Pong Pong Bells (Big pictures! sorry!)

edited December 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Thought I would give you guys some new pictures of Pong Pong with Christmas bells :D Some people may see this as a new form of cruelty...hehe. just kidding. don't send PETA after me >.<





After I put the bells over her head and legs, she ran into the living room and stopped moving completely. I felt bad after a while so I took it off her front paws and she ran into my housemate's room and 'hide' by standing between her bedside table and bed:


She did this for a good 10 minutes. As soon as I walked away she popped out and looked at me pathetically from the corner.. hating me with her looks. I came back to take off her bells and she wouldn't look at me. lol.


It was pretty hysterical and everyone thought this would be the perfect way for her to lose weight because she wouldn't even take the sweet potato fry i shoved in her mouth. tehehehe. She was all over me like white on rice an hour before when I was eating the fries. I finally took the bells off her and she was like freeeedom!

Unfortunately, she threw up a couple of hours later after I overfed her by giving her an after dinner rawhide bone. Sigh.. She's feeling better now and is currently sleeping next to me.


  • edited November -1
    Tosca is going to be receiving either that set or something like it very soon actually. You have fabulous taste! :)

    I wouldn't worry about PETA people on your doorstep throwing bells at you. If I haven't been visited after posting pictures of Tosca "in costume", you'll be fine.
  • edited November -1
    Nemo has the same reaction to having things put on him. Shame and embarrassment. He always tries to hide, it's like the object is slowly killing him. Pong Pong is very cute though.
  • edited November -1
    Cruelty! I'm sooooo calling PETA on you. ;-)
  • edited November -1
    Poor thing, but she looks too cute with those bells on!!
  • edited November -1
    Poor, poor Pong! I can just imagine what would happen if I tried to do that to Bella! She would never let me near her ever again!
  • edited November -1
    Brandon - exactly! Whenever I put clothes on her she would either stop moving or lie down and look completely miserable. Even feeding her treats doesn't help because she won't eat them.
  • edited November -1
    zoe would actually like those things. she loves any attention she can get!
    jersey on the other hand, he would be scared for life, hes very hypersensitive to things.

    you can just see her thinking 'i hate you and i know where you keep your shoes'
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