Noche's First Day At the park!

edited November 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
What a day that was....I almost felt like charging people for petting him, hehe. So many people ask questions about the breed, I think I am going to make some handouts so I dont have to repeat myself every 5 mins when Im in the park. Socializing went well, Noche dosent seem to mind other dogs..but after a while he stayed near to say.."ok I thought I was a pain..but these other dogs need a leash papa!"


  • edited November 2008
    Sorry..they are big
  • edited November 2008
  • edited November 2008
    last one
  • edited November -1
    I'm really loving the black and tans. What a Cutie pie!

    The very first photo is a great comparison with the Shiba colors. They all look so happy!
  • edited November 2008
    lol! the car pic is perfect!
    Glad the socialization went well!

    p.s. how old is luna? I'm trying to determine when my cream will get her pink nose on!
  • edited November -1
    I have a shirt that I had made that lists the common answers to the most frequently asked questions about shibas.

    This is what appears on the back of the shirt:
    Answers To The Most Frequent Of Shiba Inu Questions:

    Yes, they do look like a fox.
    No, this is as big as they get.
    Yes, they are good with children, if children are good with them.
    Yes, they bark when there is something to bark at.
    Yes, they are easy to housebreak.
    No, they don’t get along with dogs of the same sex.
    Yes, they shed. Twice a year they blow their coat.
    Yes, they are good indoors and outdoors.
    No, they are not related to the Finnish Spitz, Basenji, Siberian Husky, Welsh Corgi, or the fox.
    Yes, they are related to the Akita. They are the smallest of the Japanese breeds of dog.
    Yes, they are very independent and do not like to listen when you call them.
    Yes, they believe everything in the world is theirs, such as: Your Bed, Your Pillow, Your Shoes, etc.
    Yes, they do scream.
  • edited November -1
    HA HA, I need a shirt like that LJ!
  • edited November -1
    Too cute! - The pics and the shirt!
  • edited November -1
    Noche is cute as a button! I love it when they are growing and their paws are oversized! Sooo cute!
  • edited November -1
    "p.s. how old is luna? I'm trying to determine when my cream will get her pink nose on!

    Luna is 4 years old now...I cant remember when she started getting more pink in her nose...I will look for some old pics and see if I can narrow it down (I have seen some adult Cream shibas with black noses as well).

    Thanks for the shirt Idea..I think im going to make one :)
  • edited November -1
    seeing the pics of Noche her teeth are so white!!! it reminds me i need to brush Mischas teeth soon.. also it looks like its nice and sunny and warm where you are!!! we havnt seen the sun in months in England hahaha..
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