I have a friend that was working with his JRT to behave similarly at the mention of a certain political figure (who shall remain nameless). He didn't get that far though. :-)
LOL...too funny. Not so much the video but laughing at the comments. She is a cookie co-dependant! Poor pup associates the protection mode as a means for a cookie. Lets meet the husband LOL (gosh, now I hope this is not a member)
I have a feeling that dog doesn't particularly like being petted on the top of his head like that, so she took advantage of it. There are a few points where he just growls at her for touching his head without the cue and when she leans in to kiss his head the first time he lets out a noticeable growl. Another way to do would be to find something that causes your dog to growl like a particular object or physically cornering them. To be honest, I don't think there's a safe and healthy way to do it. Brandon hit the nail on the head, one day that dog is going to teach his human what growling really means.
I think it's kinda cute/funny lol. It's not exactly a natural thing to teach a dog to speak either. They generally start to do it when they're frustrated at first then just learn to do it on command with little to no emotion involved. Same with the growl. My dog SIRIUS would growl at mops it got to the point to where you could just say "mop" and he would growl. He wasn't afraid of mops or anything, not entirely sure why he did it. O.o' He also ended up growing completely out of it. *shrug*
Oh my gosh, I love that dog. Ok, so here goes. I did this a long time ago with my mom's pet store Pom Buddy. NOT a good idea and don't take this like I'm bragging (he has bitten me a lot). As a spitzy type, he goes berserk for stuffed toys with beedy glass eyes, and we bought him little "weasle" toys that would squeak and that would get him totally riled up. He will launch himself up to get the toy and snarl, growl, show teeth, etc. He'll have coniptions trying to "kill the weasle, Bud" and his eyes roll back in his head like shark eyes during the attack....Anyways, so I am bad, I know, but I started chaining his reactions to my boss' name. So whenever I say her name now, he automatically does the "Satan" thing. Anyways, thats how it's done, but I think it just made him a more neurotic dog so we don't do this anymore because I think it is mean (sorry Buddy).
I have a friend that was working with his JRT to behave similarly at the mention of a certain political figure (who shall remain nameless). He didn't get that far though. :-)
Huggs, Ron and Rudi
that is EXACTLY what I was thinking! I kept wincing towards the end in case she lost an appendage or something.
Poor pup ~
At any rate, the dog never answered the question... Where IS Satan?