What is your dog's default facial expression?

edited August 2009 in General
I thought this was a funny topic. Sometimes my friends tell me that my dog looks like shes scheming. Sometimes I get the, she looks depressed (although I personally dont think she looks depressed) another times I get that shes often looks very alert. Just wanted to see if Nihon Ken's generally have the same facial expressions.


  • edited August 2009
    I think Katsu either has a look of mild contempt, thoughtfullness, or she's really happy and just smiling. When she's watching TV or laying around it's the first two. When we first come home or she's having fun it's the last one. With that being said I think two people could look at the same dog and see two diffrent facial expressions.
  • edited November -1
    Anakin usually seems to be smiling. If he's not grinning at me (he's always up to something) then he has a very thoughtful expression on his face, as though he's asking, "Are we going somewhere? Are we playing? What are we doing now?" He's spoiled rotten, and it shows in every facial expression.
  • edited November -1
    In general they seem to have a focused Shiba-vision look, like when they are scoping things out (the 100-yard stare). Usually though, I get the dead alien eyes expression like when I ask them not to do something. It's creepy.
  • edited November -1
    lol, that's dead on Lindsay. Dawn and I always tell Katsu to stop giving us creepy alien looks. Sometimes her eyes seem so dark and lifeless. Just like the Snuggles Bear! I hate that fluffy hellspawn.
  • edited November -1
    Lol from what I remember when I was growing up, my female Shiba always had this snobby look on her face, like she was better than me, lol.
  • edited August 2009
    Joe/Dawn-especially at night, the entire eye looks black and glassy, like an alien head with the slanted eyes. Then he blinks with such force it's reminds me of the little baby alien in Men in Black. Ike does that all the time and he has no other expression on his face, it feels like I am inside a Japanese horror movie like Ringu or Gozu or something weird like that. He does it on purpose because he knows I get jumpy at night, the stinker. Here he is in his true form :)
  • edited November -1
    he's so handsome though. I never made the connection, but we just saw MIB last night and yeah that alien baby was definitely part Shiba. I know she's a dog, but sometimes I look at her and see a furry little person an I tell her "Baby I love you, but your weird looking."
  • edited November -1
    well obviously he's an alien. I don't know how I missed the antennae on his head. You should sell that pic to the National Inquirer.

    Dog Alien fathers Bat Boy to Katie Holmes!
  • edited November -1
    HA! That would be silly, you know Katie Holmes doesn't exist.
  • edited November -1
    Your right she stopped exsiting the moment Tom Cruise stole her from Paci Ritter. That's right I watched Dawson Creek! and I loved it

  • edited November -1
    Oohh, snap!
  • edited November -1
    Miso always looks content and thoughtful. He has such a peaceful look to him.

    Sake always looks like she is planning murder and knowing she will get away with it.
  • edited August 2009
    Reilly looks regal and serious
    Sage looks curious or "crestfallen."

    I love his play face, though:
    Sage and Reilly

  • edited November -1
    Tsuki usually looks like a combination of bored/contemplative/pissed off

    Kitsu is the king of goofy expressions, I love love love it
  • edited November -1
    Nola usually has a very happy serene expression on her face.

    Bella usually looks like she is plotting something or contemplating life's incredible mysteries.
  • edited November -1
    Toby always either looks frustrated as hell or smiling.

    "Why you come out here? Stop taking photos of me!"

    "Ball, ball, ball! :D"
  • edited August 2009
    OMG Lindsay your Ike is so silly I'd be jumpy if Saya would do that to me too.

    Saya's face always seems to look likes she's ready for adventure and she's thinking of the next thing to get into trouble also Bella's face is usually a worried look with a wrinkley face and sometimes she looks calm and ragal like. I can't wait till Saya makes some silly faces like your dogs do. lol

    I'm loving these facial expressions especially Ikes and Reilly and Sage looks cute in the picture smiling ready to play and stuff. :D
  • edited November -1
    This is standard looking Nemo:

    Nemo 12-08-0076
  • edited November -1
    Ichi switches from pensive to relaxed, but aware. This is Ichi's default look.
  • edited August 2009
    I usually get the creepy look from Sevook, like he's staring me down wanting to kill me. These pics are preeeeeeeeeeety good examples. Although sometimes he's very happy looking too, like the last 2 pics :D
  • edited November -1
    Mylo has a calm, satisfied look most of the time. I think he's very content with life in general. He doesn't really have much to worry about. Unless of course the fire alarm goes off... in which case his expression turns into "Mommy, whyyyyyyyyy?!?!?!?! Make it stop. Please?"

    My favorite Mylo expression is when he first gets up from a nap, and one side of his face is kinda squished and lifted. Hilarious! I'll try to take a picture next time.
  • edited November -1
    p.s. I love Ichi's default. He looks so pleased =0)
  • edited November -1
    Jazz typically looks smugly superior. If I'm not within a few feet of her (or if I'm on the laptop), she'll drop her head on her paws and look downward. I swear that dog is into giving guilt trips - much better than my mom ever did! Lastly and the one one I love the most, is Jazz smiling - it usually occurs because I came home or I'm laying down with her.
  • edited November -1
    I think Jazz has a regal look on her face. She knows she's the Queen!

    I think Sevook does look ready to committ murder, I think it may have something to do with the outfits he's wearing. Katsu has the same look when we dress her up in her pig costume. It ranges from embarassed to angry.
  • edited November -1
    I absolutely love all the photos!!!

    I especially like the ones of Sevuk the minpin, because I can relate! :)

    As for our dog's default facial expression..
    Well, here's an unique one..

    Yoshiki says Lilith's expression (before we ever read this thread) was "shrimpy"!

    Why shrimpy? Well.. take a look at Lilith's photo (on my profile page).. and then think of those shrimps you've seen cooked with heads on...

    Now that he mentioned it.. kinda shrimpy, indeed...
  • edited November -1
    Joe: haha, yeah, we figured he was cursing all of our names when we put the clothes on him :D Funny part is, he never tries to take them off, he actually likes them, and needs them in winter because its too cold for him to go outside without it, he starts shivering. I've actually even knit him a sweater with warmer yarn.
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