has anybody seen this?

edited May 2009 in General
Has anybody here seen or tried this? I had read about another company that was going to try something similar a few years ago, but never took off(I'm guessing because of the economy).


It looks like there will soon be an alternate solution for flying pets other than putting them as cargo on commercial airlines. I hope they do well and will start offering nationwide service to other airports.


  • edited November -1
    Wow, that looks pretty cool. I just checked a flight from NY to Los Angeles one way and it was $160. Not bad, plus it was an overnight flight (red eye) so there are no stops!

    I hope this picks up, it would be great for travelers who want their companion to come along for the journey!
  • edited November -1
    That is so nice...If they advertise to breeders that airline could make lots of money. It's a shame that it's pet only, personally I'd like an airline that would allow me to sit next to my dog. Where each human seat comes with a dog seat designed to allow the seat-belted dogs to lay/sit comfortably.
  • edited November -1
    That would be ideal Beth, but I think this is a step in the right direction! I refused to fly my Huskies because I didn't want them in Cargo. We drove accross the entire country twice!
  • edited November -1
    yeah I wish you could just bring your dog aboard. When I went to Japan there was an old man with a face mask on who looked like he was dying a few rows back, some one in handcuffs on the other side of the aisle and a U.S. Marshall two seats over from me. If you can fly a sick person, a criminal, and a guy with a gun why can't I bring my dog on a plane with me. "No this isn't a dog, this is my child who was born with a horrible birth defect that makes them look like a dog. No a dog, not a fox. Now please stop bothering me, don't make me return to my small town with tales of big city persecution."
    I'd be interested to see what the inside of the plane looked like. To me it kind of sounds like they just made the main cabin an overglorified cargo hold.
  • edited November -1
    I think it's just rows of carriers, but by the looks of it they may be owned by the airline which could save you from having to buy one.
  • edited May 2009
    This is their Cabin.
  • edited November -1
    It is temperature controlled and pressurized and there is a flight attendant to make sure all the animals are okay, so it is MUCH better than cargo!
  • edited November -1
    I read something about an airline (a few years back) that was people + their furbabies, but I think due to the economy it never got off the ground (no pun intended). IMO anything is better than having to put my pup in with the baggage under the plane.

    I was told on my last plane ride (my baby is still just small enough to go under the seat), even though I had to pay $200 for her that she had to stay under the seat the entire time because SOME people may be allergic...
    I wanted to ask why the screaming lap child riding for free across from me didn't have to go under the seat, because EVERYBODY has ear drums, but I thought it best not to provoke an already irritated flight attendant
  • edited November -1
    And supposedly they take the dogs for a potty break before and after flight, as well as taking potty stops during flight. It says that the flight would take longer but the dog is more comfortable.
  • edited November -1
    I have read about it and I've got mixed feelings. I have never had a problem shipping dogs in cargo even on numerous transatlantic flights. It makes me EXTREMELY nervous that they remove the dogs from the crates. What if they manage to get away? What if I was shipping a CO or a Komondor or a Black Russian Terrier...or heck even an Australian Cattle Dog that decided to get snippy with the staff? Basically, I am not thrilled with the idea of my dog not being able to pee for 16 hours, but I'm even less enthused about him being handled by a stranger in a strange place.
  • edited November -1
    I checked them out since Koda will be shipped in 6 or 7 weeks, but they were not an option for me since they don't fly into the Bay Area yet. I'm lucky that my breeder might be coming out here for a vacation so she might fly with him. Which makes me feel a lot better.

    I drove my girlfriend to pick up her Bulldog puppy two weeks ago, and with all the Delta delays a flight from Alabama to Oakland, CA took over 14 hours for the puppy. Poor thing. He seems like a really well rounded dog but he had peed all over himself. They thought the flight would only take 6 hours.

    I agree, for a puppy being held may be ok but I'm not sure if I would want my adult dog handled in an airplane with multiple dogs around. Who knows what could happen if they took two out at the same time. When I called to ask them about this, they said that you could request your dog not be taken out and that they had an application where you are supposed to list your dogs special needs and temperment. Hopefully the flight attendants learn to read each and every one of those.
  • edited November -1
    I don't think they take the dogs out on the plane. My impression was that they don't have direct flights of more than a few hours so every dog can get the opportunity to be taken out on leash in between segments.
  • edited November -1
    160$ is even cheaper than the regular shipping costs. thats pretty awesome.
  • edited November -1
    Either way, I wouldn't have wanted Bear to be pulled out at all. He wouldn't have done well with a stranger and probably would have outweighed anyone working there. He was a sweetie pie, but also well aware that his size could intimidate people. I can only speak from my experience having a rescued Rott. That would not have worked out well.

    However, I was looking into them flying Koda over. Thank goodness it sounds like my breeder will be coming out here and is willing to fly with him. :-]
  • edited November -1
    Hey, found this craigslist wanted ad and wanted to share it on this thread. Looks like they're doing good if they're looking to hire.

    Pet Airways Pet Attendant
    Date: 2009-09-30, 2:26PM

    We are growing so we need some more take charge Pet Attendants for our NY Pet Lounge at Republic Airport in Farmingdale.
    Job Responsibities:
    Pet Airways Pet Attendants are responsible for the comfort and safety of all our pawsengers, from the time the reservation is made to the time that our pawsengers’ are picked up. Our pawsengers are our number one concern, and our Pet Attendants are expected to go beyond the call of duty to make sure that every pet gets the best care, with lots of love.
    Pet Attendants will be stationed at our Pet Lounges, checking in and taking care of our pawsengers on the ground, and on a rotating basis with other Pet Attendants, fly with our pawsengers taking care of them in the air.
    Pet Attendants will be in charge of our pawsenger’s welfare, and be prepared to make informed decisions regarding pet comfort and safety while in transit.
    Pet Attendants will also work with customers by email and phone to help in our customer service effort making sure all questions are answered and so that pet parents have a real person to talk to about their pets needs.
    • Previous substantial pet handling experience in a professional environment. e.g. Veterinary office staff, Vet technicians, pet boarding, pet grooming, pet day care.
    • Prefer certificated but not essential
    • Not afraid of flying
    • Have a can do, take charge attitude
    • Shown increasing responsibility in previous jobs
    • Computer skills essential
    • Physically strong enough to lift large pets. (50lbs)
    • Ability to work well with others and especially with all types of pets
    • Outgoing personality with a strong sense of responsibility
    • No allergies to pets (of course)
    • Willing to work nights and off hours
    • Maturity in thought and actions
    • Must absolutely love pets
    Pet Airways is an equal opportunity employer.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks Beth.
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