Awe, Chad. Sweet. But you know, we weren't there...
LOL, Rachael. It comes from years of translating Mom speak to Daddy speak and vice versa. It was also my job to translate Mom speak to english....she tends to leave important things out like nouns or verbs.
Refer to how cold is it thread you might understand better. Yes I didn't want to be vulgar so I deleted my thoughts, although I still think it is true.
Am I the only one who thinks Chad is nuts?
He didnt want to be vulgar.
LOL, Rachael. It comes from years of translating Mom speak to Daddy speak and vice versa. It was also my job to translate Mom speak to english....she tends to leave important things out like nouns or verbs.
Yes I didn't want to be vulgar so I deleted my thoughts, although I still think it is true.