Akashima Kennel Puppy Birth!! (1 cream male, 1 red male, 1 red sesame female)



  • edited November -1
    He was born on the 24th of May, so I would say 5 weeks and 2 days :)

    some time left to find a home :)
  • edited November -1
    LisaW - i already have a shiba and know what i'm getting myself into. i got my shiba at 8 weeks and now he's 4.5 months old. i read alot on this forum on training and it's been great so far. The cream one would be a great to have. Thank you.
  • edited November -1
    Just be careful, We prolonged our puppy work by getting Tikaani while Tetsu was at 5 months and it is a lot of work. Definitely a lot more than if you were to get a puppy when the one you have is a few years old. We were definitely more lax with Tikaani because we got him at a time when Tetsu was showing how well housebroken he was. And you'll get even less sleep, as they never want to go at the same time and such.

    I remember that whenever we let them out before going to bed, one would go but the other would just stand there. Then at around 1am, the pup that didn't go needed to go, so we would take them both outside. The one that didn't need to go at 1am, would just stand there and would want to go at around 4am. And if we didn't let them out when they needed to go, well one or both would give us a late night present, of which would cause us to lose more sleep having to clean it up. Also sucks when you get a present from each at different times in the night (usually when one goes, the smell or something prompts the other to go about a half hour later, even if they went outside an hour earlier).

    Just giving you something else to think about.
  • edited November -1
    If you are up for the commitment, then do it. I'm an optimist. My ex surprised me by bringing home a GSD/Rott mix when Bear was 6 months old. Now ofcourse, he shared in the responsibility. I was happy to welcome another rescue to our pack, and Bear was happy to have a playmate.

    If your girlfriend has expressed an interest in adding another puppy to your home, and wants to take on the responsibility of training that's great. It's like having twins. Each one of you can work with one dog at a time.

    How is your Shiba with other pups? Have you had any to your home to see how he/she will react to another dog?
  • edited June 2009
    at 4.5 months old, I don't think you have a Shiba totally figured out. Wait until your Shiba hits 9-10 months old and really matures and really goes crazy. Then you will really know fully what a Shiba is all about.

    I also really doubt Katja or any reputable breeder would sell a puppy to be a surprise ...
  • edited November -1
    When my husband and I were looking for a dog, I seriously would have been p*ssed if he came home with some random dog that I've never met before, and vice versa-- Mind you we REALLY wanted a dog, not just talked about it, we were out every night to various shelters to pick out a dog..and sure enough something about each dog t one of us liked, the other, well, not so much.

    Now I'm not saying we're a god send to all dogs, seeing as we bought Shao New at a pet store (dodges bullets)..I know I know..I have no patience..but a dog is a commitment and a life...playing with your puppy is not the same as owning one (esp a Shiba in my opinion).
  • edited November -1
    Tobyshiba - what can i expect in the 9-10 months stage? please elaborate if possible. thank you.
  • edited November -1
    All hell to break loose! ha ha ha. That is a hard age. I'm sure there are threads on here that tell the horror stories of adolescence. I'm not looking forward to my dear puppy turning into a temporary a**hole, but I will love him all the way through it and probably lose my sanity at the same time.
  • edited November -1
    I'm not sure since my brat is only 5 and half months or so but I'm guessing Macaulay Culkin from that movie the GOOD SON? Do you have any more pics of Bingo you could post? Also where did you get him? I was looking at your other post and he's too freaking cute.
  • edited June 2009
    Ooooh MC was scary in that movie....kinda' like that but more in your face and "Nah nah nah nah nah nah you can't stop me." The teenage years. Picture you at 15.

    or better yet, Junior High
  • edited November -1
    Sake is now 10 months old. She is a jerk, she digs, she barks, she chews, she ignores me, she bites her brother, she all of the sudden doesn't know how to greet other dogs and instead attacks them, she guards everything, she is a grumpy little love bug.

    She is a rebellious teenager, she doesn't want ANYTHING to do with me and would rather torture her brother Miso all day and night. She will stay outside, won't come in the house, doesn't respond to treats, forgets her commands, etc. Basically your typical 10 month old Shiba.

    She still is very excited when we come home and will kiss and love us then, and she still sleeps all curled up with us in bed, but any other time she pretty much forgets we exist :P Gosh, I love that kid.
  • edited November -1
    Now think of that times two, you'll have to deal with both pups being like that as well as it lasting a little longer with the difference in age
  • edited November -1
    Oh she has also forgotten how to walk on a leash and how to play nicely with other dogs.
  • edited November -1
    Yes, that pretty much sums it up. It is hard with two. I will wait a couple years. Thanks for reminding me of the torture that I will have to endure in a few months. Somehow I magically blocked it out of my mind. I had my previous dogs as being "the best" but now I remember what little jerks they were right before 1 years old.

    Just called my girlfriend. She loves my middle of the day, I'm on the NihonKen forum questions. Roxy also tore up her house, chewed her couch, chewed the dining room table, clawed and bit huge holes in the walls at 10 months old. Up note, she has really nice furniture now that Rox is 2 1/2.
  • edited November -1
    Sake is the best...she is also a little $h*T sometimes. :)
  • edited November -1
    What did Toby do at 10 months old? Chewed through a set of dining room chairs, chewed on a table, chewed on the sofa, didn't listen to me, chewed half of his crate pan.

    If you said you did your research and know about the breed, then you should have already known that the rebel stage would be coming soon. ;) Two young/growing Shibas is waaay too much to handle at one time, I think. Wait until you Shiba is fully grown and see if you can handle one before regretting decisions.
  • edited November -1
    This reminds me of Grey's anatomy, your giving advice to someone else but also giving it to me. I'm fiending for another brat right now. I guess I'll have to see if I'm still alive in seven months though. Kristin, I refuse to believe that sweet little Sake girl is such a MONSTER! AHHHHH! I'm sure it's pretty frustrating at times but it does have to be funny. Sake just cracks me up. Yes, I watch Grey's anatomy and Ugly Betty too, with Dawn.
  • edited November -1
    I personally won't be getting another Shiba. xD I think they're a little too ... high and mighty and headstrong and I get frustrated sometimes training Toby. =P
    I'd rather have a 2nd dog that is more willing to please. heehee.
  • edited November -1
    I don't know if I can ever get a diffrent kind of dog.
  • edited November -1
    Lisa how's the little creamy guy doing?
  • edited November -1
    Ahhhh I know i'm late with a response but they look adorabblle!!!
  • edited November -1
    since I didnt get any new info from Katja I think hes fine, playing with his littermates :) but no home insight :(
  • edited November -1
    He found a home :) Katja emailed me today.
  • edited July 2009
    mission completed :)

    I hope his new owner will join this forum and spam us with sweet pics from him. I will remind Katja to tell him about this forum! or perhaps he is already a member? :)
  • edited November -1
    glad he found a home!
  • edited November -1
    shimaurashibalover92 - sorry to get back to you so late. i got bingo from a breeder our in LI NYC.
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