Puppy pics - 5 weeks old *updated 3/16*



  • edited November -1
    they are too cute!!! so round and fuzzy! great pics!
  • edited November -1
    AWESOME! Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!! ~
  • edited November -1
    Oh no... I should know that I can't look at furry potato posts without wanting more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    There is nothing better than to wake up to pictures of furry potatoes!!! I love it! :D Thanks for sharing!
  • edited November -1
    omg, they are criminally cute! I love the mug on the dark sesame boy! Devious!
  • edited November -1
    thank you all for your oggling words of appreciation : )
  • edited March 2009
    The father and his mother are gorgeous!
  • edited March 2009
    Here's my weekly update. They are 4 weeks old now and starting to get very active! Jacey actually had the other litter (the show litter w/2 pups. boy and girl) out and all 6 pups were playing. I have a few great pics and 2 long videos. Sorry for the size of the pics. I uploaded them to small....I'll correct when I get home : ) enjoy!

    So our decision is still stuck between the little red boy (1st 3 pic) and the light sesame boy (2nd 3 pic), But I know Jeremy is very keen on the little red boy so we'll see : )
    From Shiba puppies
    From Shiba puppies
    From Shiba puppies
    sesame boy
    From Shiba puppies
    From Shiba puppies
    From Shiba puppies
    Here is the little girl the breeder will be keeping
    From Shiba puppies
    From Shiba puppies
    Dark sesame boy that is already a handfull. (he was barking and growling at us....and the camera. hehe)
    From Shiba puppies
    From Shiba puppies
    From Shiba puppies
    this is the 'show litter' 2 pups. I think the boy is the one with the defined white socks. They are 3 days older.
    From Shiba puppies
    From Shiba puppies
    (the little girl was following me around with the camera and 'sitting pretty'. she love'd geting her photo taken!)
    From Shiba puppies
    I'm trying to get the video up but I've only gotten as far as uploading to you tube. It was too big for my picasa web. Now I have to figure out how to post in forum. Any suggestions? I'll work on it......
  • edited November -1
    There's an embed code for you on youtube. There are detailed instructions on the Help tab for uploading pics & vids.
  • edited November -1
    Thank you LJ. Just realized it may have to wait until I get home though. I forgot my work blocks certain pages, and That happens to be one of them.
  • edited November -1
    Awwwww....PUPPIES! So cute!
  • edited November -1
    Oy! Puppies! :) They are very very cute. And the little girl that was following you around is too precious. 4 weeks old, and already a ham!
  • edited November -1
    Oh my such cuties they're growing good I can't wait to see the next pictures. That female puppy sounds cute following you around and the red puppy and light sesame shiba pups are cute whichever ones you choose they're both nice looking shiba inu. =)

    I'm curious I have a deposit on a shiba inu I was thinking of visiting the breeder when the puppies were a bit older so I was wondering at what age shiba inu puppies show most of their personality?
  • edited November -1
    I saw the puppies today for my once a week visit. They are now 5 weeks old and growing fast!!
    So I think we decided. Unless something major happens, we will be getting the little red boy. He is the quietest in the litter so far and not as hyper or chompy as his sesame brothers. He is also still a bit smaller than the rest of the litter, but he is definitely closing the gap slowly.

    Here is some pics of our boy
    all worn out from lots of play:
    I love this one... totally reminds me of a pic I saw of Hilo (but mini)

    And here are his litter mates too:

    Light sesame boy

    Dark sesame boy

    Red girl (she is SUCH a lover!)

    Boy from other 'show' litter:

    Light sesame boy and red girl playing:

    Both litters napping: (bottom left is our boy, bottom right is the light sesame we were also thinking about before. above them is the 2 from the other litter, Dark sesame boy at very top and red girl below him)

    Hope you all enjoyed all the pics : ) More to come next monday on my weekly trip!
  • edited November -1
    That DOES look like a mini Hilo! lol, All so cute.
  • edited November -1
    Awww, so cute. Puppies! Yay that your pup picked you! He is super adorable.

    I love the "mini hilo" picture...so cute.
  • edited November -1
    they are so precious!!!
    its great seeing them grow week aft week, i want one of them for myself too!
  • edited November -1
    AWW! Puppies are awesome first thing in the morning! :-D

    Your little red boy is absolutely adorable. And I agree, the 'mini Hilo' picture just melts my heart!
  • edited November -1
    What a happy way to sip coffee with tiny fur babies! (As my own Shiba nudges my leg..."mom! pay attention to me!") Thanks for sharing. :)
  • edited November -1
    So very cute......my wife is talking about another one.....lol
  • edited November -1
    I love the one where he is chewing on the belt! LOL
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