Upcoming puppy

Hey Happy Holidays everyone.

I just got word from Katja about my upcoming puppy (Himiko). There are to litters coming up one due in Feb ready to go home March/April and another litter due not long after that going home April/May.

The first litter is from Mike and Yana and the second from Mike and Mura.

Now that I am all excited (it is starting to feel really real)! I am curious. I know a bunch of you guys have pups from Katja. Does anyone have a Mike/Yana pup or a Mike/Mura pup?

I want to see what Himiko's brothers and/or sisters look like!

OOOOOOHHHHHH I am so excited!!!!

My deposit went in on my birthday and I got this email on Christmas. At this rate I will have an easter pup! 


  • edited November -1
    Does  this breeder Katja have a website?
  • edited November -1
    How exciting!!! Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see pics of the new pup when you get him/her!
  • edited November -1

    Jessica,  Both Michelle and I have pups from Mike & Mura (Ronan & Tenji).  If you go back to the earliest pages of this forum you will see pictures of them.  Paul and I couldn't be happier with our Shikoku pup.  Tenji is super smart and very affectionate.  He is a wonderful family dog and loves, loves, loves, his home and family.  He is great with people but reactive with some other dogs.  Michelle had the good fortune of meeting both Mike and Mura so she will be able to tell you about their dispositions.  Tenji weighs 36 pounds at 14 months and he is 21 inches at the shoulder. 

  • edited November -1

    Tenji in the park

  • edited November -1

    Evan this is the kennel


    ddowmers, thank yo so much. I am beyond excited. I thought I remembered you saying that Tenji and Ronan were Mike's offspring. I was hoping that was the case too because I simply love to see pictures of Ronan and Tenji they are such BEAUTIFUL dogs.

  • edited November -1

    Wow - You must be sooooooooooooooooooooooo stoked! I know you have been waiting a while and watching everyone else get their pups doesn't help much (sorry)! I promise your Shikoku will be worth the wait!

    Mike is the father of Loa, but her mother was Aiko - Loa is super sweet. As you know already, Ronan & Tenji are some of the best looking pups around!


  • edited December 2007

    Hi, Jessica

     me too, I am so excited about having my puppy around spring, also, I am worry about my NFC cat, hope they could get long.

    it's been almost 2 years, can't wait....

    what kind of leash, harness? i was on www.fordogtrainers.com, which one should i get? any thing else sould i be wear of?



  • edited November -1
    Are you getting one from Katja too?
  • edited November -1
    yes, i got the email from katja few days ago
  • edited November -1

    you already have the name for your puppy?

    oh, i have to work on it

  • edited November -1

    I obsessed over a name as soon as we decided on a female. I like naming my pets after people (Piglet being an exception, her name was Belle when we rescued her and she only answered to Piglet) but Moto is short for Masaharu Morimoto (yes I am a food nerd), my chinchilla is named for Yaphet Kotto the actor although Jay and I are lousy spellers, Calliope and Ariadne are favorite mythological goddesses, Kang and Kodos are the aliens from the Simpsons, Argyle and Jasmine were named when I got them, Desdemona is named from the character in Othello.

    Little miss Himiko is named after a possibly fictional (there is much debate amongst historians) at the very least likely exaggerated ancient queen in Japan. She was often referred to as "Shaman Queen". I thought the story was really interesting and I liked the name.

    To anyone who is curious here is the Wikipedia (for what it is worth) on Himiko



  • edited December 2007

    big happy family, and a snake too? for real? Surprised 



  • edited November -1
    Our critter family was even bigger not to long ago. Our snake is not doing so well right now. She is getting up there in years (we are her third family, almost all our pets are hand-me-downs). She isn't coming out almost ever now. So I think my list will be shorter soon.Cry
  • edited November -1
    All I have to say is MILLIPEDES!!!!!!!!!!! 
  • edited November -1

    Jessica - This is exciting news! I can't wait to see photos of Himiko, "the Shikoku Princess", lol.

    Helen - How much exposure has your Norwegian had? If no bad past experiences with dogs, then they should be just fine. I have to teach Kei to leave Fiskars alone. As she is dog aggressive. She is just fine out and about when the dogs leave her alone.

