Favorite Coloration

edited January 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
We have plenty of shiba fans here and I was curious as to what everyone's favorite coloration is. I've included both standard and non-standard colorations.


  • edited November -1
    OMG! I don't know what to vote! I'm so torn!

    I love the reds because they look foxy.

    I love the sesames because they look like shikoku.

    I love the B&Ts because they look so pretty.

    I love the Tri-Colours because they look so unique.

    :( ~
  • edited January 2009
    Ok, after seeing Ruku & Roxy pictures I realize I really do love B&Ts the most, though all are gorgeous :) ~
  • edited November -1
    I couldn't pick... ! I love them all... I need a basket full of Shiba puppies now...
  • edited November -1
    Always here to oblidge when someone needs a basket of shiba puppies....

  • edited November -1
    hands down, sesame like Hanzo
  • edited November -1
    I voted Black and Tan, please don't tell Nemo.
  • edited November -1
    I cheated. I picked the "Favourite? Are you serious?!" response.

    I initially LOVED B&T's. That is all I ever wanted... Then I saw some sesame's that I thought were awesome. And of course, who could pick between Bella and Nola??? They are both so awesomely cute... Then there is little Tosca with her gorgeous red head. And gorgeous Ike with his perfect red. I love them all! Just give me a Shiba grin and a curly tail, and I will be butter in their furry little paws.
  • edited November -1
    I thought tri colour is just a more descriptive or accurate term for black and tan, but I see from looking at everyone's kids that there really is so much varience it's really tempting to make a seperate catagory for each.
  • edited November -1
    I voted Standard red, please don't tell Taj
  • edited November -1
    I cheated too Casey :P I couldn't decide.
  • edited November -1
    When I was looking for a shiba, I had told the rescue society that I didn't care what color it was, I just wanted a girl. I was, in my heart, hoping for a red one that looked as much like a fox as possible. (What can I say, foxes are cute.) That was my plan until I saw Tosca at which point I knew that this multi-colored fluff was mine. Her coat is like and post modernist painting; all splashes of colors, but still so pretty. As an added bonus, the friends who get all artsy-fartsy with my choice of artwork don't stand around and contemplate the deeper meaning of the black spots in front of Tosca's ears. Abstact art without the BS.
  • edited November -1
    i think red is the best. my shiba is red but her tail is semi sesame.
  • edited November -1
    In Japan Sesame and red are so common that I thought that I would never get a Shiba. Cause like everyone has one. But then I got Mercutio and it's Black and tan ther whole way! Especially with the eyebrows!!!
  • edited November -1
    I'm torn between the black/red sesame and the standard red with urajiro.
    Someday Toby will have a red Shiba friend. ;)
  • edited November -1
    Red Sesame.
  • edited November -1
    It's interesting for me to note how popular the B&T's are haha :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Ok going to vote red but B&T are a pretty close second. Now what is a urajiro?
  • edited November -1
    An explanation of Urajiro:


    by Leslie Ann Engen
    published in 1997 Feb/Mar Shiba-E-News
    First, lets get the pronunciation right! There are four syllables: u/ra/ji/ro. The u is pronounced oo as in the word food. The r in ra is slightly different from the English r, more like an l or d or a Spanish r without any flip or roll. If you fin it difficult to pronounce, use an English r sound. The a is pronounced like a in father. The gee in the word, gee whiz will do nicely for the ji. And, the r in ro is the same as above; the o as in the word boat. All together now, URAJIRO - oo/ra/gee/ro!

    The Japanese do not have a dictionary definition for this word because it is a two-part word. The first character, ura, means the reverse side; the undersurface, or inside. The s word. You thought English difficult?

    So, urajiro means undersurface white, which in English, is really a description rather than a word. Another English word for undersurface is ventral. If you remember that sharks and dolphins have a dorsal fin on their backs, it's easy to remember that ventral means the opposite of dorsal. We could say that all Shibas must have ventral white, but this single word, urajiro, far better brings the image to mind.

    The Nippo Standard states that all Shibas are required to have urajiro in the following areas:

    1. The mouth sides and cheeks 2. Each undersection of the jaw, neck, chest and stomach 3. The forechest, extending to the shoulder joint, but not extending onto the shoulder itself

    The Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) standard for the Shiba uses the word urajiro in its English translation. It defines it as "a whitish coat on the sides of the muzzle and on the cheeks, on the underside of the jaw and neck, on the chest and stomach and the underside of the tail, and on the inside of the legs.

