tricks to teach

edited December 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
I'm pretty amazed at how smart shibas are (i spent 10 days with 3 malteses and learning is very hard with them)
anyway, I've pretty much got sit, lie down, shake, roll over, fetch, and he'll sit long enough to get brushed. He also knows stay, drop it and to come when called but these take lots of effort on his part and not always 100%, ...I'm working on crawl and to wait till I tell him to fetch
toki is 17 weeks
what else can I teach him or should teach him?

here is a snow pic as well
BTW, toki's coat has a black band near the base of his tail and I was wondering how many other shibas here have the same this a common coat coloring trait?


  • edited December 2008
    here is a pic where you can see the band on his tail
  • edited November -1
    Honey has that same "band". She also seems to be getting a VERY white tip on her tail.

    Congrats on toki learning so many new things. Honey really caught on quick to most commands. We are still working on "down" though. she will do it with no trouble if I bend half way down to the floor, but if I am standing straight up she thinks she needs to jump up. ???? crazy pup. We still have some work to do. lol
  • edited November -1
    Since my puppy is full of energy, I want to teach my puppy some agility once I rehabilitate his behavior. Then I want to transition him to a more urban evironment.
    I do parkour and would love to have him to do it with me.. I see a lot of potential in him!

    I read somewhere tha "high five" is one of the worst tricks to teach a dog ::shrugs:: But I heard this from one person only. We taught Ninja to play dead... he does sound too!
  • edited November -1
    Aiko also has the band around her tail AND a very white tip on her tail!

    One of my sister's friend has a dog (i don't know what breed) that when you say "bang bang" the dog plays dead. haha that seems like a fun one to teach although i have no idea how to start teaching it!

    Aiko is familiar with come, sit, stay, down, roll over, handshake and twirl. It's been hard teaching her up!

    Toki is a handsome fella!
  • edited November -1
    I would just keep reinforcing what you have taught. That is great. Not to be a downer, but to give you fair warning, many shibas "forget" a lot of their training during their adolescence. So just be prepared for that. And keep reinforcing all the good work you have already accomplished.

    As far as the band goes, if you were showing your pup, that would be considered a "fault". But that is like telling someone their childs freckles are a fault. Knowing your baby is a family member and not a show dog, it is just a cool trait that gives him character and means in a pack of shibas you could identify yours.
  • edited January 2009
    toby knows the basics but ive now got him to "dance". lol i tell him to sit and i hold his treat up and then say "show me what you do" and he will balance himself on his back legs and spin. its so cute. and toby has the band around his tail as well. he also has a small white tip on his tail.
  • edited November -1
    oh god really they forget when they get older jeez
    any tips on how to get him to spin?
  • edited November -1
    well when we get toby tospin i hold the treat above his head and move my hand in a circle motion and he eventually caught on. lol. hope that helps:)
  • edited November -1
    he sort of does a "dance" now too lol
  • edited November -1
    shiba inus are incredibly smart. i was shocked. the first night i got her she understood her name and learned sit. the next day she was comepletely potty trained. a week later she knew lay down, stay and roll over.

    so i really wanted to push the limit so here are a few cool tricks that she learned. (shes 9 months now):
    -going to her crate on command
    -putting her toys away, i'll say "put it away"
    -closing doors and cabinets "close it" and usually i'll point or knock on the thing i want her to close.
    -this one she learned on her own but she can open doors if the handle isnt those round types.

    the most challenging was bark and i think thats just because they dont like to bark. good luck!
  • edited November -1
    thanks for everyone's tips
    toki figured out high five, stand, and maybe spin (but that is just him walking around in a circle)...having him wait to fetch a ball is pretty impossible unless the ball is right next to me. and standing was hard for him, he has balance issues, keeps falling over backwards so I had to start with him balancing on my arm but now he does it on his own although occasionally still falls over backwards

    wliu: how did you get her to put her toys away, and does she then just take them out again or does she leave them in there?
    anyway, if anyone has more ideas I'd love to hear them, I think toki has some ADD or needs a job, he can't just sit still "sigh"
    here he is with his new lobster
  • edited November -1
    starry- prior to learning "putting it away", he should understand how to fetch, drop and recognize his toys.

    By knowing how to fetch and recognizing his toys, it'll be easier for you to redirect where you want toki to drop his toy.

    so i started by playing fetch with her and everything she brought her toy back i would say drop. if she brings her toy back in a timely manner and drops it near me i would praise her and reward her with a treat. i wanted to make sure that fetching the toy back and dropping the toy were two different commands.

    my mom would get mad at me for not cleaning up her toys so i came up with the idea to have her do the cleaning. so i used a designated basket for ALL of her toys. she started by recognizing that the basket was were she had to go to retrieve her toys to play with throughout the day. then i would play fetch with her and she would bring the toy back, then i would say "put it away" and "drop" while pointing at the basket. eventually i phased into saying put it away and pointing at the basket. after much practice with this method i decided to just try giving the command and pointing at the toy without the fetch. this part was hard, she appeared confused for a few days however the few times that i did get lucky I rewarded her and praised her like crazy. after much practice, she eventually got the trick. let me know if you have any more questions!
  • edited November -1
    We taugh Copper to "bow" It was actually very simple and he learned it in about 30 minutes.....but whether he will do it or not is the ultimate Shiba question...sigh.

    A member or the meetup group I am in's Shiba does a really cute trick. When she says Yum Yum, Sushi sticks his tongue out like he is licking. It is really cute!

    We are in the process of working on, put your toys away...but since we have 5 in the house, someone is ALWAYS in their defiant Shiba mood. I guess that one will just have to go in the trash :)
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