    Mia, on the hand is a bit more tolerable. She use to play with Lynx, when she was a pup, but Lynx is a bit of a bully and liked to tease Mia a lot. So, unfortunely...I think Lynx ruined it for other dogs, lol. Even so, Mia is not dog aggressive at all, she has a more of "leave me alone...." nagging kind of attitude, so I guess they won't be the best of friends but they can co-exist together just fine. It is just a matter of establishing boundaries. Kei tested his a bit too far the other day, right when he began to hump Mia! She would have none of that! lol. So now Mia is a bit more assertive with my Shikoku pup.

    Cutie surprisely didn't seem bothered at all by Kei at all. Although, at his age (13 years), he is very "kick back". And since Kei not once bothered him. Cutie didn't see any need to react.  

    I am expecting a kit real soon though, either a Birman or Siberian...whichever comes first! I think they will get along well. Especially with the temperments that Birmans and Siberians possess. And a cat with a clean slate from dogs!

    I have video of Kei and Mia together, I'll try and upload and post it. I am so lagging on posts though. It's been a very busy and crazy past 2 months. I'll catch up, eventually!

  • edited November -1

    Question, assuming I get Himiko at about 12 weeks old, how much does a female shikoku puppy weigh and approximately how big are they?

    I am asking because I am trying to buy some of her necessary equipment (leash, harnesses, crate, etc) now so that it isn't that solitary huge whack once we get her. 

  • edited January 2008


     I picked up Kuma at about 11 weeks old and he weighed 9.5 lbs. Now at almost 17 weeks, he weighs 17 lbs.  The collar that I had bought him in advance was a bit too big. He probably will not wear it until he is 20 weeks old. Oops!


    have fun with your new girl!

  • edited November -1

    Keep receipt and make sure that there is a good return policy just in case.   We already have a crate thank god!

  • edited November -1

    I have a crate for when she is little, and another one for when she grows bigger. I don't think I am going to go super fancy with her first harness, because I would assume she will out grow it pretty quickly. Moto has a ton of harnesses that should fit her when she hits about 19 or 20lbs, but that will be in a while.

    I already have her ID tags, and she isn't even born yet.

    Jeez this is what happens when you are the daughter of a german virgo and you have a mild case of OCD Tongue out

  • edited November -1

    Loa was 11 pounds at 8 - 9 weeks and a little smaller thank Kaia, who is a very small Shiba. Ahi was almost exactly the same as Loa, but maybe a pound heavier at 8 - 9 weeks.

    Loa is a Mike daughter - so her size is probably close to what you should expect.

    So my guess for 12 weeks would be 15 - 20 pounds. Loa is 26 pounds now at 18 weeks.

  • edited November -1
    I think a good way to guess a (female) Shikokus' size might be to multiply 1.5 pounds per week.
  • edited November -1

    Cool. Thanks! I like equations for stuff like this. It is at least mildly concrete. And while I may be a visual artist by trade, I certainly have enough "A"-type in me to LOVE when I can apply math to puppies.

    Um...did, I mention I'm a nerd?

    (by the way Brad I love the R2D2 by the crate)

  • edited November -1

    Jessica - Thanx! When I first got R2 Maui HATED him! He would out right attack him every time I turned him on.... it was great! Now he doesn't care to much about poor old R2.

    On a side note - I'm a nerd too, so no worries, your not alone.  Smile 

    My equation does break down at some point tho - probably when they hit like 6 months... because Ahi hit her full weight at 9 months and has not changed much. If that equation was totally accurate that would mean Ahi would be like 55lb at 9 months... and she was not, she was 45lb. So I think the rate changes after 6 months or so.

  • edited November -1
    It's a good starting point.
  • edited November -1

    I know Kei is a boy, but these are his weights anyways:

    9 weeks - 10 lbs

    12 weeks - 13 lbs

    16 weeks - 17 lbs (current as of Friday)

    Hey Brad, it seems that Ahi and Loa were/are much bigger then Kei. He has some really good build on him though. I think his growing rate may be slower, I feed him twice a day. How much did you/do you feed your pups a day...three times?

  • edited November -1

    We feed the pups 3 times a day till they are 6 months or so, then we go down to 2 times a day... Ahi still eats 2 times a day. Loa gets a cup of food three times a day now. She is not fat... still pretty fit.

    We where looking at the Shikoku standards and we have come to the conclusion that Ahi is a pretty big girl (duh) - she is at the very top of the size a female Shikoku should be. I think Loa will be smaller.

  • edited November -1
    I think males tend to be slimmer - that's just my gut feeling.
  • edited November -1
    Kei sounds like he weighs pretty much the same as my male now, and they are pretty close in age. Kuma weighted 17 lbs last week at the vet and he was born Sept 9th.
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