What cat characteristics does your shiba have?

The other thread made me think of this. We named Niko that because it means cat like (or above the law...)
What characteristics does your shiba have that makes you see cat?
Niko is obsessively clean. She is afraid of heights though so no jumping on the furniture. Now she tries mind control just like kitty, staring until you melt and give in.
Any others?


  • edited November -1
    Bella will get upset for whatever reason, walk away from you about 5 feet, sit with her back towards you, and keep peering over her shoulder to see if you are paying attention to her. I have had several cats that did the exact same thing. It is actually kind of funny to watch.

    Nola pounces just like a cat. She will crouch real low and BOOM! Pounce on whatever insect, string, etc. has caught her eye. And she paws at the tall grass. The ones with the seeds at the end. Just like a cat with a string. One of these days I am going to wake up and they will be purring.
  • edited November -1
    Tsuki is SO SKITTISH. If I step on a crunchy leaf, she jumps. She also tends to "slink" around" and rub herself on my legs. Then there's the fact that she hates everyone but me and my fiance.
  • edited November -1
    Jazz stretches like a cat and rubs up against you like a cat.
  • edited November -1
    Jumping on things... I have caught Mylie on the coffee table, in the bay window, on the back of the couch... She'll also wrap her paws around your arm, or just simply use her paws a lot during play; and of course, they blatant ignoring of my voice whenever she pleases.
  • edited November -1
    The cleaning, obviously. Sleeping curled up into a tight ball the majority of the time. Being a pain in the ass...
  • edited October 2008
    WOW!!! I do have a REAL Shiba/cat. She does all those things. Cleaning herself, chasing and jumping on bugs, jumps where she's not supposed to. When I have my feet on the coffee table, she passes under my legs and rub her back. She's so funny, she can pass under my legs 10 times in a row.
  • edited November -1
    HAHA!!!!!! YES, Akira is obsessively clean, sit with her back towards you, and keep peering over her shoulder to see if you are paying attention to her, stretches like a cat, Sleeps curled up into a tight ball the majority of the time, pounces just like a cat. She will crouch real low and BOOM! and She'll also wrap her paws around your arm, or just simply use her paws a lot during play TOO.

    Gotta love cut and paste. :)
  • edited November -1
    Akira likes to sleep with his front paws tucked under him or in a ball, he likes to rub himself on my legs when he's happy just like a cat, he likes to strech, when he plays he too likes to paw at things or other animals, he likes to go at the window and just look outside, he's also like a cat chasing something when a leaf passes before him :)
  • edited November -1
    Orion will pounce like a cat, when a leaf or something blows by he will jump/pounce at it. He wraps his paws around my arms and other things while playing, lays and or sleeps with one or both front paws curled under. Can you believe he can meow too?!? Joking there lol.
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