We're Moving - Transition for Change?

We're going to be moving to a new house in 2 months. Right now Skippy (10 months) sleeps with our daughter at night and kennel during the day. I put up a baby gate at her door so he can't get out just in case for roaming. His routine is perfect and he seems to be extremely happy and content. When we move my daughter's bedroom is not going to be on the same level as we are. The problem is, every now and then (maybe 1x in 2 weeks) Skippy needs to get up in the middle of the night and go outside - thankfully we've never had a mess - he always lets us know immediately. So, I get up and take him out and then put him back into bed with our daughter. Our bed is only a queen and not big enough for a dog too otherwise I'd let him sleep with us when we move so. I'm concerned about him sleeping with our daughter after the move because of the possibility of needing to get up during the night - no, our daughter sleeps like a rock so she doesn't hear him.

Question? How do I transition Skippy over to a large dog pillow instead of my daughter's bed so that I can place his pillow in our bedroom after the move? This way he can sleep in our room on his own pillow and I can hear him IF he needs to get up in the night. Will this be an easy transition or should I go ahead and start the transition now?


  • edited November -1
    I'd say teach him to sit on the dog pillow and treat him when he does, and also every time he jumps onto the bed take him off and set him on the pillow. It might take a night or two of little to no sleep to do this. You might also look into dog walky-talkies, I think they have ones that attach to the dog's collar, you could also use a baby monitor. I'd say start the transition now since he's comfortable at home and you can be well prepared.

    Hope this helps, I'm sure more people will send you advice
  • edited November -1
    Expen around the dog bed?
  • edited November -1
    Triton sleeps in bed with us (we have a queen too but we're used to it) but sometimes he likes to sleep in his dog bed. It is a donut style with not a hole in the middle, but an indent I guess. We cover it with soft blankies and his toys. He absolutely LOVES it. Maybe if you get Skippy a really comfy bed he will enjoy it.
  • edited November -1
    OK, so I went out and bought a bed yesterday. It was a wicker (very large) with a big cushion inside. I put his kennel blanket with a few toys in it so he knew it was his. I figured we'd put it in our daughter's room so if he wanted to "try" it he could. This morning, the cushion was thrown in our hallway and him spread out on our daughter's bed like "I'm not sleeping in that!". Guess he didn't like that bed???? I'm going to return it and see what I can find for a large pillow/donut style. This might be harder than initially thought.
  • edited November -1
    Is your daughter interested in sleeping on the dog bed with him in your room?
  • edited November -1
    Are you sure he put the dog bed in the hallway, and not your daughter? I don't mean to sound rude, but have you asked your daughter where she'd prefer him to sleep. If she still wants him to sleep in her room, she may try to "sabotage" your attempts to adjusting him to sleep in yours.
  • edited November -1
    My daughter is 14 and no, she didn't put it in the hall. She sleeps like a rock and I hear absolutely everything! I heard something hit the gate around 3:30AM and thought it was Skippy needing to go out -- nope, the pad was in the hall and he'd jumped up and spralled out on the bed. She could care less where he sleeps since Skippy is technically my dog. He just kind of adopted her bed since it's a queen and there's lots of room available. LOL, I don't think I could get my daughter to sleep on the dog bed with the dog in our room.....Looks like it's just going to take some extra time.
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