Ninja's first dog park experience

edited December 2007 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
So John and I decided to take Portia and Ninja to our local dog park. We decided to go at night time, thinking there would be less dogs. We got to the dog park around 8:30pm (it closes at 10pm) . There were like 5 dogs in the small dog park and about 10 dogs in the big dog park. We decided to go into the small dog park so Ninja and Portia could be togehter...Portia is pretty small anyways. So we walk in and Portia takes off to go greet the other dogs and Ninja follows behind us. We walked into the middle of the dog park and all the other dogs came to sniff. Ninja did great! He even went up to the other owners and let them pet him!!! He didn't play much with the other dogs and kept pretty close to us.

He did however growl once. I was kneeling down petting him and a 5 month old American Bulldog came, so I started petting him too. Then Ninja growled at him. Maybe he is trying to protect me or doesn't like to shar me? But other than that he seemed like he had fun.

I think maybe only when new people are in HIS HOME he is more shy. But if its in a neutral area, he seems to be pretty good and somewhat social. I was so suprised when he went up to people and let them pet him...I was like "OMG!!! he NEVER approaches people!!!" But anyways...just thought i'd was a good night for me! *yay* :)


  • edited November -1
    Moto ALWAYS growls if I am petting another dog, while he wants my attentions. Even Piglet. As far as he is concerned, I'm his. and he hates sharing.
  • edited December 2007

    There are a lot of Shibas who don't like to share their owners, or get jealous.  Nemo once "marked" me when I was petting another dog.  Little bastard.

  • edited November -1


    I love Nemo! 

  • edited November -1
    HAHAAH!!! Oh man...Nemo is awesome! Have you guys ever had any bad experiences from jealousy? Did they ever try to snap at the dog you are petting...or is it just a warning growl? Once Ninja growled, I told him NO! and then I stopped petting the other dog...and the other dog went to Ninja and started sniffing him and he was fine.
  • edited November -1
    IMO I wouldnt stop petting the other dog but it is a very natural reaction.  Having ninja sniff was good.  Maybe pet with both hands and switch.
  • edited November -1

    IMO - you should turn your back on Ninja and pet the other dogs all you want, even pushing Ninja aside if need be. In the dog world there is really no jealousy, just pack order and rules - if he growls when you pet other dogs he is claiming you as his property. Dogs can be protective, but 9 times out of 10 they are being possessive. Protection is ok - possessiveness is what leads to serious issues. It's not a matter of hurting his feelings or anything, it's just being the leader - he will respect that more than you being loving and empathetic. Trust me, with these breeds - especially Shibas - you give them an inch and they will take a mile.

    If you push him away, and pet another dog and either becomes more aggressive - leave the situation.

  • edited November -1

    I agree with you Brad - I think it is a somewhat alarming situation.

    One can to an extent afford to have a possessive dog if it is not very big - as far as it makes them happy. I can't afford any sign of it with Rem cause it could end very bad. I have seen similar behavior with him once, when a male Golden Retriever came to him all stiff and cocky. Rem did not growl at him or anything, but marked him and went away!! Good the owner didn't see Smile

  • edited November -1
    Thanks for the info guys! Next time i will try turning my back on him or pushing him aside. Why didn't I think of that?! hahaha jk.
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