At the park with Hiro

edited December 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Randomly decided to take Hiro on a short walk through the park. He learned to walk on a leash reallly fast. The first time I put it on he wouldn't budge!! But for the past two days I've worked with him and now he's got it down :) He still tugs though when the collar starts riding up his neck. He stops, twitches his head to the side, points his ears in different directions and shakes his head like crazy.


  • edited November -1
    Awwww what a sweet little guy!!! :oD
  • edited November -1
    Hiro is sooooo cute!
  • edited November -1
    Sweet looking picture!
    You'll never rid of the shiba shake. Most will do it habitually and well into adulthoot:). Hiro's got the same "concerned" eyebrows that Ichi has.
  • edited November -1
    Great!! can't wait, it's super cute~ like he has water in his ears... only not. Hopefully he'll do it a little less frequently lol every 5 steps gets to be a bit much

    Those concerned eyebrows make him hard to read, so stoic :O I didn't expect that for some reason lol
  • edited November -1
    Ugh. Such a sweet face!!
  • edited November -1
    Haha. the shiba shake. Pong does it every time I put on her collar. Then about ten times after that during the walk. I bought a easy walk harness (the one around the chest, not the nose) and she shook it off for a good 5 minutes after I took it off of her. Hysterical.
  • edited November -1
    I feel like Keiko does the Shiba shake everytime I say "go potty Keiko!" ... like she's saying "No, this is NOT the perfect spot" hehe
  • edited November -1
    xremii~ Haha silly shiba!~ X3 A harness is a good idea to maybe help him do it a little less actually since it won't be able to ride up his neck... might bother him a little less. I might have to try out the whole harness thing. I've never trained a dog with a harness on before though. Seems like it would be harder.

    Kaddy~ LOL! You should take a video of that sometime it sound super cute X3
  • edited November -1
    Aww he's so small <3 Akira hated his leash for the first few weeks but then he started liking it and crying at the door all the time to go for a walk even though he spent most of his days playing in the yard lol
  • edited November -1
    Hiro is super cute! Both Bella and Nola are habitual Shiba Shakers. Every little thing requires a shake off. Gotta love it!
  • edited November -1
    So so cute! It looks like you caught him peeing in that first pic and he's looking back like "hey, do you mind? I'm trying to get this done!"
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