She's getting BIG!

edited November 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
I figure it's time for an update :)
Mylie has been growing like a weed since I brought her home, I had a feeling since around her 3 month birthday that she was going to be big for a female shiba... So in my research I figured a female shiba would be around 17lbs. Well we got on the scale today and Mylie is at an impressive 24.4lbs and still growing!!! She's leggy, so she's taller than average, and I exercise her SOOOO much that's she's more muscular and probably stronger than I am. I'm amazed at her size. She'll be 9 months old on December 8th and is doing surprisingly well so far with her teenage rebellion. She gets out of line every once in a while, about once a week, but a stern warning puts her right back in place.

So just to give you an idea, the couch Mylie is lying on is HUGE and that cushion is half the size of the couch; it's big enough for both myself at about 115lbs and my fiance whose 170lbs to sit side by side comfortably, only taking up the one cushion:

....And here's the most recent picture of my baby :)

She's certainly come a very long way from this!


  • edited November -1
    Hehe. She IS a big girl. But she look so pretty, I think she's in great proportion. Whatever you're doing, keep it up!
  • edited November -1
    She is a big girl, and a very cute one!
    I like the 2nd photo a lot!
  • edited November -1
    She is a big girl!! I also agree she looks to be in great shape. I like that lat pic...its rare to see a puppy look so cute and regal, all at the same time
  • edited November -1
    I agree with Dave, she is very well proportioned. She is too cute, love love love her coloring!
  • edited November -1
    She really is Bella's long lost (younger) twin! Bella is about 25 lbs now, and just like Mylie is very well proportioned and solid as a rock.

    Mylie has really grown up into a beautiful lady. And she was such a cutie as a puppy, too!
  • edited November -1
    Maybe it's the dinners I spoil her with ;) She eats better than most people do! I forgot to mention that we went raw about 3 months ago, for dinner at least; then Mylie has her Wellness kibble during the day :)
  • edited November -1
    she looks lovely! she's even bigger than Kitsune, who is my biggest at 21.6lbs.
    It must be the raw, it really brings out a new kind of healthy for a dog - congrats on the switch! have you tried raw green tripe yet?! hmmmm! I just hacked at a 5lb hunk of it this weekend!
  • edited November -1
    They grow up so fast!
  • edited November -1
    Awwww! She's all grown up now.

    Soon she'll be going off to college, then wanting her own apartment...wait. nvm.

    What a pretty lady :) ~
  • edited November -1
    she is a beauty!!! absolutly gorgeous...she is getting a big girl ain't she...its amazing how much she has changed that little face is to die for!! x
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