Some 50mm spam from today...

edited February 2009 in General
Here are some pics I took today with my 50mm lens...

















Also this 10mm shot of yesterday's sunset:



  • edited November -1
    PS: Yes, Kaia needs her nails trimmed.
  • edited November -1
    Great shots Brad! I love the 3rd shot of Kona. His eyes make me melt :)

    Why is everyone hogging up Maui's spot?? lol
  • edited November -1
    The ones of Kahuna are just.....WOW!~
  • edited November -1
    That first one of Masha is adorable....
    and yep those toes need a trim on Kaia! Is she giving you trouble on the trims?

    Love the sunset : )
  • edited November -1
    Nope, no trouble - she is great about her nails being trimmed - the Shiba's toenails just grow freakishly fast in this climate. It's really strange. Believe it or not her toenails were trimmed last week! Maui got a trim then too and today we noticed his need to be cut again - this doesn't happen w/ the other breeds - just the Shibas.

    The only issue we have with Kaia right now is her inability to lose weight - we have her on a strict walk schedule [two 30+ minute walks a day] and a diet, but she just will not lose her little gut. It's frustration. We thought her weight loss issue was due to her Thyroid issue, but she has been on the meds for a few months now and we have had her retested to make sure we are dosing correctly... But it seems it's something else. *sigh*

  • edited November -1
    OMG... cuteness overload! Great shots, I wish I could do the same! Where were the other ladies (Loa, Lani, and Ahi)??

    Brad -- Just curious, is Kaia on Levothyroxine for her Thyroid? Our Pom is on Levo for his Thyroid but we never saw any changes to his weight from the meds, I've only noticed he has quite some dandruff now whenever he gets shaved down. And I totally haven't researched hypothyroidism at all (like I'm sure you have), and I don't know how many different kinds of meds there are but just throwing it out there as an idea? I realize as I am typing this that I can totally be off-base here...
  • edited November -1
    Nice sunset!!! It must be really beautiful at night with all the stars too.
  • edited November -1
    The shots of Kahuna are amazing! And I just love Kona's face... I want to hug him.

    Masha, Kaia, and Fuji are lovely as always.
  • edited November -1
    I really like the shots of Masha (no surprise there)
  • edited November -1
    Love that first pic of Masha and the first pic of Kahuna. Nicely done!
    Kaia is uber floofy!! I don't remember her being so floofy!
  • edited November -1
    kaia is quite fluffy - she's got her outdoor clothes on!

    lovely sunset.
  • edited November -1
    Brad: Great pictures, even of Kona! Looks like I just need some fancier lenses for photographing my black doggie! Love all the pictures, and especially Masha after wood pile attack! lol
  • edited November -1
    Kahuna makes me melt! Kona too!

    Great shots Brad!~Sigh, I love days with Anderson Spam....
  • edited November -1
    These are fantastic shots!
    Very nice and great expressions!
  • edited November -1
    Great portraits of the pups!
    The one of Kaia is really good! Also like th second of Kona a lot!
  • edited November -1
    Love the Kahuna shots.
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