Leash Training

edited November 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
For those who didn't catch me over in introductions, I'm Sarah and i Just brought my little shiba Hokkaido home last night.

So far, there have been no major problems (I know...it's waaaay early in the games, but still. :P): He hates the leash. I have to carry him down the stairs to go to the bathroom, and when we get out, he pulls it as taught as possible, sits down, and cries.

Any idea how to get him to go...well...anywhere?

Oh, and here's a pic of the baby. I've been informed we love pictures. :)


  • edited November -1
    clicker training. Click, treat, click, treat, click, treat, click, treat, click, treat, show leash, click, treat, show leash, click, treat (you get the idea). Start teaching the dog that leash means, to quote Martha Stewart, "a good thing". After that, let him walk around the the house for a little while with it on.

    Shiba's are dramatic. He'll get over it.

    As for making him go with you anywhere, I think you'll find that you'll be bribing him with treats to follow you for a few more months until he finally gets the idea (or his hormones and confidence set in and he'll be the one pulling you to go everywhere).

    Cute cream pup! How old is he?

  • edited November -1
    He's right at 12 weeks.

    I wasnted to make sure I got him pretty young so he would grow up with the kitties.

    Speaking of the kitties...hehe. He's afraid of Dizzy, and Sumomo won't come down from the refrigerator. Such a set of personalities I have in here.
  • edited November -1
    What kind of leash are you using with him? Its best to start a puppy off with a really long (15-30ft) leash and a harness (rather than a collar). You can buy these at your local pet store for a few bucks. Alternatively, you could make one. Its cheap and easy and has the advantage that you can make it really lite by using parachute cord or lighter nylon climbing rope. What Hokkaido is probably reacting to is his lack of freedom on the leash. By putting him on a long leash (especially a lite one) you will reduce that feeling for him. Over time, he will settle and acclimate to the leash. At that point, you can start using progressively smaller leashes.

    Good luck! And keep the spam coming. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Also, I would add that you shouldn't use the leash to make him go anywhere. At this point, you should just follow him around while he's on the leash. If you need to move him somewhere, coax him with a treat while keeping the leash loose at all times or pick him up.
  • edited November -1
    Heh, I probably worded that wrong. I dont have a specific destination I need to be at....I just need him to get up off his fluffy butt. :P
  • edited November -1
    Aww Sarah, he's a pup! Enjoy his laziness because it'll be gone and you'll be left playing catch-up for the rest of your life lamenting on the days he was lazy!:)

  • edited November -1
    cute pup! you'll get there..
  • edited November -1
    LOL Awwwwww! Cuteness! I agree with everything above. Dont worry about having him follow you or anything right now....just let him wander around with the leash on. And I have to say....I used to have my puppy Honey (now just about 7 months) walk with a collar and a retractable leash. I just switched to a harness and regular lead and it has made our walks SO MUCH better. They weren't BAD before, but now they are AMAZING!

    Just another tip, When we first got Honey she REALLY didnt like the leash. So for the first few times out we just tied some strong yarn or thread to her collar. It was light enough that it didnt bother her, but strong enough to give a little tug if she was getting to far away from us in the yard. (Just thought I'd put that out there)

    Can't wait for an update and more pics!!!!
  • edited November -1
    Alright, he took to walking...sort of.

    His new activity, instead of sitting, is eating grass. Any plant he can find, he eats. I've always heard this is indicative of an upset stomach and is intended to induce vomiting, but her never gets sick. Just chews and chews and chews.

    Should I chalk it up to just normal puppy behavior?
  • edited November -1
    Chalk it up to normal Shiba puppy behavior. They have an affinity to chew grass and sticks more so than most breeds, I think (the Shiba owners manual even mentions it). Ichi chews grass and spits it back out. And if he's not outside doing it, replace grass with carpet and he's happy...the little shit

  • edited November -1
    Honey likes to chew and possibly eat tiny pebbles. WTH? SHould I be worried? I try my best to keep her away from them during our walks but it's like she has radar or something!!!!!
  • edited November -1
    is Honey teething?

  • edited November -1
    not anymore I dont think.
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