Akitas and smaller dogs

so i am in the process of looking for a cardigan welsh corgi. been a dream of mine to own one and i just love everything about the breed. they are 3rd on my wanted dog breeds, already got the kita and husky.
but i was visiting another forum and they said that akitas would just take the cardi pup as a rabbit and want to kill it. i got my husky at 6 weeks

and granted the first couple days izzy would jump at his every move, which isn't abnormal. after a few simple corrections shes been fine ever since. now i dont believe what they have said. i know what my abilities are as for training and introducing and everything. but i dont want a breeder to say, no you have an akita and it will just kill the puppy.
have you all had any bad experiences? any experiences with corgis by chance?
my parents who own the 5 dogs have an akita, 2 shibas and 2 bichons, with no problems.


  • edited November -1
    You know your dog better than anyone. Is she that puppy killing machine you are afraid of?
    Only a very unadjusted dog would harm a puppy. Yes, there might be a few corrections, but that's part of the puppy's socialization.

    If you introduce them properly and allow them time to start interacting under supervision, I think they'll get along fine.
    Read the article on introducing new dogs . It was written for a multi dog household, but it can be applied to one, I think.
  • edited November -1
    yeah i know my izzy wouldn't harm the pup. i know how she was with my husky and her behavior was actually very good after she got over that 'what is this tiny thing that looks like my toy and sounds like my toy'. any dog i dont care small or large would take a day or two to get adjusted to a new member. and after a week they were cuddling together and playing just fine...well as best a little 8 pound pup can play with an akita lol

    so i mean i know that izzy wouldn't do anything. i've introduced and socialized all the dogs my family has ever had, and helped with any friends that have gotten dogs. so i trust my abilities and i more than trust my dogs. but what they have said on that other forum just has been bothering me a bit. having a corgi breeder specifically point out the akita and shiba as potentially 'bad' dogs to be around.
    i love my akita and the breed and i know what it takes to handle and have one as your family pet. its just a little disconcerning that another breed breeder would say that i guess.
    so i guess thats what is really getting to me.

    thanks for the reply though.
  • edited December 2008
    That corgi breeder should probably seek information on both breeds before bad mouthing them. ;-)
    Kuma gets along beautifully with Nyx and she's more trouble than a puppy!

    Both at 5 months

    At 10 months
  • edited November -1
    those are great pictures!

    and i agree with what you said about the breeder. i just hope that i find one that is more open minded.
    to me its not the breed but how it was raised!
  • edited December 2008
    our akita (we have 4) have always done really well with new puppies. they may give chase if the puppy is running around but all of our dogs would do this, not justy the akita. it's up to you and proper managment to not allow the puppy to play too rough with the big dogs.

    also corgi are very tough little scrappy dogs, i am sure a puppy corgi would be prettyu quick to tell your akita and husky to back off.

    we have had one issue with one of our akita chasing a smaller dog, and that was at a dog park and hilo was chasing 5 little rat dogs that where running all over the place. they were way to small to be there.

    so i agree with Rui, it would take a very unstable dog to hurt a puppy.
  • edited November -1
    i do agree a normal well adjusted dog wouldn't hurt a puppy, and i know my 2 would never hurt one.
    i'm still getting mixed signals at the other forum becuase izzy is an akita, but i'm just blocking those people out. but most of the others are saying it shouldn't be a problem, except for the hair and exercise!!!
    both izzy and koozie adjust very well and i'm sure izzy would love to have another pup to keep koozie entertained, sometimes she thinks she is just to good to play with him and gives me that look like, mom i'm just putting up with him until he looks the other way and then i'm sleepin on the love seat!
    but thank you all here for the more positive comments, its very apperciated!
  • edited November -1
    Akita are one of those breeds with a lot of negative hype, a lot of people get caught up in it.

    with alot of breeds, especially the ones with all the neagative hype, some owners hide behind the hype and allow it to mask the poor managment of their dog(s). how many times have you heard someone say something like "he's an akita, that's part of the breed" when referring to something like recourse guarding or dog agression.

