Orijen 6 Fresh Fish and Orijen Puppy from The Pet Kitchen

edited February 2009 in Products & DIY
Ryu and Roxy are on their first Orijen rotation and we are more than pleased! Ryu is transitioning from Merrick's Before Grain Buffalo to Orijen 6 Fresh Fish. He did well on B.G. but by the end of the first bag, he was getting pretty tired of it and wasn't eating on schedule (not eating in the morning and only eating half a cup at night, etc). On the second bag, we started transitioning to Orijen and now he can't wait to eat! He gobbles it up almost as fast as our Cobra Roxy :)

Roxy is transitioning from Wellness Puppy to Orijen Puppy and she is practically jumping up on the counter as I'm mixing the Orijen in. I've noticed a big difference in our little girl. She has less eye goopy-ness and her coat is getting softer and shinier every day. She's currently blowing her puppy coat but it's soft clumps! haha Her breath has significantly improved as well. :)

Since we live out in the middle of nowhere, the closest store to offer Orijen is 2 hours away. We ordered from The Pet Kitchen (www.thepetkitchen.com) and received our order in 4 short days! This online store is great because I trust that all the food products are high quality and recommended by a knowledgeable dog owner. Not to mention, she's a Nihon Ken owner and member of this forum! ;D


  • edited November -1
    Ninja and Portia didn't do well on the Orijen Adult - but I decided I will try one more time with the Orijen 6 Fish - I am also in the process of transitioning them and so far so good! No super stinky farts and stools are nice and consistent!
  • edited November -1
    Orijen Puppy gives Ichi stinky gas like no other. The slightest escalation of nerves and I'll be smelling SBD's within a minute. That said, I still love Orijen because it's kept my dog healthy and constant for the last 4 months. I think the stinky farts are a small price to pay for good health. He's currently in transition to Innova's EVO and he loves it. I'll keep you guys informed as to whether the stinky farts will continue (I may rotate Orijen 6 Fresh Fish in instead of Orijen Puppy).

  • edited November -1
    I am going to transition my kids to the Orijen Fresh Fish 6 next. They were on Orijen puppy and Evo rotations... They love the Evo, so I am going to keep that in the mix.
  • edited November -1
    I really wish we could have afforded to switch the pack to Orijen. I did so much research on different food and that was my fav., but with all 5 and Copper having his heart issues and our hound having severe arthritis, we just couldn't do it(I think the dogs are on more medication than my grandparents) :( We did switch to Nutro Natural...best we could do :( If I would have stayed an accountant, we could...lol. Teachers just don't make enough.

    I am envious of you all :)
  • edited November -1
    Nikkimule....maybe you can supplement with sea meal and fish oil. Also Linatone mixed in can also help the dogs out.
    I know the higher end food is really pretty expensive....I was surprised at the price hike when I got the last batch of dog food.

  • edited November -1
    I give Nos and Daisy a combo of Orijen Adult and the 6 Fresh Fish... the only place that sells the 6 Fresh Fish (that I know of so far) is in the next city over so I decided to mix it up so I don't run out of it AS fast. However, I was told by one place I found the 6 Fresh Fish at that it's only necessary for dogs w/ allergy problems... has anyone heard the same? Neither of my dogs have allergies and they both seem to like the combo of the 2 in any case... except Daisy does have super stinky deadly farts but her poop is always nice and firm.
  • edited November -1
    StatucNfuz...we do use fish oil. I do not like using a lot of supplements. Their coats have really improved, and they are doing great. Besides health issues that can not be helped.
  • edited November -1
    jacpot - I wouldn't say that 6 Fresh Fish should ONLY be given for dogs with allergies. Fish based foods can be fed to any dog - with allergies or not. I think the store might have said that because Orijen is having a shortage on fish and for a while, some places could not get it at all. So that store may have been one of them who had a limited quantity of the 6 Fresh Fish Formula. That seems a little ridiculous though...to go as far and tell a customer that it is only necessary for dog with allergies.
  • edited November -1
    I had one store tell me that most of the people who buy the Orijen fish buy it for dogs with allergies, which is definately better than the Eukanuba F/P. It seems to be "the thing" for dogs that are native to coastal areas/islands or that would be eating fish naturally.
  • edited November -1
    My thoughts on this:
    I think because Orijen is grain/corn-less, stores automatically recommend it for dogs with food (grain) allergies. Though what everyone has said on this forum is that grain isn't part of a dog's natural diet anyways so I can see why Orijen as a food for dogs with allergies can be a "red herring" yuk yuk.

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