Mice Catcher

OK, so we were playing outside when Skippy got distracted in another part of the yard. I called him and he came instantly giving me a present...a mouse (barely dead). So much for not needing a farm cat! He was a little disappointed that I threw it away but I definitely praised him for it! Just thought I'd share something unique...


  • edited November -1
    Shibas are great at catching mice. Moto did it a number of times. Miko my shikoku also has caught her share. I know Brandons Nemo is quite a mouser also.
  • edited November -1
    My Akita Inu Mihoshi has caught mice. She was a young puppy around 7 months or so. They where building a new highschool by my house. The who are got invested with field mice. My cat and Mihoshi where actually working together. It was like he was leading the effort and directing Mihoshi where to go. The cat would chase them right into waiting Akita jaws. I would call Mihoshi's name and she would turn around with a mouse tail sticking out of her mouth LOL!
  • edited November -1
    Our cats have eliminated the chance for my pups to catch mice...So instead they catch crickets. It's sweet that your Skippy had wanted to share his prize with you, just shows there is something special between the two of you.
  • edited November -1
    Yes, Nemo loves to kill a mouse, slowly. Great toys for him.
  • edited November -1
    Even though mice are vermin like cockroaches with fur I am not too sure that I would allow torture of the animal. I perfer a quick and efficient kill :) The mice problem was so bad in San Ramon that they would run across the street. Many times when I was walking Mihoshi and not paying too much attention to the ground she would all of the sudden jerk and catch a mouse mid run. She would always grab them by the mouth and polish them off quick for which I am greatful.
  • edited November -1
    My dad's cat came home one day with a rabbit, still alive. I guess he wanted to snuff it with me.

    I was standing in the kitchen and I hear this horrible exorsict type noise, I turn around and I see the cat staring at me making this odd diesel engine/ devil noise. I thought he was about to jump onto my neck, so I called my wife. She comes out and sees he has a rabbit in his mouth, proceeds to rip him up by the scruff of the neck and throws him into my dads room. Meanwhile the rabbit has made a break for it and hides under the couch. I don my trusty Mechanix gloves, and my wife grabs a golf club (to try to push the rabbit from under the couch, not hit it over the head). After about fifteen minutes we fish the rabbit out from under the couch, and proceed to depsoit him back into the wild.
  • edited November -1
    Cats can be very brutal when it comes to bringing home animals...we had this one cat that would always bring home headless squirrels everyday, and once brought back a muskrat that was bigger than him. Not to mention every Blue-Jay had it in for him, and whenever they saw him they would make such a ruckus, screaming their heads off and swooping down to pull at his tail.
  • edited November -1
    My outdoor cats have brought us many animals (live & dead) over the years. My favorite was this huge calico cat that we had that would steal puppies or kittens to bring them home. Needless to say, it was always fun trying to track down ownership. Imagine calling your neighbor..."Didn't you guys have puppies/kittens just a few weeks ago? Would you check to see if one was missing? Well, because we've got one down here that our mama cat just brought home"
  • edited November -1
    Wow, that's interesting, LJ. Were the puppies and kittens alive? My cats always hunt together in the Lanai. They catch mostly lizards and frogs and bring them back into the house.

    I wish my cat would bring me a Shika puppy >.<
  • edited November -1
    They were always alive - Patches just really enjoyed being a mama cat, I guess.
  • edited November -1
    OK, this has gotten a little graphic. However, I will say that we used to have a farm cat that would bring rabbits and mice to the back door all the time (until he got caught by a coyote). So, I guess having Skippy is just fine for that purpose, although he hasn't gotten a rabbit yet. We don't leave him unattended in the yard because of living out in the country and we do have rabbits however there hasn't been that interest yet. I usually keep him pretty busy playing and exercising. Thanks for the comments! It's been colorful!
  • edited November -1
    A few years ago, Sadie and I were hiking in the woods. All of a sudden, she started digging in the leaves. I let her go for a minute, turned to look at something, and when I turned back around she was madly wagging her tail. I said, "Why are you so excited?!" I heard squeaking and suddenly noticed the vole in her mouth. I was so startled that I screamed at the top of my lungs and she was so surprised by my screaming that she opened her mouth and dropped the vole. It ran away. I was scarred for life.
  • edited November -1

    Im a small animal lover so i have pets from, chinchillas, to rats, mice, rabbits, and ferrets!!!
    but.. i guess its a good thing, that I got my shiba at 3 months of age.
    They get along with all my of small animals =]
    Kenshin even sleeps with the rabbit!!
    (but i know.. shiba inus are hunting dogs =] )
  • edited November -1
    I am a small animal lover too. I have to say i would have a hard time if my animals where out killing wildlife.
    I used to get all jealous of my friends who's dads used to take them hunting. My dad was a Veitnam vet who told me he did enough hunting there.

    Well, one time I shot a bird with a BB gun and killed it. It felt awesome at first then when I looked at it I had the most horrible guilt. I could never hunt now.
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