Petsmart Puppy Training

edited December 2008 in General
Is doing the puppy training program at Petsmart a good idea? Are there better places I should look into (without paying an arm and a leg)?

I figured it would be a great way to both socialize Hiro and also, hopefully, make him on the more obedient side of Shiba's. :)


  • edited November -1
    When it comes to Petsmart, it's all about the individual trainer. Some people know what they're doing and have years of experience, others just do it for the paycheck and couldn't care less what the hell happens. Overall I'd go with it but talk to the trainer first. And it's always great for socialization purposes.
  • edited November -1
    Rina makes a good point. It is all about the trainer. Although, petsmart classes, like you suggest, are really just a good way to socialize your puppy. As long as they use positive training techniques you stand to gain a lot from it, even if you don't get an obedient dog out of it. ;-)
  • edited November -1
    Around here for the cost of the PetSmart 8 week puppy obedience class, it was one class a week for 8 weeks for $150. If you broke that down, that's $18.75 per one hour session where:
    • You get a free clicker...or two or three depending on how lenient your trainer is (PetSmart branded)
    • You get a controlled enclosed socialization setting for your dog for an hour at less than 16 weeks of age (because most vets say keep your dog away from other dogs until they're UTD on their shots)
    • You get the basics of clicker training and tips on regulating your dog (no food or water after 8 p.m. etc.)
    • You meet friends!
    These are basic benefits and some are tangible, some not, but considering the break-down for the cost versus the benefit, it is not as much as you think it is. Despite all this I do agree with Rina, it all comes down to how comfortable you are with the competency of the trainer. Also helps to ask if they have other classes where there are other Shiba owners :)
  • edited December 2008
    Like stated, its best to see what classes they have running now, just go shopping there, watch the class and see how they trains the puppies. The trainer I took my puppy to at PetCo was incredibly nice and really helped me train Toby the basics. I mostly took the class for socialization, and it really helped Toby a ton.

    Also, ask your trainer if they've dealt with Shibas before. The Petco trainer I took my Shiba to did know about Shibas and their basic behaviors and issues, ect.
  • edited November -1
    I took my Akita to the petsmart class and she liked it. The session dwindled down from a group of 6 to a group of 3 (two of which were Akitas and one Boxer).

    Ninja was well socialized and learned a lot. We were invited to go to the advanced group but we declined because of conflicting schedules.

    On a side note: the local PetCo has a socializing hour for puppies 8 weeks+ evey Saturday at 1ish. It's free too.

  • edited November -1
    I'm definitely going to go and glimpse a bit of a session at Petsmart. Great idea. Either way, unless I'm totally unimpressed with the level of training they offer, I'll probably end up doing it thanks to all this input ^_^ can't hurt!

    I mostly hope he'll come when called, or at least recognize his name, haha he doesn't seem to get the concept even a little bit. Granted he's still super young. At first he hated the leash and collar but thankfully he got use to it after a couple days and trots along beside me now with out pulling even a little :)

    Thanks so much!!!!
  • edited November -1
    We did a lot of name recognition exercises, as well as a lot of "come when called" exercises. We also had the support of the group members to help us out. It's also much more fun with a lot of people.

    I think the other people left because they were not having any fun. It looked like they did not put in the effort from the beginning and would rather be doing something else on a Saturday afternoon.

  • edited November -1
    Zinja : That sounds perfect!!! I'm getting all excited now lol ^________^
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