May be a dumb question but...

edited April 2009 in General
Im seriously thinking about getting a circular gate pen for Dexter. Everything in ky home is puppy proofed and i feel safe letting him be loose, but when i sit in the living room and he is constantly running into the kitchen and dissapearing for long amounts of makes me nervous. I like to be able to SEE what he is up to...overprotective new mom? Or am i heading in the right direction here?

-thanks guys, your input has been so helpful



  • edited April 2009
    We use our exercise pen to gate off areas of house so we can constantly keep an eye on our dogs - I think it's perfectly reasonable to want to keep an eye on them at all times, especially a puppy. The x-pen is great because you can make different shapes with it or just use it as a gate... I think ours goes up to 8 feet wide when it's in a straight line. You can also use it to incorporate a crate in the circle, we've done this outside while camping with a crate cover on the crate so the pups can get some shade or lay down if they don't want to be in the sun.

    I think ours is from petsmart and ran abour $40ish... but one of the BEST investments we've ever made!
    (Just looked at the petsmart website... maybe we paid a lot more than $40 (could have been $80+) but I still think it's worth it!)
  • edited November -1
    Thanks so much, ill deffinitely head over to the petsmart website and possibly stob by tommarow on my way to work, lol thanks ^.^
  • edited April 2009
    Gosh no this is not a dumb question....that's what we are here for....

    Baby gates and Ex-pen are great for blocking off areas. What's nice is that ex-pens can have multiple uses. We have used our ex-pen for set up in hotel rooms and while visiting relatives.

    If you have a yard it is also a great way to designate a potty spot for really young pups. We put the pups in on a regular schedule and if the go quickly they get to go outside in the bigger yard to play. Make sure if you have a jumper that you have a tall pen and a clipped cover to prevent escapes.

  • edited April 2009
    I think everyone here will tell you that the exercise pens [ as they're called ] have been one of their best investments that continues to get use over time. You are definitely heading in the right direction ;) ~
  • edited November -1
    We don't ever use them when we are home, but our pups love them. They each get their peanut butter kong and go in on their own whenever we leave the house. It's at the point where if they hear the rattling of the pens they get super excited and can't wait to run in.

    Like Patrice mentioned, this really helps when we go on trips and have to leave them at either the hotel or our relatives house. It is their little safety area, and they always run right in, no matter where we are. I guess it sort of acts like a larger version of a crate. Also, since we have two, they can also serve to gate off an area as wide as 16 ft!

    We never leave them alone for more than 5 hours, but they are pretty much always passed out sleeping whenever we come back, whether it is 45 minutes, or the whole 5 hours. I think they just attack their kongs, and then bum out! :)
  • edited November -1
    "It's a good thing."
  • edited November -1
    I gave up trying to keep Lexi locked up. We have gates from when we had my Akita Macey. They are high quality rubber coated metal mesh type that bolt to the wall. They worked great kept the giant where we wanted her. And she could not push or chew through them. They are only three feet tall however. Lexi was able to clear them easy. One time I walk around the back of the house and looked in through the patio door and watched clear the gate with about a foot under her belly. I then parked two of our high back mission style chairs from our dinning room infront of the gate. They stood about 18" over the gate. The flying pooch still got out. So I gave up. Both my wife and I work in down town Chicago and we are gone 10 to 11 hours a day. The wife does not want the dog locked up in a kennel that long so he has free run of the house. Lexi is about 19 months old now and really does not tear too much up. Usually it is one of the kids toys or some junk they did not put away. So in that regard Lexi is helping teach my kids to put thier junk away.

    What happened to me,
  • edited November -1
    Hell with babies and dogs soon to be running around we plan on having a baby gate on almost every door lol.
  • edited November -1
    LOL Rina... you're going to have kids in xpens and dogs in cribs and general mayhem!!!!
  • edited November -1
    Xpens are too good for kids, I'm chaining them out back :D
  • edited November -1
    LOL! Poor spaz ;o)
  • edited April 2009
    Good old chains. Where I used to work when it got busy with dangerous foot traffic and large dogs crashing around, *occasionally* the techs have been known to place an infant in a cleaned kennel temporarily.
  • edited November -1

  • edited November -1
    Ha ha, Baby cage.
  • edited November -1
    My home is, at times, a complicated maze of gates, knob-protectors, latches, crates, and playpens to keep someone out of one room, and someone in another, or keep whoever separated from wheover else, or so-and-so out of whichever cupboard.

    I actually get excited when I see things like fences and pens. I go to the hardware store and drool over anything with bars. LOL... I might be slightly crazy.
  • edited November -1
    Lol Heidi you're not alone :P
  • edited November -1
    Nice! Janitor!
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