Apparently ears bleed...A LOT!!

edited December 2008 in General
So Remy got into a bit of a scuffle with our neighbour's cat last night. He got a good swat on top of the head and ended up with a small cut on the back of his ear. He seemed fine so I didn't really think too much of it, until I saw the small pools of blood all through the stairwell!!! I stopped the bleeding and now he has a big crusty red clot of red in his fur.

Anyway, he's no worse for wear but man did that ear bleed. For such a small little cut it sure gushed for a while, lots of blood vessels in those ears I guess. Hopefully he learned his lesson about cats....but somehow I doubt it!


  • edited November -1
    Uggg. Poor guy. I had no idea ears were so sensitive. I know Joey has gotten a couple nicks in he ears from Lucy correcting him for playing too rough, but they are usually scabbed by the time I notice them. I wonder if he just got nicked in a particularly sensitive spot.
  • edited November -1
    I don't think they are all that sensitive. Remy is a big wuss about pretty much everything, but he didn't really make a big deal about it...even when I was squeezing it with a paper towel to stop the flow. I think ears just have a lot of blood vessels, plus cats have some pretty sharp claws. Put those two together and you get a load of blood. Seems fine today though, just a big red clump in his furr. Silly bugger!!
  • edited November -1
    Extremities do tend to bleed quite a bit.
  • edited November -1
    Ugh - just like papercuts - not much damage but painful and bloody.
  • edited November -1
    ouch! i am surprise that the ear bleed so much! i hope Remy is ok. It would be wishful thinking that Remy learned his lesson, however, i doubt it as well!! take care- jenn
  • edited November -1
    Right. See, you read my post as it was written. My bad. By sensitive, I meant "has a propensity to bleed profusely".
  • edited November -1
    Sake got a little chunk taken outta her ear when she first got home, she was being Puppy crazy and Miso had to put her in her place. I didn't notice until I saw a scab at the top of her ear. Now there is a noticeable piece missing, but it's cute and adds to her personality. :P
  • edited November -1
    Dave, bleed profusely is right...the stains on my pants and shirt serve as proof!

    Jenn, as for learning his lesson, we'll see this Friday. We're are heading up to Aurora for my Bday dinner with my parents, where Remy will meet my dad's crazy cat. She is a mean little S.O.B. but at least she is de-clawed. Should be an interesting evening!!

    Kristin, yup those little scars are like a story book of silly/stupid things they get into. Remy now has a big hunk of fur missing on his front right leg where he had a puncture from a stick. It's healed nicely but it doesn't look like any furr is growing back. If Sake is anything like the Remster, it is only the first of many to
  • edited November -1
    Im looking forward to it! (Not her getting hurt of course, but just her puppy/dog crazy times!)
  • edited November -1
    Tsuki never ever learns to heed the warnings of foster kittens and always gets a good swat from them! Hope he learns his lesson though! Sorry about the bleeder... thats no fun! Have you had to clip his nails yet? They also have "a propensity to bleed profusely" :))
  • edited November -1
    It's funny that you mention the battle wounds dogs get. I found a patch of hair missing on top of Pong's head (no scar) and I have no idea how she got it. It's funny to part and look at!
  • edited November -1
    That bald spot might be from Pong rubbing his head against something because he's hiding his face from all the christmas ornament stuff you put on him :P j/k

  • edited November -1
    Jesse - haha. I found it wayyy before the christmas bells so that proves you wrong! I put it on her again last night and there's a slight improvement. She is now willing to eat cheese I stuff in her mouth but not kibbles.. maybe that's what she was plotting for! free cheese :D
  • edited November -1
    Dogs will do anything for cheese. Sake had a mild ear infection and she would give the biggest shiba SCREAM when I tried to put medicine in her ears, but if I did it while Chris was giving her cheese, there was no fight...they are smart little buggers...
  • edited November -1
    The shiba scream...that is one thing I haven't heard (yet??). Remy is surprisingly tolerant of being handled/manipulated. He will wiggle and protest for some things (wiping crusties out of his eye, cutting his nails) but doesn't really put up a fight. I guess I'm pretty lucky. The first time I cut his nails, I did nick the quick once and it bled quite a bit. A little styptic powder and all was good. No screams, no wild flayling.
  • edited November -1
    Lucky...Im jealous of you and Remy...Sake screams like a banchee if she even sees the bath, brush,nail clippers, etc. Miso is pretty good with it though. 1 out of 2 ain't bad.
  • edited November -1
    Definately not too bad then. As for baths, Remy does the 'superman' pose (stretches out super flat) when we put him in the tub, but really he's pretty tolerant.

    Oh yeah, not to rub it in, but since you bring up the brushing, Remy LOVES it. Last night he fell asleep while I was getting my bi-daily (if thats a baseball of hair off him. And when I bring out the zoom groom, his eyes start to roll back in his head he likes it soo much!
  • edited November -1
    HA HA, Sake is getting better with the brush, Miso LOVES the brush he will just sit there and enjoy it. I hope Sake learns from her big brother!

    Oh, The screams in my house...Im surprised the neighbors haven't complained.
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