Pup Spam!

edited December 2008 in General
Here are some photos of the pups on an outdoor adventure, plus a couple others. The mystery mutt that you're not used to seeing is my Nana's dog, Dolly. I dogsit Dolly whenever my Nana goes out of town or anything.

Tojo pulled frozen-solid, half loaf of bread out of the compost and played with it... Navi tried to nose in and steal it, but no dice.

Rakka outside with her pack for the first time. I'm kind of glad there was snow on the ground, considering all the rolling around and rubbing her back she did!

She even tried to get it off with a shika shake.

She got used to it eventually, though.

It was warm enough that Tojo didn't get prissy paws syndrome and since he'd been staying inside like a wuss dog for so long, he had the zoomies big time.


Here's Tojo saying, "Nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah!" to Rakka.

Here's Dolly.

I tried to get a picture of all four of them, but this was the only one I managed to get, lol. They were all running around too much!

We had the carseat on the porch and Tojo claimed it when we got back.

Then he crashed!

Oh, and here's a random pic from a few days ago. Isaac got an eisel for Christmas, and he put it near the dogs' bed. It was so funny how he was talking to them. In this picture, he's saying, "Rakka, what do you think I'm drawing? Do you think I'm drawing a car? That's right, I am drawing a car! Good job, Rakka! What do you think I'm drawing now?..."


  • edited November -1
    Great snow pics! I wish we got snow here in Tennessee. We haven't had any significant snow this decade I don't think. So, the snow spam is my favorite. The more I see Shikokus the more I want one. They are so pretty. I am glad everyone had a great day.
  • edited November -1
    I love Isaac's relationship with Raaka! So sweet.
  • edited November -1
    I love Rakka on her back with the pack. Of course, I love since Isaac, too - very precious!
  • edited November -1
    lol, love the photos.
  • edited November -1
    LOVE the pic of Tojo in the carseat & Elijah talking to Rakka! :)

    How's Navi doing responding to her new name?

    Thanks for the spammage!! ~
  • edited November -1
    Cute pictures, is that an old fireplace their sleeping in?
  • edited November -1
    aww how cute i hope to put some pics of toby in the snow up tomorrow.
    beautiful dogs you have :)
  • edited November -1
    Sorry I'm super late to this, but great spam Heidi! It looks like the perfect day for an snowy puppy adventure! Isaac's friendship with Rakka is just too much. It puts a smile on my face every time I read about it. :-)

    @Osy: Elijah would be Rachael's new non-furry kid, not Heidi's. :-P
  • edited November -1
    I missed this one before, and what a shame because the photos are great!

    Rakka rolling with the pack and Tojo in the seat are hilarious!

    It's very cute how Isaac includes Rakka in his game.
  • edited November -1
    Heidi: Great pics of the dog in the snow, and hope Rakka gets used to the pack! I love the photo of Isaac and the doggie. Isaac's dialogue with Rakka is stupendous -- what a great student Rakka makes (I notice the sleeping dog -- must be learning through osmosis... I heard from some of my son's middle school teachers that he slept through class, too!)

    Thanks for sharing the pics, Heidi, they are great! And Happy New Year to you!
  • edited November -1
    Osy - Navi adjusted to her new name better than I did, actually. I still call her Skella half the time. She answers to both just fine, so it's all good.

    Calia - not an old fireplace, but a faux fireplace. There's no chimney or anything, so I assume the previous owners of this place had a fake fireplace or something.
  • edited November -1
    lol! You're right Dave, I don't know why I typed Elijah instead of Isaac! :(

    Heidi, glad she's responding so well! :D ~
  • edited November -1
    Great spam Heidi! I am so jealous of all you people with SNOW!
  • edited November -1
    Romi I have a guest room....
  • edited November -1
    Jess - Just let me know when you and Jay are ready for me!
  • edited November -1
    I just need about an hours notice...Vaccum and change the sheets, you know...(also I am not kidding, you want to visit New England, you have my number)
  • edited November -1
    Tojo falling out of the "fireplace dogbed" is great, so is the stealing of the carseat.
  • edited November -1
    lol! love the carseat pic! I had my hubby come look at these pics, too... "see honey? That's Rakka? Don't you like Rakka? We should think about getting a Rakka, dear!"
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