    The inside of the ears and eye spots were not included in this list but probably should be since they are part of the same set of genes. As with everything about Shibas, the amount of urajiro a dog should have is moderate - neither too much nor too little. The line between the red coat color on the dog and the urajiro is not clear-cut, but rather, is slightly blurred. This is because the urajirt characteristic is linked with the kind of red coat the Shiba has. The gene that controls the Shiba red always shades to a lighter color on the belly of an adult dog. It is completely different from the gene that makes a solid red dog like an Irish Setter.

    The Nippo Standard for the Shiba also makes reference to other white markings that are acceptable but not required, and most important, these white markings are not urajiro. They are:

    1. White socks on the forelegs no further than the elbow joint; rear legs no further than the knee joint 2. The tip of the tail

    Another example of this type of marking is the patch of white blaze on the chest of a newborn Shiba puppy, standing out clearly from the brownish baby coat. Many times these newborn chest patches or tiny toe socks will fade into the urajiro as the puppy grows up. They're still there, you just can't see them anymore. Less desirable white markings that sometime occur are a snip on the bridge of the nose or forehead, a white spot on the back of the neck, or a white collar like those seen in Collies and Shelties. All of these markings have clean-cut edges. All are controlled by the same set of genes. Again, they are not urajiro.

    Hopefully, you are no longer asking why should we use the Japanese word urajiro in the United States. Remember:

    1. It consolidates all of the required white areas (controlled by the same set of genes) into one word. It clearly separates the required - from the not required optional white areas (i.e., socks and tail). 2. There is no simple translation of the word into English; one that can give these white areas a similar and consolidated identity. 3. FCI has already incorporated this Japanese word into the English FCI Shiba Standard, making it an international term.

    URAJIRO? . . . the required white markings on a Shiba!
  • edited November -1
    Whew, bet that was a mouth full. Thank you for clearing that up. Lily has an urajiro then. When I first looked into shibas here in Canada, they were very rare and info was sketchy. When I considered another dog I had looked at the breeders akitas origionally because I had a bitch from her lines years ago. I was confronted with the shiba bitch from Lily's litter as soon as I stepped out of my truck and instantly was taken in by her. Although I think my next shiba will have more consideration put into the breeder.
  • edited November -1
    I fell in love with the Red with urajiro because of this pic (but really all shibas are gorgeous in my eyes : )


  • edited November -1
    I like all the types of shiba colors! they are just all beautiful.
  • edited November -1
    I had wanted a cream colored shiba but when I met Tank, it made no difference that he was B&T w/ White markings. All I knew was that he was "the one" for the hub and I. :D Since having him, I've started to appreciate how pretty his B&T coat is... but I could never choose a favorite color so I cheated as well on the poll hehehe... :P
  • edited November -1
    I originally fell inlove with the Red Shibas, but then I liked the Sesame ones too (when I went to Japan seeking out Shikoku). However, for some reason I really love the Black & Tan Shibas. Now Steve, did you really have to post a photo of Mercutio? I told myself I wasn't allowed to get a Shiba, lol. They are too freakin' cute though. Atlas, I can't wait until I start fostering dogs. You can bet there will be a Shiba Inu among my list of rescues =(^-^)=.
  • edited November -1
    Oh yeah, I'm stealing Kristin's Sake. So I luffs the Cream colored ones too -smiles-.
  • edited November -1
    Love black and tan's but the darker the sesame the better.
  • edited November -1
    I love the black & tans right now (please don't tell my Anakin) but mostly because they look "dangerous" and their fur isn't as obvious when they shed (vs. the red & white all over my dark brown furniture!)

    But I also love the foxy look of the reds, and Anakin's red sesame coloring is beautiful, especially in winter when his coat is a dark red!
  • edited November -1
    Gotta go with red, with or without urajiro, in love with the reds! Though I must say cream/B&T are also totally adorable.
  • edited November -1
    Standard red
  • edited November -1
    I have to say black and tan all the way. :) I do love my little red girl, but...
  • edited November -1
    I agree of all the colorations I love Black and tan, but all the colors are beautiful just something about the B&T probably because I mostly see reds in the dog shows plus my second favorite color is black.
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