Believe it or Not :)

edited November 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)

I waited to post this until she was home safe and sound.

I had Akira off leash at 10,000 acres in Troutdale/ North side of Lewis and Clark State Park. If your not familiar with this place it is HUGE. It borders I-84, the Columbia and Sandy rivers. Miles and Miles of fields and woods. I would say it is 10 miles from my house.

We were way out in Park, looking at MT Hood when it happened. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Hunting season. Before I could do anything, Akira was running for her life. I lost her Friday afternoon. Of course, I setup in the parking lot in Troutdale. Saw her about 11 Friday night, but she wanted no part of anyone. I went back 4am before work with no sign of her. Saturday afternoon became Saturday night with no sign. I posted signs all around park. I decided to go back with my bicycle Sunday and spent the day riding the trails talking to people. Everyone knows us but hasn't seen her. I come home super depressed Sunday.

I had to work at station for a few hours Sunday. As I was getting off another FF came in and started giving me a hard time about my special dog. I was confused....He then told me he spent 30 minutes Sunday afternoon trying to catch Akira. Where I asked?, I lost her in Troutdale. No, he said, she is sitting on the corner of 242 and Powell. WTF??? HUH??? I got off work and drove there to see her sitting in the jeep dealer in Gresham. 1/4 mile from my house. 1/16 as the dog travels. She wanted no leash and wouldn't get in the car. So,after a few hours I decided to try walking home. It worked, she stayed close the whole way and went right in the house when I opened door.

Either Akira pays real close attention to the landmarks as we drive or Shiba Inus have an AMAZING homing ability.

There is no direct route home. She either crossed/travelled I-84/Columbia/Sandy River/RR tracks? She walked for miles. Did she take Columbia HWY and cross at Stark St bridge? Come up the hill near the outlets? I am SHOCKED that she traveled all that distance in 1-1.5 days, in the rain.

The picture is her standing there. just standing there.

BTW- She is sleeping. :)


  • edited November -1
    OMG! Well thank goodness she made it back safely. I can't imagine the stress you were under during the time she was gone.
  • edited November -1
    Holy crap man. What a scary story. I'm so glad she made it home safe and sound.
  • edited November -1
    Good for Akira for finding her way home safely. I can not even imagine the panic you must have felt. But I am glad she is home!
  • edited November -1
    Wow, what a freightening story with a happy ending! I'm glad Akira is back. Phew -sweat-.

    Animals in general tend to have good "homing abilities". So that's got to be it! Maybe dogs do pay attention to landmarks then? You could look it up, I've heard of many stories like this. So, I'm sure there have been studies.


    I remember when I moved into a new apartment "way back when". First day there, I took my cat out on harness and leash and we walked around the complex. Good thing too, because Fiskars got outside that same night! My mother works early in the morning and when she came home around 5am, what do you know? Fiskars was running back and forth just outside the front door, as if she forgot which unit we lived in! She had clawed through the window screen to get out, but my mother opened up the front door to let her back in.
  • edited November -1
    That makes me cry that she was looking for you and you found her. I grew up in Portland area, that's amazing her instincts got her across Powell/Stark/I-84. I took Beebe (shiba) hiking last month and she took us the 1/2 mile back to the car through the woods with no direction- she was tracking her trail. What an amazing dog, I'm so glad she's home.
  • edited November -1
    Oh I'm so glad Akira is home! Maybe she "hitched" a ride, but it seems like she was a little frightened of not likely, I guess! She covered a lot of ground in a short time! Take care and the best to you and her! I'm sure she'll look to get lots of rest now!

    Our former dog, Joe, was extremely afraid of guns, firecrackers, thunder... just about anything with a loud sudden noise like that. He would take off running (if off leash), and perhaps he was making a beeline for home but he usually seemed to be just out-of-control with fright. We did lose him one night here in the neighborhood when he bolted from my daughter .. a long story involving an earlier rainstorm when no one was home, followed by a firecracker as she walked him later that night, and then a lady at a nearby church seeing him looking all out of control and taking him in ... Anyway, eventually he turned up at the "doggie jail" (known as PUPS for Pets Under Police Protection). He was still so frightened and shaking when he was delivered to their care and keeping that the "warden" (doggie attendant) had moved him into her office. So, he was having a high old time chewing on a bone and relaxing when my husband got there! Both she and the person who "found" him and called the local police said they would adopt him if there was no claim on him!

    Best to make sure Akira is on-leash or closely tethered if there will be the possibility of guns, firecrackers or other such noises in the future... I guess you know that about her now, though!
  • edited November -1
    Glad to hear she's home safe now! ~
  • edited November -1
    That's a pretty amazing story! Just imagine all the things she must have seen along the way...sounds like it'd be a good kids movie minus the hysterical owner part of course :) Glad she's home safe
  • edited November -1
    So great that you two were united! What a terribly frightening experience for the both of you.
  • edited November -1
    Thank God Akira is safe and back home! I bet Akira missed you just as much as you missed her.
  • edited November -1
    Yes, I was relieved. I still can't get over the distance she traveled only to stop so close to home. I should mention I adopted/rescued/purchased Akira on her 1st Bday. Our first year together was filled with mishaps and MUCH learning by ME. She had taken off more then once during our first year together. The place she goes has for some reason always been her "safe" spot. If she got out near my house, I always knew where to find her. But for her to travel 10 miles still amazes me. Now I have to go to park and take down all 20 signs :)
  • edited November -1
    Glad to hear Akira's safe and home again. To echo miket's statement, I think it would be a great kids film, though I think the hysterical owner should be left in the screenplay for a bit of realism.
  • edited November -1
    wow! that's amazing! I am so glad you have her back safe!
  • edited November -1
    Wow! That is seriously cool and seriously frightening. I would've had a complete meltdown!
  • edited November -1
    well jjs3rd i have just posted a topic about letting my shiba off lead, but reading your story has made me think twice now!!!! im glad she made it home though.
  • edited November -1
    OK Dibbs-That makes me feel better! It is just so unknown and as you see something so little can risk your dogs life and your sanity.
  • edited November -1
    Whoa, scary stuff. Glad she's home now.
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