Scamps is finally closed!

edited June 2009 in General
Hey you guys-they finally shut down all the Scamps in Washington and Oregon. It's an enormous puppy store chain with horrible conditions. I don't know the particulars, if this pet cruelty supplier was forced to close, or if they opted to, but either way, I'm glad they are no longer in business.

I remember going to gawk at all the puppies and kittens in their plexiglass poo smeared cages when I was a kid. We also brought home my mom's neurotic pomeranian Buddy at the age of 6 months from the Lloyd Center Scamps. At 11 years old, he still succumbs to severe anxiety attacks and loses bladder/bowel continence when he is even briefly crated or left alone indoors. He was a pitiful 6 month old poo crusted puppy all those years ago and it's good to know that this particular chain won't be selling anymore.


  • edited November -1
    That's some good news. It's nice to see this horrible economy is at least having a positive effect somewhere.
  • edited November -1
    That's good news to hear I hope more pet stores will be shut down soon.

    The passpets in the mall near me closed a few years ago sadly there's another pet store in it's place called Who's your puppy they sell small breed dogs, dog cloths, and leashes I feel sorry for those dogs so I hope this one close down too. =(
  • edited November -1
    That is AWESOME!

    Though.... in our area the Petlands are supposed to close, and some are convinced that they will open under a new name. I'm praying that is not true at all.
  • edited November -1
    Glad to hear it!
  • edited November -1
    YAY!!!!!!!! I'm SO happy to hear this - finally putting an end to people going to pick up a ShibaMo on a whim (or any other breed for that matter).
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    That is great to hear!!

  • edited November -1
    Great news!
  • edited November -1
    ya, but don't go buying their "clearance" stuff just yet, its still more expensive than other places, and its on clearance!!!
  • edited November -1
    Excellent! ~
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