For Black and Tan Shiba Owners

edited December 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Hello, I was curious if any black and tan shiba owners could post some before and after pics of their shibas. (ie: puppy to adult) I am interested in seeing the different color progressions/markings from puppy to adult.

Thank you-

Here are a few pictures of Junie my male shiba puppy.


  • edited November -1
    Here is my Bella:

    13 weeks
    From Bella
    Apprx 5 months
    From Bella
    7 months
    From Bella
    1 yr
    From Bella
    Now (just over 3 years)
    From Family Photo Shoot - 23 Nov 2008
  • edited November -1
    I haven't really seen too much of a pattern change with Tetsu, aside for the fact that his roots have turned cream colored thus making his shoulders and side of neck lighter. He's only about 7 months now, so he's not really old enough to show any long term changes

    At 9 Weeks

    At about 4 months

    At about 6 months
  • edited January 2009
    This is my dude.....

    10 wks
    5/6 mnth
    9 month
  • edited November -1
    I think the most major change is the tail, looking at these pics now, you can kind of notice that the turn more white. When I first had Tetsu, his tail was practically all black, but it quickly turned white and tan along the "underside" of the tail.
  • edited January 2009
    Thanks for the pics everyone. I was trying to get an idea of how light Joonee's face is going to get. However most of the pups that Ive seen have really dark masks as puppies and tend to keep their black masks as adults. Joonee has a pretty light face and im thinking he may loose most of his black on his face. From what Ive read the color always tends to get lighter and never darker on the face so I am curious as to what Joonee is going to look like as a adult. (Ive seen pics of his siblings and parents and he doesnt really look anything like them in terms of the facial coloration.
  • edited January 2009
    Noche looks to be keeping his original face markings, he did go through some coat changes. At one point I thought he was going to havve a very noticible brown skunk stripe down his back..but black hair is forming over it, so its not as noticible anymore. However around the back of his neck he developed a light "mane" (you can see it in the 4 month pic #2) , it actually loos sorta cool and the wife and I hope it dosent fade away or becoming any lighter, but he stil has some growing to do so we have to wait.
  • edited January 2009
    First got home 3 months
    At 3 months
    At 4 months
    At 4 months
    At 7 months
  • edited November -1
    I love the one of Mercutio squishing the panda bear!
  • edited November -1
    The panda still retains that he won!
  • edited November -1
    Mercutio: "Say uncle!! Say uncle! I'm not getting up until you say Uncle!"

  • edited November -1
    I think the Panda would say Uncle if his mouth wasn't full of bum cheek!
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