shedding BIG TIME

edited July 2009 in General
Has anyone else's shiba lost MOST of their coat due to shedding?? almost all of Sophie's shiny soft black fur is gone... and in a place is her coarse dull under coat. she looks terrible!! just curious if this is normal.... it has never happened before. My previous shiba Ruby died suddenly when she was 11 months old so we never saw her shed this much. this picture was taken today... you can see how dull she is.


  • edited November -1
    Is the picture working on your computer? I can't see it. It could totally be my comp. though, because it just does that sometimes.
  • edited November -1
    Is Sophie on any fish oil or seameal or missing link or flaxseed oil?

    The black and tan we fostered sheds her coat way worse than both of my dogs combined. Luckily she eats a LOT of fresh fish so that supplements her coat.
  • edited November -1
    she is on fish oil... doent really seem to be helping. she had such a beautiful coat. i hope she doesnt stay this way!!
  • edited November -1
    Whatever it is, I'm sure it won't be permanent. How long has she been on the fish oil? I know when Mylo's guard hairs became coarse it took about a month for him to get soft and shiny again.
  • edited November -1
    Have you tried giving her a bath with some good soap that has natural oil in it?
  • edited November -1
    I just saved the photo and opened it with another program on my comp and it worked. She still has her guard hairs, which is good. I was expecting a more gray colour. She is dull though. How often are you bathing her? Has she recently blown coat?
  • edited November -1
    That looks pretty normal. When they do a total coat blow where major loss of under coat and top coat occurs, usually once a year on a birthday/every other heat/more noticable in the summer, they look terrible. All that's left is pathetically scraggly, brittle, whispy hairs on the body, legs and buns that no amount of fish oil or bathing can force to return. The supplements and great diet can improve the new coat that comes in for sure, but the old coat is done for.
  • edited November -1
    If you don't like the way she looks anymore I could uhh, cough, take her off your hands. ;) I'm actually kind of anxious for Katsu's first blow. I don't know why.
  • edited November -1
    thanks everyone, i feel better now!! i'll get her something new for the bath just in case :)
  • edited November -1
    My favorite Mutts Comic Strip
  • edited November -1
    I was going to ask about this as well. My Shiba-Mix not only blew coat, but lost a ton of hair on his chest and belly. I'd never seen that before and it freaked me out.
  • edited November -1
    That is normally how a Shiba Inu sheds ... :)
    My Shiba has been blowing his coat for 2 1/2 months and he lost so much hair, some of the skin on his stomach is exposed. This is completely normal and how Shibas shed.
  • edited November -1
    This is Nola's first major blowing season, and WOW... Will it EVER end? She has finally almost lost all of her undercoat (still some stragglers on her hips), and she looks like she has lost 10 pounds. She has also gotten a little thin on her belly and inside of her legs. She has been shedding for about 3 months now. This odd weather we have been having since March has really thrown both of them out of kilter.

    Bella has just about finished her undercoat blow as well, but she has started to shed some of her guard hairs as well. She is also getting a little thin on her belly and inside of her legs. I am assuming these odd blowing patterns is due to the cool weather. Any ideas?
  • edited November -1
    I am always amazed that I can see his belly skin in the summer and then in winter I am amazed that I can't anymore. Shedding like crazy. Too many guard hairs it seems to me. Most of the woolly ones are out. My poor old Sage- he is kindof like Charle Brown's pal Pigpen, but with fur.
  • edited November -1
    Tank has been shedding for months (it seems) and he still hasn't stopped. He's been on fish oil for a month and a half now and there is a difference in how shiny and healthy his coat is (or what seems to be left :P ).
  • edited November -1
    By the time they are done shedding, winter will be coming and they'll have to start getting their winter coats in
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