Gas! Gas! Gas!

edited November 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
well hopefully the title of this post will get some interest and hopefully some help?? I have tried several flavours of wet food and the best dried food for Mischa but whatever i use she has really really bad wind and it stinks!! it has even woken me up in the night its so bad, even on walks if im down wind you know who's blown off lol, i havnt been changing the food so quickly that she hasnt been able to adjust but nothing seems to work. so for my sanity does anybody else suffer from this problem? is it another Shiba quirky trait? i await for some sweet smelling help!!!



  • edited November -1
    Sake is a gas machine too, but I have heard that the Orijen Puppy which I feed them can make them stinky in the rear end. It is not so overwhelming that I wake up at night though!

    Hopefully someone has a good suggestion!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks Kristen at least im not alone!!! i probably exagerated a bit about the waking up but it was particularly bad that night...
  • edited November -1
    I highly recommend adding a probiotic to their diet. I use naturvet probiotic and enzymes with great success. Even when I fed the dogs dog food they never farted.
  • edited November -1
    How often are you changing foods? The process has to be lengthy or it causes havoc on her digestive track.
    we use wellness core ocean (kibble) with no gassy issues and they now make a canned version. Why does she need canned food? Its very rich and tends to give them gas.
    We had our current foster on canned EVO beef and Weruva Kobe Beef for a month and both gave him gas. But now that he's just eating kibble with occasional tripe meals, he is very regular and looks great.
    We are giving all of our dogs probiotics and digestive enzymes and that really helps, especially when transitioning foods.
  • edited November -1
    How old is Mischa? Nola had horrendous gas up until she was about 5 months old. I have not changed her food since the intial change over from the food the breeder had her on (I feed Solid Gold Barking at the Moon). Once she hit the 5 month mark, she is having less gas, and it is no where near as stinky as it was. She used to be able to clear not just a whole room, but the whole house.

    Also, I agree with Jess and Jen, probiotics can definitely help with the gas and any other digestive issues your pup may have. Hopefully Mischa (and Sake) will grow out of it like Nola did. If not, give the probiotics a try.
  • edited November -1
    thanks all
    the probiotics sounds like a good idea. Mischa is now 3yrs! and i have trid sticking to one food at a time for about 3/4 weeks at a time before changing, she doesnt seem to really like the dried food much, and prefers tinned, and the tinned stuff is the best, the makes of food that you are talking about on here dont seem to be commonly found in the uk, so i'll either import some in or try the probiotic!

    i'll let you know how it goes
  • edited November -1
    Dibbs "tinned". I love the changes in our words. My Uncle is from the UK and he joined our family in 2004 and I am STILL getting used to some of the words he uses. :)

    Im gonna try the probiotic too. Maybe that will help with Sake's swamp a$$ as we call it :P.

    Dibbs - if shipping to you is super expensive to import food, let me know. I ship things all over the world when I sell things on ebay and If you want to try a brand that you can't get in the UK I could ship it to you for a lot less than the companies probably!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks K i'll let you know thats very kind of you

    i think its funny that you say 'canned' hahahaha aswell. we used to have American neighbours from Texas so yo can imagine the fun and games we had with various sayings etc. lol
  • edited November -1
    Diffrent kibbles contain diffrent enzymes and probiotic's so when you change foods (even between diffrent high quality foods) the good bacteria in the gut have to adjust to the new food. Some dogs are effected more than others. In some dogs the change can take up to a MONTH!! I have found that ones that contain peices of dehydrated fruits and vegi's tend to make more gas like Merrick's or some of the ones from Castor and Pullox.

    It happened when I first got Boo, he stunk so bad for about a month. Since then I learned that adding a probiotic to his food helps with any gas. You can buy some from a pet store but I get them from the grocery store. The ones in the health food section are much less expensive than at the pet store where I work. Plus I think they are a better quality. The pills you can seperate and empty the powder inside onto their food.

    Other thing that has done wonders for Boo's digestive sytem is the raw diet. He has had NO gas since he has been eating some raw. No diarhea or vomiting or gas.
    The only time his tummy gets upset is when he gets excited at the dog park and a probiotic fixes that.
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