Attentive Training Pays Off!

edited September 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Yesterday I was in the garage with the dogs (garage closed) I was just organizing some stuff. The garage opens - Im like "CRAP! John is home!" So when the garage first started opening - Ninja and Portia got FREAKED OUT and were scattering on the concrete. I opened the door to the the house and Portia ran in, but Ninja ran the other direction, out of the garage! I was like "OMG I hope John doesn't run him over!" (we back into the garage to park our cars - so we really only use our side mirrors and rearview). So then I yell "NINJA COME!" He stops, looks at me and runs full speed back into the house. Whew - That was kind of crazy!

hahaha. thats all.


  • edited November -1
    wow - close cal! Good boy Ninja! :o)
  • edited November -1
    Yay Ninja! Glad he got the message that it was important to listen to you!
  • edited November -1
    YAY! Did he have that "oh shit" reaction? I love when Niko does that (the few times she actually hears me!)
  • edited November -1
    Wow, seriously. Very close call. Good boy Ninja!
  • edited November -1
    YAY Ninja!! :D~
  • edited November -1
    I know! I panicked for a second and was thinking if I should run after him or just call him. I just called him and as Rach said, he got that "OH SHIT!" look and came running! I was so relieved when he came back. That was definately a close call!
  • edited November -1
    Where can I find more info on this attentive training. Yoshi suffers A.D.D. unless there's food in my hands.
  • edited September 2008
    There are many different methods you can use. Basically the first step is to get your dog to come to you ALL THE TIME, no matter what is going on. I would just start randomly calling Yoshi when he is not around, it is important not to repeat yourself either. And just treat and praise like crazy when he comes. Never, ever tell your dog to come and punish him. After he gets pretty good at coming when called. You can buy a 15 ft. or 30 ft. lead and go outside. Basically, you let him get distracted...and then you slowly walk away out of sight - usually behind him. Do a slight yank and say a word that you use to get his attention - like "ah, ah" or "bah" or whatever he's used to and kneel down and say "COME!" when he comes, praise and treat. After a few reps - you will notice that he will get distracted and once you start moving away, he will follow you and keep watching you. Which is what you want.

    *edit* I think I have video of me doing some training with Ninja. I will post it once i find it and upload it - so you can get an idea...its kind of hard to explain things in words :T
  • edited November -1
    Awesome news!!! God, Ninja is doing so great.
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    close call. Good boy ninja
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