Responsible Dog Owners Day - Another One!

edited August 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
I've been asked by the kennel club that I'm a member of to take part in a Responsible Dog Owner's Day that will showcase different breeds owned by members. I'll be doing a shiba board and Jazz will be on-hand. I'll be posting generic information about the breed, much of which has come from info on this forum. While I don't mind "demo-ing" the shiba breed, I want to discourage those that see Jazz and go, "This is the perfect dog for me!".

I want to do a section called - Why This Is Not The Perfect Dog For You...

Any phrases or thoughts that you might think would be appropriate, would be greatly appreciated.

Any other ideas of stuff I need to put out there, I also welcome.


  • edited August 2008

    This is not the perfect dog for you, if:

    You want your dog to actually COME when called! hahahaha
    The Misanthropic Shiba has a good list of drawbacks
  • edited November -1
    Just contradict everything in the temperament field from here:

    Honestly though, when people get into asking about our dogs, I try to accentuate the negative, so if they still want one, they are as nuts as me:
    -I always say that they require a lot of exercise time or they become destructive and will find ways to preoccupy themselves if they do not get mental stimulation. Ask the dry wall in my bedroom.
    -you can never trust them off leash. Yes, never.
    -they require a good deal of grooming b/c when they say they only shed twice a year it should read they UBER shed twice a year, but consistently shed hairs here and there all year, everywhere, all the time
    -i wouldn't trust them around children as far as I could throw them, and that isn't very far at all
    -If they are not consistently socialized at a young age, they will more than likely have some sort of issue with other dogs or strangers, etc.
    -my shibas are closely watched but still have collectively killed 2 mice, 1 rabbit and 3 birds which means HIGH PREY DRIVE!
    -organized obedience courses are a lifesaver
    -they are not a lap dog, despite their size, and are incredibly independent compared to most other common breeds
    -they are highly prone to food or environmental allergies
    -despite reading that they might be easy to housebreak most of the time, but I've got a female that is so stinking shiba stubborn that its my husband's all day job to be consistent with housebreaking and catching her in the act
    -getting unforced, purely voluntary affection from the shibas is like christmas, its that rare, but when they give it, it is genuine and it is wonderful.

    and of course: their creator (God, what have you) gave them this irresistible face and beautiful markings because He knew without them, their owners would kill them.
  • edited November -1
    Janaki - I've emailed Julie Shasta for permission to use some of her material.

    Jen - thanks, I really like the last line - it's so very true!
  • edited November -1
    Here's another website with a lot of useful information. The author does a really job describing Shiba traits, although these are broad generalizations of course. YMMV.
  • edited November -1
    thats an awesome list at!
  • edited November -1
    LJ: You could also point out all the potential issues with poorly bred Shibas (of which there are far too many)

    Luxating Patella
    Food allergies (and/or IBD)
    Tendency toward fear or aggressive behavior
  • edited November -1
    o1. High Prey Drive [ not suitable for a person who owns small animals ]
    o2. Extremely independent. [ cat-like almost. They love on their time & are most definitely not lap dogs ]
    o3. Require consistent obedience training & socialization [ some can be difficult to train for the impatient handler & may be dog aggressive if not consistently socialized ]
    o4. Most definitely not lap dogs.
    o5. Require a good amount of exercise to keep them happy & healthy. [ a shiba, like any other dog, when not exercised properly will become destructive ]
    o6. High Energy Puppies
    o7. Prone to many food-allergies
    o8. Not off-leash dogs.
    o9. Must be well-socialized around many different types of people. [ to prevent fear later on ]
    1o. Respond best [ like any other dog ] to positive reinforcement training.
    11. Need a consistent routine.

    & most importantly of all, they need an owner who is patient, but loving, firm but gentle.

    That's all I can think of from what I've researched & heard from the forum ;)~
  • edited November -1
    If you like your things to remain your things and remain intact then...DONT GET A SHIBA!
    Shiba's have the attitude-take a number and I will get back to you.
  • edited November -1
    Julie gave me full permission to use anything from the Misanthropic Shiba - yay!!
  • edited November -1
    Rach, don't you mean "take a number and I will get back to you ... maybe"
  • edited November -1
    Jen, your list kills me, so very true.
  • edited August 2008
    I would love to get your best and worst on your shiba.

    Fill in the blank (please):

    The #1 reason I would get a shiba is ___________.
    The #1 reason I would not get a shiba is ____________.

    The best thing about having a shiba is _____________.
  • edited November -1
    #1 Reason for a shiba: Just look at their tails! (J/K) They are not clingy dogs and are very independent.
    #1 Reason for not having a shiba: They all have severe forms of OCD. Anything out of place, and they will bark at it until it is put back where it is supposed to be.

    The best thing about having a shiba: The Shiba-ness. And knowing that when they cuddle, it is because they really really want to.
  • edited November -1
    The #1 reason I would get a shiba is that I love their entertaining antics!
    The #1 reason I would not get a shiba is they consider rules to be suggestions.

