Akita Inu/japanese dogs club in USA?

edited December 2008 in Akita (秋田犬)
Have you got any Akita Inu club or japanese breeds club in the USA?

In France we have an official club for japanese breed including Akita Inu.(but not a good club...)
All FCI country member have got a club.
I 'm a member of the Akita club belge to. (Belgium) good club. ;-)

But i do'nt know if you have a club for japanese breed in the USA, if you have, I'm interessed to know and why not: being a member!


  • edited December 2008
    I have been looking for Shiba Clubs in the US and in my state, Indiana, :( I've been Googleing Shiba Inu clubs and communities for both the internet and in real life but haven't really found anything other than this amazing forum site. I haven't tried looking for a Nihon Ken club though. Maybe my chances would be higher with that.

    I've came across things like the National Shiba Club of America... but I'm lead to believe that's for breeders mainly. http://www.shibas.org/

    I'm eager to see what other people say. I really want to find a club or community here in the US.
  • edited December 2008
    All I know of is the Akita Honzonkai branch in Los Angeles, California, U.S., I see that there are Japanese Akita breeders from Finland, Germany and from France as registered members as well:

    Ahiko Website
  • edited November -1
    We have the Evergreen Shiba Inu Club for mainly the western states. They put on a yearly show but you need sponsers etc to join. I think subscribing to the Shiba Club magazine might be worthwhile though. I sort of just decided to join the Seattle Kennel Club instead because there are more events and it isn't so narrow focused, but really, at this point, I couldn't tell you the benefits of actually joining a club. I think there is a Puget Sound Akita club (AKC akita, the great Japanese Dog not JA) as well as national club.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks all for your information.
    all your club are specilised in 1 breed, not any club for all japanese dogs?
    About Akita Inu Hozonkai (it's teh same name than "Akita ken hozonkai" in Japan" ;-P), I'll check it.
    i'm interessed!
  • edited November -1
    I was send an email to the LA AKIHO club last 2 weeks, to the president. he read my email but no answer.
    (I ask him how can I be a member of LA AKIHO, to learn more about Akita Inu in USA etc...)

    Is there any member of LA AKIHO club on the forum? is anyone can help me to contact LA AKIHO?

    Thanx for your help
  • edited November -1
    Hi Emilie,
    I was past president of L.A.Branch Akiho from 1997 thru 2003, I am in the process of moving from Oklahoma to California, I will be making the long drive this thursday, but when I get to California the club has their meeting on March 29th, I plan on attending this meeting and will get you the information for you to send.

    Ben Herrera
  • edited November -1
    It is a good thing to see AKIHO LA somewhat active. I do believe that JACA is defunct. Perhaps Ben can fill us in on what is gowing on regarding that front?
  • edited March 2009
    Hi ben!
    thank you very much.
    I love to discover the evolution of japanese breed in different country.
    i'm member of the akita club in France and of the Akita club of Belgium. And I love to read article, see photos of Akita in all the world.
    I'm so excited to see other Akita Inu in the USA!
  • edited November -1
    With regards to JACA, it is not defunct, since Pat Szymanski passed away, it has been a little quiet, I am treasurer of JACA and my wife is vice president, we are still going strong. Jaca has members from the UK, Italy, Germany and Canada and still growing and we are still trying to get the Japanese Akita recognized as a seperate breed from the American Akita.
  • edited November -1
    Thats good to hear that something good is gowing on with JACA. I know that there hasen't been a show in 3-4 years and the website is down. I am excited that somethng is in fact continuing.
  • edited November -1
    The website is back up. I was just on it today.
  • edited November -1
    Does it have a new web address? I tried the old one and it just redirects to the Akasta page.
  • edited November -1
    Yes it does - http://www.the-jaca.org/ Once a member they send an invite out to a yahoo user group. Remember JACA is just getting up and running again. Also Ben is in the middle of his move back to california. Like Ben mentioned in another post Pat at Akasta passed on and she was the former president.

    LA-Branch Akiho: www.akihola.com <-- they have a yahoo group as well.

    Hope this helps.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks for the link. I am not interested in attempting to re-join but i will support them in their efforts.
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