...close calls...

edited August 2009 in General
So, the little rugrat is just hanging out with the better half at the dining table as I'm cooking breakfast. He's never usually out this late with us during the week so he's enjoying lying down by our feet under the dining table. Breakfast being done, plates are replaced with laptops, and all of a sudden I hear the dog snacking on something. I look below and he's chewing through a power cord for the laptop...STILL PLUGGED IN! I quickly scared him, and as my fingers slid down the cord to feel for the damage, I felt doggie drool, and then saw a spark as my wet finger brushed across exposed wire. Needless to say, he earned a fast track to his kennel for the scare of the morning.

Still gives me goosebumps at what could've happened. He hasn't chewed cords since he was less than 4 months old. Little bugger decided to remind me he's still a puppy.



  • edited November -1
    Yikes! Glad both he and you are okay. Gotta love it when they remind you they are still puppies... I will have to post pictures of what I came home to today after my exam. :-/
  • edited November -1
    Glad he's alright.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Shark Teeth just like my Roxy!

    Glad it was just a close call :)
  • edited November -1
    So glad your puppy suffered no harm... Hope the laptop has a speedy recovery...

    Haven't had that sort of trouble with the dogs, but be wary if you have a rabbit house pet. We had a big white rabbit named Snowball (what else in MN?) a few years ago when my daughter was young. Snowball lived on our screen porch, and Megan and her friends decided one evening it would be cool to "camp out" overnight on the porch with the bunny. She had a clock radio out there for the tunes and time, and forgot to bring it inside when getting up next morning. We left the house on an errand, and returned to find the radio cord chewed all the way through. Luckily no damage to the bunny, the house (can you imagine if sparks had ignited her hay bale "habitrail" or straw bedding?). How she did not fry herself I'll never know. That bunny got into more trouble and survived like a cat with nine lives, I guess. We only had her three short years and I think it was that 10th incident that didn't work for her --- but those are stories for a different "bunny blog" or forum...
  • edited November -1
    Close call indeed! Phew...

    ...Puppy ("Kei") Shoushuu chewed my Sega Genesis cord :( . [I also had a rabbit, Adonolas, who chewed on one of my dvd player cords.]

    Gotta watch out for those pups, especially when they are quiet. Experience has concluded that this is when they are up to the most trouble :) . Even as "house trained" adults. Dogs will be dogs...

    Glad the puppers is okay, how's the laptop? Still working, assuming it is that very laptop you sent this post from?
  • edited November -1
    Naw...it was my little sister's laptop, had to buy a new power brick for her. She is currently visiting me. I post via my iPhone or workstation machine.

  • edited November -1
    yikes! Glad you caught him!
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