Shikoku Dog Register Application
I just moved all this stuff into one thread...
I'm interested to hear if you guys think this application is worth developing, I don't have a great deal of time to dedicate to it, but if we all feel it's worth it I will build it.
At dinner last night Jen and I started discussing some ideas for the application concept that was sparked in the "What size is your Shikoku?" thread. I think that application could be like a virtual 'bouncer' for unethical and irresponsible breeders who are looking just to make money by exploiting the breed. The idea is that if each Shikoku owner on this forum where to take the time to enter their dog's info into the application we would get a clear picture of the dogs that have been breed and what condition they are in - linking them back to there breeder, and even the parents of the dog.
This would act as a register for most of the Shikoku in the US, and maybe even for some outside the US. If we could get a good list of the dogs and some milestones of each dog we could also help track health issues and size. Hopefully it would be come the de facto list that anyone looking to get a Shikoku would resort to in order to find a responsible breeder. This would mos def deter any puppy mills from trying to breed Shikoku - it's like an 'open source' answer to the problem - or even a 'web 2.0' [I HATE that phrase] way to control the quality of the breed.
Let me know your thoughts...
Here is a diagram of my initial application concept:
Basically - an owner creates an account, adds his / her dog to the account. Then they log milestones for that dog.
I plan to display the results in a table that can be sorted by DOB, Sex, Breeder, Owner, and Alpha. Anyone will be able to see the register, but only users who create an account will be able to update the info. I'm not sure if I will have a 'approval' process or not.
What do you guys think? I am getting to geeky with this? Would you be willing to add your info once it is complete? [personal info will not be exposed to the public]
I like the concept. Are you aware that the Shikoku is recognized by the UKC? If all of us registered our pups with the UKC, some of that information would be stored on their site (such as owner, sire, dame, breeder, name, sex, and date of birth). Having said that, it might be worthwhile having that information duplicated on this site with the milestone information that the UKC would not have.
You're being creative, thoughtful, and thorough. Not sure if that falls into your definition of geeky.
I have no problem entering Nikkei's info - or mine.
My stores of knowledge are not vast, however:->>>!
I have added to the DB the tables needed to add the ability to 'link' files to DOGS and MILESTONES. I think this will give the most flexibility. For example when I add Ahi to my account I can scan her pedigree and upload it to her account. Anyone that views the details on Ahi can see that doc. Also if I create a milestone for Ahi's 1 year birthday I can include a picture, or a health cert. or any other type of file I feel would be helpful in documenting my dog's development.
Obviously I'll have to have some type of limit, like file types and/or file size... But I think that will give us the flexibility we need to properly document Shikokus.
As for the UKC thing, I think there will be overlaps of data in the app and in other associations databases - but I'm not sure that a bad thing. Redundant data will only insure the security / validity of the data.
I appreciate all the feedback - keep it coming!
Go to
There are some good ideas there.
But Miisan is the kennel name.
I think it is a wonderful idea! Most other breeds also have a database too. It is a great way of keeping record. I also think that we should add the individual dog's pedigree. If possible to include the individual's photo, can be one but profile view and front view would be awesome. In addition, a description of each Shikoku. Ya know, their personality type, temperment, activities (like what they are being used for), etc.
Just an update...
Jen and I are moving to a bigger place right now, so I have not had much time to work on the app. I hope to be able to work on it next week. I have a big project due Monday, once that is out of the way I will have some time I can dedicate to it.
Just an update - this app has not died. I worked on it all weekend and have the user functionality complete. Next I will be wiring it together and hope to be done in a week or so!
I also plan to add an interactive map (think Google Maps) to show the (rough) location of each registered Shikoku Ken (and eventually Kai Ken). I think that will be a neat feature.
If you have a 501(c)3, there are lots of free tools available to non-profits. Just an FYI.
A program like this was started for Alaskan Klee Kai trying to gather preliminary information and pedigree information on an voluntary basis as well as any health problems that have come up.. (in fact some breeders of AKK require as part of the buying contract that the adult dog have several tests run and the results submitted back to the breeder in order to keep track of any genetic problems that may result).
What was surprising is that some otherwise seemingly reputable breeders have completely refused to cooperate in the matter for whatever reason (probably citing privacy), and in fact has been one of the riffs between the two breed clubs that exist - one founded by the original breeder and the one now recognized by the UKC as the national breed club.
The current recognized national breed club does not participate in this program.. ..the original club founded by the original breeder runs the program.
I'm sure there is a national breed club for the Shikokuken since it is UKC recognized, and it would really be nice if this time around if the national club would actually participate in it. An open pedigree database with health information is valuable not only to perspective buyers but also as a research tool for breeders when seaching for good potential additions to the breeding pool, etc.