Changing a dog's name and offending the previous owner?

edited October 2008 in General
So, as you may know, we didn't name Skella. She was one year old when we got her and her name was already Skella (pr. skedla). It's not the name I would have chosen, but the previous owners said they wanted to visit her sometimes and I will likely be in contact with them a lot because they're still active in dogsports with their other two dogs and I'll be getting lots of advise from them when it comes time to breed Skella and get into conformation showing and so on.

Anyway, Noah has been saying lately that he really wants to change her name to Navi. I like the name Navi a lot more than I like the name Skella and I would have no problem changing her name, but I'm afraid of offending her previous owners. What would you do? Should I email them and ask them if they'd be okay with it? Should she just have two names? Should I just stick with the name Skella?

I had similar reservations about renaming Rakka (she used to be Sage) and I asked her previous owner if she would be okay with me renaming her and she said it was my decision. In that case, it was Noah who really wanted to change her name, too. He's not as afraid of offending people as I am, I guess.

So... what do you think?


  • edited October 2008
    Well, She is YOUR dog. You feed her, care for her, play with her, and support her financially, so really you should be able to name her whatever you want to and the other people SHOULDN'T get offended. [ they might get offended, but they really should not since she's not theirs anymore ]

    There are two coworkers of mine, Audrey & Cassidy. Audrey adopted a puppy only found out she was having a baby, & didn't want to have to raise a pup & a baby together. Cassidy adopted the puppy from Audrey, and also changed the puppy's name. It has been a YEAR and Audrey is still mad that Cassidy changed the name, AND refuses to call the puppy by the new name when she talks to Cassidy. Quite ridiculous. She gave up her rights to the dog, why does she care what the dog's new name is?

    If it were me, to be entirely honest, I would go ahead and change her name.I don't know the circumstances you came by her, but she was surrendered to you, and is no longer theirs. I suppose if you want to be nice about it you could ask permission...but really, it is quite ridiculous to get upset about changing the name of a dog who is no longer yours.

    It'd be like me buying a house and the previous owner not allowing me to repaint the house a new colour.

    If that made sense :)~
  • edited November -1
    I think you should be able to change the name if you want because she's yours. I think Navi is a very pretty name. When I found out I was aquiring News, I thought his name was silly. I was going to change it to Impulse, but that name never worked out for him, it sounded even sillier!! Anyway, I think you should change it if you want to.
  • edited October 2008
    For me its a bit different, in my pup's previous life they had one name, and in their life with me they have another - a name I could closer identify with b/c I chose it and because I didn't want any ties to where they came from.

    I have taken in fosters who had a pretty good life before me and the original owners would keep in touch to see how they were doing, so I kept their names the same. My foster border collie was registered some crazy three word name, with the second name Clyde as his call name, so I kinda had to keep that, it was official. Besides, it helped the transition when their new forever homes chose a different name. It was their right.

    But Osy is right, she is now your dog, whom you feed, house, care and love for. You should feel free to call her whichever name you choose - or whichever name Isaac can pronounce!
  • edited November -1
    I would hope, that as long as these people know she has a good home and that she's well taken care of, a name change wouldn't matter.
  • edited November -1
    If you were to rename her Thor's Hammer, there is no way they could be upset.
  • edited November -1
    Personally I think we should rename ALL our dogs Thor's Hammer.
  • edited November -1
    LMAO Brandon!

    I agree with all that is said. They gave up rights to her when they gave her to you, therefor anything and everything pertaining to her is up to YOU!
    We adopted Sasha as you all know. She was in her foster home for a year with the name Violet (her collar was purple when she came in, her sister was Green). I am still friends with her foster mom and I know she had a hard time with us changing her name and it took her a while to get used to it but it was up to us. I agree with Jen, new home, new life, new beginning deserves a new name.
    Kitty's name was Rachel when we adopted her, lets just say that wasnt gonna fly, there can only be ONE Rachael (even if the spelling was different)!
  • edited November -1
    People almost always change the names of the dogs at my shelter (most of whom I name, my pride and joy being a Pomeranian named Steve, and our one eyed friend Nick Fury). I am never offended. I sometimes have difficulty breaking the habit of calling them the name I gave them, but not because I have a problem with them having a new name.

    Skella is yours. If you prefer Navi, then I say her name should be Navi.
  • edited November -1
    Out of curiosity, are you naming her after the Legend of Zelda character or the prophet?
  • edited November -1
    oh man, Link's fairy! totally forgot about that!
  • edited November -1
    Link's fairy, of course! I also like the name Peach, as in Princess Peach (can you tell I like Nintendo?) but Noah hates it. We both like Navi, though. Especially if she gets accepted into the search and rescue program (she's getting tested on Oct 26th!), because Navi the fairy helps Link find his way, plus it would kind of be short for Navigator.
  • edited November -1
    I think Navi is an awesome name and you should go for it. Though Mjollnir (Thor's Hammer) is cool too, lol.
  • edited November -1
    Oh, Navi from Zelda!

    "Link! Look! Listen!" or "Hey! Hey!"

    I love that game, thank God I found a copy for Gamecube :o ~
  • edited November -1
    Always makes me think of that VG Cats comic. :)
  • edited November -1
    I agree, Skella is now YOUR dog - you should be able to do anything you want with her name. You are the one who is going to be calling her. Her name should be something YOU like. Navi is an awesome name anyway - I don't think the old owners would mind ;)
  • edited November -1
    Im not on the best terms with the woman I got Tsuki from (did NOT disclose her allergies) - and I did rename her and referred to her by the name I gave her. The woman acted very offended and continued to address her as NeNe (Nay Nay, haha) in our emails back and forth. Keep in mind, she only fostered this dog for 2 months and knew she was not a permanent addition.

    I had no qualms renaming her, whether I was on good terms with this woman or not. I dont think you should either! If the owners have an issue with it, you can politely remind them that you feed and shelter her. Skella/Navi doesn't care about what her name is, thats all up to you and if it makes you happy, you should do it. Tsuki has learned her new name after 2 months with me, it doesn't take long at all.
  • edited November -1
    She is yours, name her what you'd like. I've made no secret about my name changing plans for Tosca (currently Bean... ugh!) because once she comes to me, a new chapter in her life begins and if that intails a different name then so be it. What should you put up with a name you aren't particularly fond of for the rest of this dog's life because you don't want to offend someone. If you feel the need to ask the person you got Navi-Skella from to ease your mind then do so, but I don't see how it should matter to her.

    I agree with Scientiste, the dog isn't going to be offended and she is the only other party who is directly affected by the name change.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks for all the encouragement. I've pretty much decided that her new name is Navi, I'm just putting off telling her previous owners and making it "official". Maybe that will be my goal for today!
  • edited November -1
    LOL, good luck!
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