Kuma (Shikoku) Video spam

Well, I am really bad about videoing anything (too lazy), so this is an accomplishment for me!

Anyway, here is Kuma ringing this funny bell contraption that my parents sent me. I guess their neighbor made if for their dog to ring to go out. Well, Kuma was terrified of the contraption, let alone when the bell actually rang, when it first arrived. So it was a lot of work to get him to even come near it. But now....ringing the bell means that you might get some YUMMY treats!

Second video is a random play video...when you have too many stuffed toys to choose from!


  • edited November -1
    WOW! Kuma spam! This IS a treat!!!

    I absolutely love his face, adorable! There's something about him that reminds me of Loa :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Oh my goodness, he's adorable. He's a handsome dude, isn't he?
  • edited November -1
    Aww Kuma is soo cute! :)
    I seriously need to visit sometime. xD
  • edited November -1
    he's so smart! after he rings it, his look is priceless "and now YOU give me somethin'". lol!
    and he is so handsome!
  • edited November -1
    Jen and I watched your videos together - we LOVED the first one... very cute! His expression is great "You want me to ring this bell? This one right here? Are you sure?... ok, here it goes.". lol. Almost like he was "hamming" it up for the camera.


  • edited February 2009
    Ah, thanks guys!

    I thought you might like the bell ringing one! LOL! You wouldn't believe how long and drawn out the process teaching him was for him to get comfortable with the contraption and THEN ringing the bell. And just recently I started working on moving back away from the bell and asking for him to touch it. I could only move in 6 inch steps because he would get lost wondering what I wanted if I moved too quickly back. Now he has finally got it that I want the bell rung even from the next room. But, he does give me that look "are you sure you want THIS bell rung??".

    He's a good boy. :-)

    PS Anyone notice that he is "right-pawed"? He always has to paw it with his right and always will reposition himself to get it with his right paw. ;-)
  • edited November -1
    Such cool videos, that bell is hilarious...I think Tetsu is the same way with the right paw thing when it comes to giving his paw. Have you taught Kuma paw(shake,high 5)? Which paw did he choose to use.
  • edited November -1
    Calia - thanks for the comments. I have taught Kuma how to shake, but when I taught him, I taught him to do the paw I pointed too, so I don't notice a "handedness" with that. And I taught him "high ten" and not "high 5" so I cannot say. :-) I only saw it with the bell....funny contraption that it is!
  • edited November -1
    I can't believe how well behaved Kuma is! not to mention, how adorable his expressions are! =]
  • edited November -1
    Awww, Kuma spam!

    I love the videos Kris, he is such a smart boy!

    Can't wait to meet him!
  • edited November -1
    Wow! I LOVED that bell video. His expressions are just amazing. :)

    I think Bella is also right pawed. I will have to test that theory when I get home.
  • edited November -1
    He is so smart! What a good boy. I like his little prance.
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