    The best thing about having a shiba is that my shiba feels more like a friend than a pet.
  • edited November -1
    The #1 reason I would get a shiba is knowing all the pros AND cons and still being OK with it.
    The #1 reason I would not get a shiba is not being able to commit to their diva like attitude in every aspect for the entirety of their lives.

    The best thing about having a shiba is when their donut tail wiggles and they get all howlingly excited when they see me at the door. Its heaven.
  • edited November -1
    I do think its most amazing when I come home from some place, and Toby's sad excuse for a tail still manages to wag! Its so cute! :) I also think its cute when he puts his ears back, wags his tail and licks me forever. :D
  • edited November -1
    Steph - SAD excuse for a tail??? Toby has an awesome tail! :)
  • edited November -1
    The #1 reason I would get a shiba is they are damn near the cutest animal on the face of the earth.
    The #1 reason I would not get a shiba is there is a very good reason they are damn near the cutest animal on the face of the earth (so we don't kill them).

    The best thing about having a shiba is when after the hours of hard work you put into them each day you get rewarded by being the only person in their lives they will cuddle with (and even that may only last 30 seconds).
  • edited November -1
    I've got a great example for you - emailed to me by my foster mentor near Philly:
    - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    I am in shock!!! I have to tell you about a home safety visit I did today.
    Let me just say this was the kind of lady that picks up her dog to walk by you on the street!!! I couldn't believe her opinions. I did not recommend her. A little background: she just lost her 14 year old mini eskimo dog dog, so she is applying to adopt one of my fosters.

    For one, she does not believe in any type of housebreaking and uses only pee pads. Her other dog often peed on the bathroom carpet too, but that is okay, she just kept buying new ones! The reason for never-NEVER- taking the dog outside is that there are "hawks and raccoons outside" and she doesn't feel a smaller dog should be allowed outside for this reason (even with her, even on a leash--we are not talking unattended and we are not talking the jungle!!!! they live in a suburban development).

    There were 9 dog beds...still in the house from the deceased dog. 9!!! One under every bed and in every room of the house. She also showed me the ashes from the dog. They had built a ramp so the dog could get onto her bed (even if the dog could jump, she said she wouldn't let it because it could hurt itself). She also carries the dog up/down any steps to avoid injury. She does not believe in gates or crates because when her "Chi chi" was young, she had a baby gate up, which the dog chewed and cut her lip on.

    Oh, and they sound proofed their entire basement so that the dog could go there during fireworks because chi chi never had to deal with the outside world.
    - - - - - - - - - - -

    I'm not sure she did much shiba research...
  • edited November -1
    Another point to raise is that folks who choose to go the shiba route are going to have a fair amount of time to live with their decision:

    Of course if it turns out to be a good fit, it’s more a of a positive than a negative.
  • edited November -1
    The #1 reason I would get a shiba is they are the sweetest, cutest most adorable creature that can break your heart with one look even though you know they are BAD.

    The #1 reason I would not get a shiba is they take a lot of consistency, dedication and training their whole lives, that if you are unwilling to sacrifice yourself for the betterment of your dog, then no shiba for you.

    The best thing about having a shiba is coming home, waking up, rolling over, peeking around the see that sweet "innocent" face that makes your heart and soul melt.
  • edited November -1
    Does anyone have a good shot of a true sesame? I've got the board all done, except for adding pics to it. I'm doing shots of all the colors and then a couple of random shots from the meetups.
  • edited November -1
    I'm pretty sure I have a good/decent one from the picnic this weekend. When would you need it by? I plan on editing Shiba picnic photos tomorrow.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks so much! I've rarely seen a sesame, so I have no good shots of any.

    By Thursday would be great - I'll be printing them that night or on Friday.
  • edited November -1
    Thought of you this morning:

    I was walking all three dogs in our new neighborhood and this guy was watering his trees and says "WHOA, that dog is gorgeous [talking about kitsune], my daughter loves foxes, what kind of dog is it, are they good with kids"

    so, since Kitsu is now trying to run away from this man staring at him (Kitsune hates this), I just say "They are high maintenance, i have to walk them like this for an hour or so twice a day and require a lot of grooming because I just don't have a time of the year that one isn't blowing their coat - they have 2 coats and they blow the under coat, its awful - and they bark a great deal in and out of the house and have really high prey drive - just killed a squirrel not long ago then ate it - imagine that! - and this fox looking one is a male and he's pretty aloof, he personally does not like children and they are called shiba inu."

    he said "oh... yeah we have a beagle in the backyard, fox and hound, heh"
    These dogs are too beautiful for their own good I think.
  • edited November -1
    People hear what they want to, I guess. I got the board pretty much finished last night - I'll try to take some pics of it for you guys.
  • edited November -1
    When and where is the event?
  • edited November -1
    LJ -

    Would these two work:

    Mad Shiba Picnic 08-3291

    Mad Shiba Picnic 08-3227

    I can get you better copies if you would like.

    Just send me an e-mail as a reminder.
  • edited November -1
    I freaking LOVE the first one!
  • edited September 2008
    Brandon: those might be too good. ;-) Remember, LJ is trying to discourage people from getting Shibas. :-P
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