Bees in spring

So it is exciting that spring is here, everything is turning green and flowers are on all the trees. I was just wondering if anything like this has happened to anyone else... Yesterday my shiba Sophie was outside in the side yard with her daddy, walking around, exploring like she does. When apparently she jumped in the air, caught a bee in her mouth, spit it out and stomped it to death. I was called outside to see the bee on the ground, motionless. She is a hunter. The strange part was that after she came inside about 10 minutes later she started howling and crying for about 2 minutes. She has had a pulled muscle the past few days so it may have been that but in all the days that she had her bum leg lately she has not made much sound at all about it (and we have medicine from our vet for her too for that). So I thought maybe she got the stinger stuck in her so we checked her paws and mouth and didn't see anything. Then I thought maybe she wanted to be praised for her "kill"? I wasn't really sure, didn't know if anybody else had something like this happen. She is fine though now... chewing bones and playing with her kong toys and what not.


  • edited November -1
    that's some crazy karate kid stuff. it's pretty amazing she didn't get stung.
  • edited November -1
    Tetsu was doing that all Saturday, now that the ants are taking flight. Nothing like watching a shiba constantly snap at the air.

    As for the whining, maybe she had gotten stung and was feeling the after effects of it. The stinger doesn't always stay in there, but you can feel a slight burning sensation for a few hours after being stung.
  • edited November -1
    Miso got stung by a bee in his face once, he cried a little bit. It got a little swolen but not too bad. I gave him a benadryl and he seemed to be fine the next day.
  • edited November -1
    Moto did the EXACT same thing one. Chased a bee, killed it, then a while later he started screaming. I rushed him to the vet. At which point he started to wiggle and smile and play bow.

  • edited November -1
    LOL! Bella and Nola have been chasing bees for a couple of weeks now. Luckily, they have not caught one. I might cry if they ate a honey bee.
  • edited November -1
    Don't discount the bee sting, as the stinger works in it gets more painful and it isn't always obvious right away after getting stung. Even though many are drama queens it's best not to ignore and have some Benedryl around.

    We have had one rescue that got stung and was allergic had to be rushed into medical emergency to prevent shock. He has to have an antidote pin around his neck in summer so shots can be immediately administered if he gets stung again.

  • edited November -1
    Thats funny about Moto. I am glad Sophie didn't have an allergic reaction, but the very next day she was out and about looking for more bees in the bushes outside... so I guess it didn't bother her too much.
  • edited November -1
    Snickers was stung by a bee - in the mouth - a few years ago also. He had a fairly severe allergic reaction and had to go to the vet.
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