Potty Training

edited November 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Morning/Afternoon/Evening all!

I've been very lucky in the potty department (or at least I think I am). Aiko has been potty trained since day two that I've got her. Initially, she'd howl when she needs to go, now she just waits patiently at the door or she waits until we take her out at her usual times. She's only had 2 accidents but both being our faults. She loves the grass area by our house and goes there willingly.

The problem:

It never rains in Orange County, California. Yesterday it did for the 1st time and I have not tried to get her used to potty mats or the cement. The potty mats just gets chewed on and the cement is just another area for her to sniff and play in. How do I get her to think it's OK to go on the mats or the cement. After an hour being outside, I gave up and took her to the grass area where she got soaked but did her business.

Thanks in advance for any help!!


  • edited November -1
    Shibas tend to be potty trained from day one.

    Honestly i wouldn't try to show her anywhere to go. Niko and Guinness both go in the same place every day and thats where they feel comfortable, and a new settings to a shiba is the best new thing ever!!!!

    She is so cute!!!
  • edited November -1
    Wow I hope I get that lucky! What a cute little pounce!

    You can buy a pheromone that helps teach puppies where they are supposed to go. You can get it at Petco in the puppy pad area, it works pretty well.

    My friend has a doxin who won't go on pavement when it rains so she put up canopy in her backyard so the grass would stay dry and so the doxin can still go on the grass when its wet out.
  • edited November -1
    Is there a reason other than not wanting her to get wet for training her to go on cement or mats? Honestly, if she doesn't mind the wetness, I would let her keep on doing what she's doing! Also - like you said...it RARELY ever rains in CA...so I don't think it's going to be a big problem..
  • edited November -1
    Just let her get wet! I tried to shelter Miso from the rain so he could pee when he was a pup and now he REFUSES to go out if it is wet on the ground. such a wimp! I just let Sake get wet and she goes out rain or shine to take care of business.
  • edited November -1
    Jennifer: What a cutie! Aiko is adorable --- keep the pics coming!

    Josephine was found in an arrid climate at 10-12 weeks old. When she got to MN. she was pretty apprehensive about stepping into the wet grass. One time when she was a puppy and I took her outside after a rain she walked all the way around the house on the river rock that we have as part of the landscaping, and then on the rock back to the back door again!

    Funny thing, though, even then when she had to go bad enought, she would step onto the wet grass to do her business. I have not ever seen her "potty" on pavement, bare rock, etc. And she loves to wade in puddles, swamps, etc. Go figure!

    In any event, it sounds like your little cutie does want to go into the wet grass for potty, and that is just fine, I think! As a puppy, Josephine would always lick the wetness off her legs and paws when she came back in ... funny thing, you'd think the tongue would make her fur just as wet! We are lucky to have a screened porch, so we always let her "dry off" out there before coming back in the house to preserve the floors and the carpet...
  • edited November -1
    I echo other's sentiments here. I'd keep the dog's training to potty on grass because potty on cement can give all sorts of mixed signals to a dog (Outdoor malls, houses with cement floors, garages, etc.). It's bad enough Shiba's are picky poopers (Read this thread), there's no practical need to nurture that habit! :)

  • edited November -1
    thanks for everyone's comment! i guess i'm thinking humanlike because i wouldn't want to pee in the rain!! (not that i pee on the grass when it isn't raining) haha go figure.

    Aiko definitely enjoys the rain, minus well let her pee on the wet grass!

    thanks again!!

    *picture below is her being "done" with her potty.
  • edited November -1
    HAHAHAH I used to get that "Um...excuse me! I'm DONE" from Honey. But that was usually on our walks when she was a puppy and I'd have to carry her back home. And I've NEVER been able to get a picture of it! Thanks for sharing it! And keep the pics coming!!!!
  • edited November -1
    Now that's a satisfied/smug look if I ever saw one! She is adorable!

    Helpful tip: attach a keychain flashlight to the end of your leash for the late evening poop-walks and you have to walk through poop-infested grass in sandals. It could help you avoid a landmine or 2...or 3.

  • edited November -1
    Aww. Love the "I am Done" expression! Neither of my pups will ever go on a hard surface (cement, rocks, pavement, etc.). They will hold it until they can go on grass. Hiking in the mountains with them can sometimes be quite frustrating! But that is just the Shiba way, I suppose.
  • edited November -1
    Jennifer: Shiba's are different from Kai's, I guess. When Josephine is "done" there are no smug looks! Instead, it's all about "pawing and kicking" with the hind legs (I guess to cover the poo?), and then she takes off running like she is shot out of a rocket! We have learned to hold on to that leash, but it is very, very, funny! Then of course, she has to stop and wait for us to finish our business with that "poo bag"...

    Anyway, Aiko is just so adorable, smug post-poo look or not!!!! Love her!
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