eye boogers

edited May 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
My Shiba puppy has a lot of eye boogers! I would wipe them every 10 min or so, and the boogers keep coming back! I'm not sure if this is normal or maybe it's because of her diet? She's been eating Orijen puppy formula, and I believe it's grain free. Anyway, is having frequent eye boogers normal for a Shiba?? I hope I'm just overreacting and she doesn't have an eye infection...


  • edited November -1
    Tetsu only got eye boogers when he was playing in a dusty area. How long has your pups had eye boogers? SHe might be getting affected from something in the environment (there is a lot of pollen this time of year)
  • edited November -1
    If your shiba has a more severe allergy to corn products, than Orijen may affect her.

    Environmental and seasonal allergies also cause the eye boogs.

    I'd ask your vet to do (or refer you to a specialist for) an allergy test to make sure of the cause.
  • edited November -1
    Allergies would be a prime suspect in this case. My older Shiba, Bella has food and inhalent allergies. Pollen, grass, and corn really trigger eye watering and sneezing. I would take her to your vet for allergy testing.
  • edited November -1
    How long has she had them for? When we first got Penny, she had them for 2 weeks or so. We still aren't sure if she might've been allergic to the food she was previously on. We switched her to Wellness Core Ocean and after about 2 weeks, they disappeared. I don't think they were inhalant allergies either since this was the end of January.
  • edited November -1
    No boogies here - at least, not very often. Sounds like allergies though....
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