Christmas Decorations and the one with the teeth. Share advice and stories about Christmas!

edited December 2008 in General
I was just putting up Christmas decorations, tree, lights etc last night and Mercutio was rather intrigued by the whole thing. He made some lunges towards the balls on the tree, like they were tennis balls. I was worried that he might chew one and break it and it might shatter in his mouth and cause problems so I put all the balls higher up the tree!
Does anyone have any Cristmas advice or stories to share to help with our first Christmas..
Cheers and Merry Christmas!
p.s note Mercutio's best slippers!


  • edited November -1
    I only put plastic balls on my tree ... well and the one new crystal ornament, but that's placed pretty high up. Keiko and Belle are both kinda 'meh' about the tree... they sniffed at it once or twice, but they'd rather run around the house jumping on furniture :o)
  • edited November -1
    Our tree is up high on a table. Who knows what Miso and Sake would do to that thing if they could reach it!


    The cat has taken an interest in it though and has been sitting under it at night. Not trying to eat it yet.
  • edited November -1
    We shortened our tree (we use an artificial) and put it on top of a small table - I should have pics to post later.
  • edited November -1
    We always keep our tree up on a table.
  • edited November -1
    No tree this year. We have a small tree that goes on top of a stereo cabinet, however Homer the cat always climbs up there and throws the ornerments off of it. Then I have to worry about Nemo grabbing one in his mouth, and giving it a good chew. I find it to be too much hassle, plus after being gone almost all of November I'm having a hard time catching up with the holiday spirit.
  • edited November -1
    our tree is on top of a dog crate and it is still standing! and we had to put Tsuki in that crate last night for about a half hour.

    if you have even a slight doubt that he'll eat an ornament, raise the tree or take off those ornaments! its not worth it!
  • edited November -1
    We have our tree up as usual. Kristen loves having the place decorated for christmas, so she refused to make exceptions just because we have a dog this year. For the first two weeks, anytime he so much as looked at the tree, he got a correction. Now he doesn't even both with it...even with all that shiny tinsle hanging off!!!! It's been up for almost a month now, so he's pretty used to it by now.
  • edited November -1
    Honey doesn't seem to be interested in the tree. But the presents UNDER the tree, that's another story! My daughter LOVES to make little gifts for everyone. Things like drawings, or crafty little things like clay figures. (You know, stuff that only a MOM would know what it was). She will wrap them in anything, one year before we went out and bought wrapping paper (before Thanksgiving dinner was finished! She starts early! hahah)she wrapped all her homemade gifts in paper towels! lol Well anyway, there are already a few gifts under the tree from my daughter and Honey seems to think they belong to her. She goes and gets them and just sits with them under her paws. No chewing or anything. Just holding onto them! lol
  • edited November -1
    aw! honey sounds like such a fun little part of your family! so cute!
  • edited November -1
    You know what? Maybe she's "guarding" them? I bet our son has tried to Sneak a peak, and Honey feels the need to keep them safe? lol Maybe?
  • edited December 2008
    There might be some good ideas in this thread as well...
    The holidays are coming...

    (hope I did that right)
  • edited November -1
    I should add that we don't really let the dogs have free roam of the house so they don't get a ton of interaction with our tree. Until I fee like I can trust Keiko a little more, both she and Belle are always (and I mean ALWAYS) in our sight or in their crates. I was just thinking today, and we've not had one thing chewed on that wasn't a toy! It's probably still too early to say that we won't have anything chewed in the future, but I'm pretty happy about that.
  • edited November -1
    Yeh, touch wood, Mercutio is good at not chewing furniture. When he was 3 months I would correct him for doing the slightest bit of chewing unless it was his toy. He has kinda lost interest in the tree now....touch artificial wood...but yeh, the tinsle I think he still has cunning plans for! And..oh yes he tries to be oh so cunning!
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Ryu didn't really notice the tree or the presents UNTIL his secret santa box came! I wonder what is in that little box.... :)
  • edited December 2008
    The first thing we did was to place the plastic balls on the lower branches. If the dogs run near the tree, only the plastic ones get knocked off. In addition, I taught the pups the 'leave it' command. So the tree itself is safe in our house. HOWEVER, presents do not go under the tree. The dogs are allowed to roam around the house at night and the dogs will actually try to open the presents since we allow them to open their own presents.

  • edited November -1
    Impreza'on aren't you just going to handover those know you want to.....
    I bet Mercurito would just love them! (LOL)


    Barbara I just love the Akitas by the tree with the big ribbons!

    ***** should get Miso his own tree or greens. We put one outside out porch and decorated it one year and the shibas would run under it barking doing 500s around it.

  • edited November -1
    HA, Patrice I just might do that, maybe go by him a christmas wreath!
  • edited November -1
    We have a HUGE tree. The girls are very very good and just ignore it. Niko gets very gentle whenever things are near it (her toys). Their bed is right by it also. Of course bottom 2 feet dont have ornaments. And the only concern is Sasha's lethal tail if she gets too excited.
  • edited November -1
    Jan's never been trouble with the tree, but she ate a large candy cane yesterday, managed to take it off the table. I came home to find my couch covered in sticky traces and pieces of plastic. She seems to be doing fine though.
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