Is my crate too small?

edited March 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Hey guys, I aquired a crate from a friend of mine that no longer needed it. I am just wondering if it will be too small for a shiba puppy? Namiko will be almost 8 weeks old when we get her so she is still small, which is why I am thinking that this cage will be just right, any thoughts?

Cage is 22" x 15" x 17" and its a den style.

Also quick question on the actual crate training. What type of bedding is safe to use in there and should she have food and water in there? I have heard mixed things on both of these. I would assume water would be important to have at all times though.

Sorry one more question too, how long is too long to be in her cage? I live 10-15 mins from where I work so I plan on stopping home every day to let her out while she has to be in the crate.

Thanks guys.


  • edited March 2009
    I'm pretty sure that's the exact same size that Keiko had when we brought her home (at 2 months). She has a slightly larger crate now, but I can't find the measurements for the life of me. I'm home all day and my partner is home at night, so I'm not exactly familiar with how long is too long... we don't leave together for more than 3 hours at a time so it's never occurred to me to think that through.

    We also have water bottles (Lixit brand) attached to every doggy crate in the house - I don't really feel great leaving a bowl in the crate, plus it's a lot less likely to make a mess. Our pups all have a blanket in the bottom, but they've never shown signs of chewing/destroying bedding. If you think there might be a risk of chewing/swallowing bedding, I would probably hesitate to put something in there when you can't supervise.
  • edited November -1
    I don't know the exact dimensions of the crate we had but we got a decent sized one and then used a divider inside it so as she would grow we could change the amount of size she needed. At first we left food and water in the crates but as puppies they were kinda messy and knocked it over so we just make sure they get a bit of water before we head out anywhere. I would say when our girl was real little she would need to be let outside about every three hours too... One time we left for four hours and she had an accident in the crate. But once they get bigger and they learn to control it longer.
  • edited November -1
    i would recommend just getting the one you plan on using when she is an adult now and just use the divider. the pup will grow very fast. petco has them online with free shipping and 10% off.
    get the one that is 30*21*24.

    i would just put a towel in there maybe for now. she will likely destroy anything else. i still use the water bottle on the side of the crate. i wouldn't leave any food or water bowl in the crate. it won't be where it should be when you get back. my guy was already able to stay in his crate and hold it for 8 hours at 8 weeks. i came home for lunch everyday but there were a few days i couldn't and he didn't make any messes. good luck
  • edited November -1
    Just because a pup can hold it for 8 hours doesn't mean they should. A good rule of thumb is that a puppy can hold it for their age in months plus 1. So an 8 week old pup should be taken out every three hours at minimum. Ideally the crate should be just big enough that they can stand up and turn around in it. Any bigger and you risk them relieving themselves in one end and sleeping in the other.

    We don't offer food and water in Jack's crate, and if you wish to I recommend waiting until your puppy is at least 90% housebroken. Though it would probably be a good idea if you're going to leave her alone for more than 4 hours at a time. We had a towel for Jack to lay on because he had accidents a few times (mostly our fault).
  • edited November -1
    Ok, thanks guys. Looks like the most she would be left alone at anyone time would be 4 hours.
  • edited November -1
    My husband and I both work away from the house however we are able to get home during lunch. Therefore, since day 1, we've left Skippy in his wire kennel which is approximately 24x36x24. It's probably larger than he needs, however he has room to play and stretch out. We placed a dog rug in it so that the plastic bottom doesn't hurt his elbows. We just must have an amazing dog because since day 1, he hasn't messed in his kennel. We are on such a routine with him that he knows as soon as we get home during lunch, he goes outside does his duty and comes back for an afternoon nap in his kennel again. In the evening, he's out 100% but with his kennel door open so he knows that it's not a punishable place. I really like the wire style kennel because Skippy has more view opportunities. We placed the kennel in our front living room where we have floor to ceiling windows...opened for fresh air and listening to the wildlife. He's now 9 months old and as a reward of not messing in his kennel and the house, he now sleeps with our daughter. This gives him a change of scenery instead of his kennel 100%. As far as food/water, I do have a bowl with very little water left in it so that he can wet his pallate. Food is no (he'll drink more water then). The water bowl is heavy duty and he has other things to keep him occupied that he doesn't mess with it. So, the average left alone hours is 4.5 hours. I wouldn't want to push it much passed that. Hope this helps.
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