going on walks (and is usually pretty good). I'll post more spam in a bit.
  • edited November -1
    LOL! poor rabbit!! Our shibas STALK cats, rabbits and sometimes birds...
    Glad he's doing well!!! can't wait to see more pics!

    Is he getting a lot of attention out and about?
  • edited November -1
    Oh yeah, he's getting tons of attention, not always good though. A lot of people think he's some kind of wolf and won't get hear him. He doesn't exactly look like a big scary dog, even after I tell them that he has no wolf in him and he's fine to pet they are a little cautious. Once they pet him and realize he's just a big suck (if they're sitting he will lean his whole body against their legs once they start petting him) they think he's one of the coolest dogs they've ever seen.

    One guy actually recognized him as a shikoku, I was amazed. He said he had always wanted to see one, but thought he'd have to go to Japan for that. He may actually be joining on this board in the futures.
  • edited November -1
    That's great. Yay for Ishi! I'm psyched he's found such a good home and is doing so well. Please post spam ASAP!
  • edited November -1
    We get the wolf thing with Ahi too, and the Coyote thing with Loa... it gets old. But its fun to teach people about the breed - isn't it?

    That's great Ishi is doing so well!

  • edited November -1
    I think one of the reasons I love shikas so much is their strong resemblance to the wolf :)~
  • edited November -1



    I took Ishi to the beach today with a couple of friends of mine. He seemed to have a pretty good time and after telling them that he doesn't really like water, he jumped in up to his knees and starting chasing small crabs around. That dog is full of supriseses.

    Even though these people are my friends, some people are so incredibly stupid. My buddies wife was petting Ishi, and then when he fell asleep she started poking him in the mouth and the feet, I'm not sure what she was trying to accomplish (I didn't really notice what she was doing, just thought that she was still petting him). Well, when he woke up, he growled and her and tried to nip her. She freaked out, and wanted to get him out of the room. I'm not sure what she was expecting him to do. I mean if you poke and prod a sleeping dog, it's gonna be a little pissed off if you wake him up. Some people are soooo stupid.
  • edited November -1
    Oh, yeah, people can be so dumb. My husband's bio-dad visited us a while back and he kept complaining that Rakka was biting him, so I called her away from him and as she was coming, he grabbed her tail and pulled her back, so naturally, she wrapped her mouth around his wrist to try and get him to let go of her tail. Then he looked at me like, "See?! She's biting me!" Good grief. I had to swallow a few nasty words before just telling him to leave her alone, don't pull her tail, poke her, or anything like that.
  • edited November -1
    Ishi is so stunning!!! (as I wrote this James and I decided maybe in.... 20 years we can think about it LOL) I just can't get over the amazing colors of his coat.
  • edited November -1
    Ishi is gorgeous!!
  • edited November -1
    Ishi really seems to be adapting to his new home. The fact that he got distracted by rabbits and would not play anymore is not much of a shock. I have a friend that has chinchillas and the first time Nemo saw them in the pen, he watched them like they were TV for a few hours and wouldn't play at all. Since the rabbit couldn't leave his site, of course he would focus on it.

    People really do stupid things to dogs and sometimes end up getting hurt. One dog came into the humane society as a bite case quarantine, the report said "male was waving cheese in front of the dog and continually teasing it". He got bit, no kidding...

    I think Ishi showed nice restraint with a growl and a warning nip.
  • edited November -1
    Ishi is just such a beautiful dog! And he is a lucky pup getting to walk that beautiful beach!
    He still looks quite comfortable.

    and your friend is lucky she still has that hand - Ishi could have done much worse than that if he so choose! Have you seen those teeth?! These dogs demand respect, and in return you get theirs.
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