Aston's New Years Eve not so hot

edited January 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Last night right after the count down we took Aston outside to use the bathroom, and in the alley was our neighbor's kids. So we were walking over with Aston to wish them a happy new year. well thats when the fireworks went off. Aston was about 10-15 feet from them, and they shot into the air and then went boom. Aston took off so fast toward the house but was on a leash so my reaction was to keep my balance. We've never seen him bark or run that way! He ran all the way (full speed) into the front fence, then in the front of the house, then got up and ran inside all the way up stairs to our room and directly under the bed. Aston won't come out from under there, not even for food. I carried him out last night, and he let me pet him but kept pulling away and running back under the bed.This morning I tried to feed him like normal but he still wont come out, he hasn't ate yet but will let me hand feed him under there. He still isn't himself at all, he's just laying there with no his eyes open and looks very afraid. Normally if I reach for him he will get a little mouthy with me and come to play. Actually he normally jumps on the bed to get me up to play. We don't know what to do, and are really worried this might have traumatized him.


  • edited November -1

    He IS traumatized. This is going to take some patience. Don't force him. Personally, I would sit a few feet from the bed (bring a book this could take a while) no noise (no TV, music etc.) with something really really delicious. Don't call him, just hang out. You may have to do this for a while. Hopefully his curiosity will lure him out. When he comes out, give him a piece, and LOTS of praise. Don't worry if he goes back under. Just keep doing this. He needs to rebuild his confidence. That would have freaked ME out. The good news, hopefully no more fireworks until July. And then you will know to keep him inside after dark.
  • edited November -1
    Thank you so much, Yeah it scared the hell out of us too. Im sitting here with the laptop and putting trails of food out and he seems to be finally coming out. You're right, this might take some time because he eats what i put out and then returns under the bed.
  • edited November -1
    Jessica is right. Your pup is definitely traumatized. Some ahole turned his motorcycle on right next to Mika as a pup and she is afraid of all loud noise - even fireworks or bombs on tv (we have a really good system). Dogs can't rationalize where the sound is coming from and will just hide until they feel comfortable to come out. Tight dark spaces is always the first choice.

    When your pup is ready and feels safe (or hungry), he'll come out. As Jessica suggested, give him lots of praise, but he'll probably be skittish, so don't be too loud, or overt in your gestures.
  • edited November -1
    I feel your pain - patience is definitely the key here.
  • edited November -1
    Aston has been out for the past few hours and we even made it outside.
    Thanks everyone
  • edited November -1
    Glad Aston has come out. :) Bella does not do well with loud noises. So we have to keep her inside during all major 'party' holidays. Nola, she just goes with the flow. (That and she MAKES all the loud noises!)
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