Help please?? What's your crate size?

edited March 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
I've done so much reading my head hurts.....

Shiba books and sites say get a 'medium' crate size, but what 'medium' is varies by maker. I've read through the threads here an I'm reading things like 36" L is too big or just right.

Most sites/retailers say that medium is 30" or 36" L (although a couple say 24"L is medium), but they also say 30" or 36" L can be an intermediate.

People have also said "get the size for a beagle". Depending on the maker BOTH sizes say "for a beagle" (although many more say it for the 36" )

Our boy might be on the smaller size for a shiba since his dad is, but I am still afraid to get one to small or to big.

I THINK I'm leaning towards the 30" L crate, but not sure. Any suggestions from experienced owners?? I, and my headache, would super appreciate it.....


  • edited March 2009
    I use this one:
    (maybe the 30" w/ the sheltie on the box??)

    I don't still have the box though, but I'm fairly certain it said "Beagle/Cocker Spaniel" on it. It has a divider so the crate grows with the puppy. It doesn't matter if its too big (in my opinion) as long as you really only give them space as young puppies just to stand, turn and lie down comfortably. As adults, You remove the divider and you have a bigger crate.. I'm glad my shibas have the extra room, especially if they have to be in there longer than a couple hours.
  • edited November -1
    Ninja's crate is a Midwest Double Door Fold and Carry 30"L X 21"W X 24"H - He is 23 lbs. My boxer (who is very small @ 35 lbs.) can fit in there with him too. Not comfortably, but it's big enough for both of them. So I think it will be more than enough room for your shiba.

    Petco is having an internet sale on is the link: Midwest Lifestages Double Door Fold and Carry Crates
  • edited November -1
    Jazz's crate is 30x21x24
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Ryu and Roxy's crates are 36x26x24 with dividers
  • edited November -1
    Thank you for the input. super helps......
  • edited November -1
    So you guys like the crate vs. the kennel type? like this

    When they are pups do you place a divider in it? if so what kind ? do they make a commerical one or do you DIY?
  • edited November -1
    Ichi's is also 36x26x24 dual door collapsible crate from Titan and it came with a divider panel. He only had 1/3 of it as a puppy and within a month had half. After 3 months with us he had the whole crate to himself.

  • edited November -1
    Keiko 'inherited' a 36" crate, but we've had SO many potty training issues that we've decided it's too big for her. She's back in her 30" that we used for her as a puppy - it's not too small, she can stand up, turn around etc. in it. I just wanted her to have a bigger place to chill when we're out on the town.

    Hopefully the new doggy we adopt (I'm REALLY pushing to get an Akita cuz I like larger doggies) will be able to use the 36" ... I may have already named him (the dog we don't know we're getting) 'Rogi' as in pierogi my fav Polish food ;o)
  • edited November -1
    cute name! an yum to that!

    good luck with the akita : )

    and that you all for the input!
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