    yes these breeds are more likely to have certain temperment qualties but proper managment of a dog should be built around the individual dog and not the breed of the dog.

    so, i tend to take general comments made about a breed at face value and let my own personal experice and intuition guide my decisions.
  • edited November -1
    i totally agree with you. for the past 10-12 years i have been in love and loved by the akita breed ever since my father introduced me to his friends pair. it was love at first sight. and when i hear such comments, its just a downer, becuase i know the breed and i dont want others to be influenced by someone else who doesn't. but yeah, i just let the bad comments go in one ear and out the other. and then wait for my turn to totally gush about all my wonderful experiences!!
    i do feel kinda bad not getting another akita though...:)
  • edited November -1
    is it possible, when and if you find a reputable, open and understanding breeder, to bring whichever dog you are concerned about to the corgi breeder's place for a little playdate?

    We have a friend with a corgi named Willa, she and my Tsuki are identical in spunk and scrappiness. If your two can get along with your parent's shibas then they'd probably do ok with a corgi.

    Out of curiosity, why the corgi?
  • edited November -1
    I love Cardigan Welsh Corgis!!! They are so cool looking. I have never met one, only Pembrokes. But those big tails and their coats are gorgeous. Moto had a Corgi girlfriend and he loved her so much. I hope you get one just for my incredibly selfish reasons (SPAM)
  • edited November -1
    I personally think that the corgi will run circles around your other pups...literally! They are herding dogs and are bred to deal with large animals. I wouldnt be concerned about the breeds together, and as everyone and you said-it is how they are raised. If a chihuahua is raised wrong it could take down a corgi.
  • edited November -1
    my husband asked me the same thing when i told him i wanted a cardi ( well first he had never heard of them, he though all corgis looked like the pembie)!
    i have actually been looking for a good agility/herding/possible show dog. and i've been researching the cardi for about a year now and think they fit the bill perfectly! and i love the look ( those big ol ears and that face and their spunk!)
    now dont get me wrong, i wish i could use izzy or koozie in agility. but izzy is was to senstive ( you can't raise your voice around her) and catuios to do agility. we tried one at doggy class and she just didnt like it and koozie, well he just loves to run, forget the course!!

    but i dont think i have anything to worry about. my dogs get pleanty of exercise and discipline and love, so they are very well adjusted pups! but i was just looking to get insight on what others thought of my idea and the breed!
  • edited November -1
    It's so silly when people group a breed into "all are aggressive and bad" category, such as Akitas and pit bulls. I say whatever breeder you choose, even if they aren't a corgi breeder, if they show reservations towards your pups, make a believer of the breeder and show off how great an Akita can be.
  • edited November -1
    The cardigans I know with owners that work with them, all do very well in agility and obedience. I prefer the cardigan temperment over the welsh (they are 2 distinct breeds although they appear similar). However, it has been my experience with both breeds that they can be reactive with other dogs in that they will protect their space. As a herding breed, I think there is more of a propensity to be a little nippier, but that's just my experience. The cardigans I know are all very nice with people and I often see them owned in packs of all sizes of dogs if that's any indicator of how well they tolerate other dogs they know. It's crap that people assume all dogs of a certain breed are a certain way.
  • edited November -1
    One of Miso and Sake's best friends is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Emmy. She is a doll and loves Miso and Sake SOOOO much. But, her brother (Another pembroke) does not like any other dogs so when we go for play dates Zack has to stay at a friends house.
  • edited November -1
    thanks ya'll!!!

    i am going to go ahead and start looking for a cardi breeder. i am a firm believer in that in the correct introductions and supervision, this pup will be a wonderful addition to my personal pack, and to the whole faimly dynamcis!!
    and if the breeder has any reservations, i shall have to prove them wrong, or find a new breeder.
    i love my dogs and i would never do anything to put any of them under stress or danger.

    but i think izzy and koozie will welcome a new pup with open paws!
    so let the search begin!!
    and if anyone knows of any cardigan breeders in the midwest ( of the usa) let me know!!
  • edited November -1
    Once you get your cardigan, make sure you spam him up, I want to see tons of pics;)
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